Fire emblem path of radiance triangle attack

The SF website says that the triangle attack is activated when the three brothers are in the formation detailed in the image below:.

After its appearance in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light , it has later appeared in subsequent games. The move involves three specific units who perform a coordinated strike on an enemy, dealing massive damage. It is aptly named due to the triangle placement of the three units around their target. This move is most commonly associated with the Pegasus Knight class as the original three who used this move were the Whitewings sisters, Palla , Catria , and Est. Many trios of Pegasus Knights have also been able to execute this special move after Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

Fire emblem path of radiance triangle attack

The attack is primarily associated with characters of the Pegasus Knight class and its advanced forms, but members of other classes have been able to perform it in certain games. The Triangle Attack is activated with two simple steps. Two of the members of the trio must wait next to the chosen target or both be next to them already when their phase begins , then the third member of the trio must move to complete the formation and attack the target. The activation of a Triangle Attack is usually heralded by the initiating unit announcing the impending Triangle Attack, and in all appearances except the Tellius and DS games, the Attack itself usually features a special animation depicting all three participants striking the target. In all of its appearances prior to Echoes: Shadows of Valentia excluding Gaiden , the successful activation of a Triangle Attack guarantees that the initiating unit will deal a critical hit to the enemy. The power of the Triangle Attack is determined solely by the initiating unit's attack power, with no influence from its partners. It does not otherwise boost the stats of any of the participating units or, if the units are too weak to actually normally deal damage to their target, allow them to avoid dealing zero damage; however, this is rarely a concern. There are two possible formations in which Triangle Attacks can be performed. The formations pictured to the right can be rotated in any direction and will still work, and can be activated from any of the three sides, but otherwise need to be exactly matched. In Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem , any and all of the participants in a Triangle Attack can be reclassed , and none of them are required to be in their original class in order to activate it, nor do they have to use the same weapon type.

Actually, their exact position doesn't matter.

For all FE I usually make a guide about options and menus, but since FE9 is much more complete with tutorials and all that, is not necessary. It's a nice shortcut instead of standing up and pressing the reset button if for some reason you want to restart the chapter It's a new thing they added, maybe to put something similar to the FE5 system without being so difficult. Each character has a wave and a circle that flashes on this wave. Each wave is divided into 30 "places" in which that circle is positioned, and that position advances every 10 fights the character has. Depending on the height of this wave seen in the stats window, you may get slight bonuses to evasion and hit. Column 2 and 3 are with the skills of the same name, which affect the biorhythm.

There are three main types of weapons in the game: swords, axes, and lances. In a system known as the Weapon Triangle, swords grant a bonus to damage and chance to hit against axes, while axes do the same against lances and lances do so against swords. Daggers are a fourth weapon type that do not participate in the Weapon Triangle. Magical weapons follow a similar pattern called the Trinity of Magic—with fire magic being effective against air magic, air versus thunder, and thunder versus fire. Light magic exists outside the Trinity of Magic. Individual units can only wield certain types of weapons. Each weapon in the game has a number of stats, including Rank, Might, Hit percentage, Critical percentage, Weight, Range, and Durability.

Fire emblem path of radiance triangle attack

The SF website says that the triangle attack is activated when the three brothers are in the formation detailed in the image below:. But in leopoldstotch's video below, at , the formation does not look anything like the image above. So I'm wondering, what exactly are the positioning requirements for the triangle attack? Does it have to be in that T shape? Is it only if all 3 have 2 range bows equipped? Does there have to be some sort of positioning requirement with only 2 of the brothers e. Boyd and Oscar must be in a line on opposite sides of the enemy? Rolf attacks from 3-range too. Not in a T-shape.

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Posted August 13, edited. Let's go! More More. What about for the pegasi? Triangle Attack!!! A Triangle Attack in Warriors. Ignores the crit-negating effect of the user's Runesword or the target's Hoplon Guard. Triangle attack. You may also need to promote Rolf - I'm not totally sure. Introduced in Fire Emblem Fates. Any unit that achieves class mastery of the Pegasus Knight class. Then, if they're all equipped with bows, the attack should activate the triangle attack. Introduced in Fire Emblem Warriors.

After its appearance in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light , it has later appeared in subsequent games. The move involves three specific units who perform a coordinated strike on an enemy, dealing massive damage.

A Triangle Attack in Gaiden. The only requirement for partner units is to be in a flying class, even if they cannot access the Pegasus Knight class. Flying units do not get bonuses. Minimum damage is Anonymous Not logged in Create account Log in. Edited August 12, by Integrity. The combat art iteration of the Triangle Attack returns in Three Houses , where it can be learned by any female unit by mastering the Pegasus Knight class. Page tools Page tools. Bord, Cord, you's ready? Ask A Question. Remember our training? It's a new thing they added, maybe to put something similar to the FE5 system without being so difficult. They cannot speak or move or dodge. What do you need help on? The Sacred Stones.

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