Gangplank counter

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players, gangplank counter. Play smart with our LoL champion counters.

Gangplank top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Gangplank top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Gangplank wins against Vladimir After normalising both champions win rates Gangplank wins against Vladimir The average opponent winrate against Vladimiris Gangplank wins against Kayle

Gangplank counter

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Gangplank Top. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Gangplank wins lane against Name Gold diff Shen Top. Mundo Top. Jax Top. Vayne Top.

He will outpoke you by a landslide, but you will beat him in a close-up fight. This will make it gangplank counter for the GP to play.


Gangplank top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Gangplank top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Gangplank wins against Vladimir After normalising both champions win rates Gangplank wins against Vladimir 9. The average opponent winrate against Vladimiris Gangplank wins against Kayle After normalising both champions win rates Gangplank wins against Kayle 4.

Gangplank counter

Even if these Gangplank counter picks are not taken in your lane, it's not a good idea to take him into one of these matchups. They will likely win against Gangplank. Gangplank's Remove Scurvy is a good counter to CC spells. Gangplank counters a lot of heavy CC team comps or lane matchups. Bait that out before casting all your team's CC. Be aware that Gangplank can cast Cannon Barrage from anywhere and it's a global. The large AoE slow of his Ult means that Gangplank counters most mobile champs. little

Renekton Top. You will have to accept life how it is. Even if he W's perfectly your auto will hit barrel first. After normalising both champions win rates Gangplank wins against Gwen 0. Just don't feed him, that's the worst thing you can do. You can destroy kegs the moment their health drops with leaped W. Electrocute is good too, but you must be better than GP to succeed with this. You can kill him without it. Punish his level 1. Cho'Gath the Terror of the Void. Bully him early to get the level advantage. Both q and w maxes work.

Blue vs.

He can be extremely annoying with his q and can block your slow with W. Take First Strike. He will get more gold because of first strike. Jarvan IV the Exemplar of Demacia. Galio the Colossus. Use your jungler to gain advantages for lane. Play around his barrels and try to break them before he manages to make his combo. However, he also has a lot of damage, so you need to make sure to bait out his barrels or destroy them when they appear. Bait his R out while using Ghost to escape it and let yourself heal. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight. Just make sure whenever you all in him, destroy barrel first. After getting tanky enough he should not be a problem for Cho. The average opponent winrate against Udyris

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