Fme upc

It is part of the activities of the 50th anniversary of the UPC and arrives renewed in the FME with the incorporation of more than fme upc new spaces:.

This Legal Notice is intended to regulate access and use and, in general, the relationship between this website, accessible from the Internet addresses datathon. This Website is informative, open and available to the public. The access to the Website attributes to the person who carries it out the condition of User, who accepts from that moment on, fully and without any reservation, the conditions contained in this Legal Notice. The User undertakes to use the Website, its contents and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, the good customs and the public order. The use of the Website for illicit or harmful purposes against AED or third parties is prohibited. Reproduction, distribution or modification of the contents of this website is prohibited without the written permission of the legitimate owners.

Fme upc

It was born out of the need to have a double degree that responds to the demand of a part of the students who, until now, had to choose between one degree or the other, or take them simultaneously without the possibility of subject recognition. The double degree is aimed at students with high abilities in both mathematics and music, with an interest in developing their professional career in these fields. Until now, students with this profile had to pursue the two degrees separately, with a workload of ECTS. Now they can obtain both degrees by completing The selection process will be carried out based on the qualifications obtained in the different tests. This double degree can be pursued from the musical specialisations of Composition and Performing. Both specializations aim to train highly qualified professionals in the fields of musical creation and performing, with their own aesthetics and language, and prepared to work with the formats, mediums, genres, and contexts that best suit the current job market demands. Mathematics-Composition Curriculum example. Mathematics-Piano Curriculum example. The double degree is completed in 10 semesters five academic years and begins in September. Students will need to enrol in both institutions. Credit validation will be automatic. The Mathematics degree at the FME provides comprehensive and demanding training in all core areas of mathematics and their applications. You will be trained in rigorous and conceptual thinking, as well as in applied aspects of the technological and scientific world.

We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences fme upc repeat visits. There are five available spots per year.


Annexa a la biblioteca hi ha la sala d'estudis de l'FME de 93 m 2 que disposa d'una sala general amb 25 punts de lectura i de 6 sales de treball per estudiar en grup 5 amb capacitat per a 4 persones i una per a 8 persones. Totes les sales estan equipades amb pissarra i la sala general disposa de 9 ordinadors equipat amb els mateixos programes que les sales de PC's de l'FME. Reserva una sala. Aquestes sales estan obertes segons l'horari vigent de l'edifici U :. Biblioteca del Campus de Terrassa Tancada. Biblioteca del Campus del Baix Llobregat Tancada. Biblioteca del Campus Universitari de Manresa Tancada. Sala de lectura.

Fme upc

Les biblioteques de la UPC posen al teu abast diferents recursos i serveis que et poden ajudar en Biblioteca del Campus de Terrassa Tancada. Biblioteca del Campus del Baix Llobregat Tancada. Biblioteca del Campus Universitari de Manresa Tancada. FME upc. Ets docent a la UPC? Xarxes socials a la bibliotecafme Segueix-nos al twitter, instagram i facebook per estar al dia de les novetats. KenKen : Lim-Ops, no-Ops and twist! KenKen : a puzzle a day!

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Visits of school groups with prior reservation to imaginary. It was born out of the need to have a double degree that responds to the demand of a part of the students who, until now, had to choose between one degree or the other, or take them simultaneously without the possibility of subject recognition. This double degree can be pursued from the musical specialisations of Composition and Performing. Two kaleidoscopes of the kaleidoscope are exposed in the first place, which allow the visualization of archimethetic polyedrons and their dual ones. Accept Refuse See preferences Save preferences See preferences. For more information, click on the "View preferences" button or visit our cookies policy. This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law. AED shall be exempt from any liability for damages to the User and third parties in connection with:. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The selection process will be carried out based on the qualifications obtained in the different tests. The User expressly undertakes not to destroy, alter, render useless or in any other way damage the data, programs or electronic documents that are on the Website, or to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, Active X controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any kind of alteration in computer systems. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.


Reproduction, distribution or modification of the contents of this website is prohibited without the written permission of the legitimate owners. Manage consent. Students will need to enrol in both institutions. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Until now, students with this profile had to pursue the two degrees separately, with a workload of ECTS. Mathematics-Piano Curriculum example. Links that appear on the Website may not be approved by AED. This double degree can be pursued from the musical specialisations of Composition and Performing. The Mathematics degree at the FME provides comprehensive and demanding training in all core areas of mathematics and their applications. This Legal Notice is intended to regulate access and use and, in general, the relationship between this website, accessible from the Internet addresses datathon.

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