Exar kun

To learn about him is to learn about how too much knowledge can lead to the downfall of a Jedi. The Brotherhood was defeated, exar kun, and Exar Kun became a spirit that lived another years. He was exar kun gifted, and he was the clear superior student compared to the peers around him. Baas was an excellent teacher who trained several Jedi that thrived in the Order.

The character of Exar Kun was created by Kevin J. Kun first appeared as a dreamlike "dark man" in the trilogy's first novel, Jedi Search , and was properly introduced in the next novel, Dark Apprentice. Tom Veitch wrote the Tales of the Jedi which detailed Kun's life. I could've added more detail to the books. I spent more time writing the comics than the books.

Exar kun

A Human male, Kun was apprenticed to the respected Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, and in his days as a student he came across forbidden knowledge of the history of the Sith. Extremely confident in his own abilities and naturally quick to anger, Kun was filled with a burning curiosity regarding the Sith, and soon went on his own quest to find out as much as he could. Kun's search led him to the planet Onderon, which had once been ruled by a Sith Lord named Freedon Nadd. With the help of a pair of Nadd's followers, Kun came across Nadd's tomb on Onderon's moon Dxun, and there was confronted with the spirit of the dead Sith himself. Seeing in Kun a potential avenue to regain a physical form, Nadd directed the young Jedi to the ancient Sith homeworld of Korriban. There, Nadd conspired to grievously injure Kun, only healing the man when he accepted the dark side into his heart. Kun's next stop was to the moon Yavin 4, a place with its own Sith history—Kun enslaved the primitive Massassi living there and compelled them to build extensive temple complexes across the forested world. Soon afterward the fully corrupted Kun banished Nadd's spirit, having never trusted the old Sith, and in the process learned of several other nascent dark side users who had learned from Nadd. Seeing Nadd's other apprentices—Satal and Aleema Keto, Tetan nobles who had founded the Krath cult and conquered their native star system—as a threat, Kun set out to destroy them. Qel-Droma had been seduced by the dark side himself, and while the two briefly dueled, their battle was ended when the spirit of long-dead Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos appeared to proclaim the two fit to call themselves Sith Lords. Exar Kun was to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma his apprentice, and together they resolved to bring a Sith golden age back to the galaxy.

Exar kun energies from the amulets combined and began to form an image of the ancient Sith Empire and their Dark Lordsa message carried in the two talismans for centuries. To Kun's shock, exar kun, Nadd's spirit emerged from the coffin. As a spirit, Kun appeared to the young Jedi Gantoris.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Kun was apprenticed to the respected Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas , and in his days as a student he came across forbidden knowledge of the history of the Sith. Extremely confident in his abilities and naturally quick to anger, Kun was filled with a burning curiosity regarding the Sith and soon went on his quest to find out as much as he could. Kun's search led him to the planet Onderon , which had once been ruled by a Sith Lord named Freedon Nadd.

The character of Exar Kun was created by Kevin J. Kun first appeared as a dreamlike "dark man" in the trilogy's first novel, Jedi Search , and was properly introduced in the next novel, Dark Apprentice. Tom Veitch wrote the Tales of the Jedi which detailed Kun's life. I could've added more detail to the books. I spent more time writing the comics than the books. I know so much about him; he wouldn't have been quite so clear-cut a villain. I'd take the edge off him. Exar Kun was very rash but talented Jedi in his youth, but his qualities resulted in arrogance, not a quality that is warmly welcomed by Jedi. Whilst training, Exar frequently had sparring battles with his fellow Padawans Sylvar and Crado. Although they just be friendly matches, the rage and anger in Exar's eyes could be purely seen.

Exar kun

The double-bladed lightsaber, having debuted in Legends several years before The Phantom Menace released, is one of many Legends-era elements that made it into the main Star Wars saga movies. In the s, Legends known as the Expanded Universe at the time was the official Star Wars canon, so such synergy between the comics and live-action films was unsurprising. The post canon references Exar Kun and his influence on the Sith Order. Kun often used the dark side to augment his physical abilities and employ telekinesis, but his greatest feats include bending the Force to his will to generate a supernova, entrancing the entire Galactic Senate at once, and creating monstrous creatures. The Sith Lord's lightsaber skills matched his dark side powers, with the dark warrior only threatened by the combined might of the entire Jedi Order of the Old Sith Wars era and later Luke Skywalker in the post-Imperial era. Emperor Palpatine, despite his reliance on political scheming over direct confrontation, would also be capable of besting Exar Kun, having demonstrated more impressive feats throughout the Legends-era Dark Empire comics. Exar Kun is most notably referenced in a minuscule Easter egg in Solo. The sourcebook Gadgets and Gear ties Exar Kun to the films once again by revealing that he created the first double-bladed lightsaber in Star Wars canon , just as his Legends-era counterpart did.

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Upon entering the planet, Exar encountered the Massassi people. I'd take the edge off him. Kun first appeared as a dreamlike "dark man" in the trilogy's first novel, Jedi Search , and was properly introduced in the next novel, Dark Apprentice. Exar Kun appears in 24 issues View all. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. So, Exar started seeking this knowledge in secret. Kun also added customized controls to the lightsaber, allowing him to adjust both the length, measuring from half a meter to one and a half meters, and the intensity of each blade, using this variability to his tactical advantage in combat. Those worlds were not alone, nearly a quarter of the civilized worlds of the Republic were devastated by the Great Sith War, and many were forced to rebuild by themselves, as the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic were greatly depleted by the conflict. Vodo-Siosk Baas called Exar Kun the most formidable student he had ever trained, and his power in the Force only grew once he accepted the dark side into his heart. The Dark Side made him much more powerful, though. A holocron attributed to Kun was also extant during this time, containing information on Force spirits. Into Star Wars? Wearing the amulet on his left hand and shoulder, Kun gained the ability to unleash huge amounts of dark side energy. Related wiki Simple OC Template. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content.

The infamous Sith Lord Exar Kun had no relations with the true Sith Empire, but his fall to the dark side set the stage for the Mandalorian Wars and the eventual fall of Revan and Malak. Through long practice, he achieved unparalleled prowess in lightsaber combat.

Kun barely survived the collapse, clinging to life with his bones smashed in over a hundred places. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. Kun responded with a furious outburst of his own, nearly striking Sylvar down, but Baas jumped into the fray in the nick of time and disarmed his apprentice. The two dueled on the Senate floor, with the Krevaaki Jedi Master wielding only his wooden staff as he had before on Dantooine. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. To his dismay, however, Kun realized that the mausoleum itself was made out of Mandalorian iron , through which his lightsaber could not cut. Exar Kun displays his power and gains their loyalty. Emboldened by Kun's teachings, Durron began to rebel against Skywalker, whom he believed to be weak, indecisive, and not committed to destroying the Imperial threat that had recently reared its head again under the command of Admiral Natasi Daala. The Republic was able to greatly rebuild its shattered infrastructure and economy over a year Restoration Period , although it wouldn't be long until the government was embroiled in another galaxy-spanning conflict. In the Star Wars timeline, he was the first person to use one. I am lost if I go with you. After wandering the streets of the walled city for some time, Kun came across a pair of street preachers named Nebo and Rask , who were being assaulted by an angry crowd for speaking out against the Jedi and expressing Naddist sympathies.

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