Eve online killboard

All killmails are automatically pulled from the API. If you think a eve online killboard or lossmail is missing then please contact a Director. Please note, however, that the board has been known to take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days to update, so be patient. Your Comment should include a description of the situation which lead to the kill or loss, if possible include what you learned from it, eve online killboard.

You know what, fine. I am a reasonable man, I can compromise. Level 1. Level 2. Will generate killmail but without the victim fit and cargo.

Eve online killboard

I did some analysis of data which I scraped from zkillboard. It is based on killmails, so it only shows how efficiently each ship is used by the playerbase, not how powerful it is. Different tactics or metas could thus influence the results for certain ships. Really have no idea of how much the ship that won the fight was was worth only the ones that lost. Perhaps an average drop rate would be better, though … to be honest this really depends on what the targets are …. The zkillboard data interface I use allows to retrieve kills or losses for a specific ship. It can retrieve a maximum of entries. Because I want to evaluate the kills and losses over the same timeframe I only take the kills and losses into account that are within the same timeframe. For example when retrieving Merlin data I got kills and losses. Therefor I limit the kills to match the same timeframe as the losses. In the case of the Merlin there were kills in the timeframe of the losses.

The ships that obtain kills are probably worth slightly more than the ones that get killed.

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is. It is also often used to gather intel and check out what fits people use. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. Being that zKill is the most popular killboard, most corps or individuals allow it to pull their killmails. Where reasonable you can narrow down to kills, losses and solo. Further it is possible to filter for certain categories.

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is. It is also often used to gather intel and check out what fits people use. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. Being that zKill is the most popular killboard, most corps or individuals allow it to pull their killmails. Where reasonable you can narrow down to kills, losses and solo. Further it is possible to filter for certain categories. Known categories are: awox, ganked, npc, highsec, lowsec, nullsec, wh, abyssal. These filters can be combined through manipulation of the url.

Eve online killboard

From massive fleet battles with thousands of pilots to duels between two brave spaceship captains — the EVE Online Universe has it all! Further information about these events, with all the excitement, drama, and triumph or crushing losses, is provided by the EVE community on public killboards. Killboards can help data-mining and might expose behavioral patterns of pilots; they also can give an easy overview of important events and provide a list of top pilots or entities. In the hand of skillful pilots, they turn into useful intelligence gathering tools which might help to decide the fate of a battle long before the first shot is fired. Killboards in general are considered by many players to be quite important as they display, in cold numbers, ship kills and losses, thus allowing further analysis of encounters and campaigns. However, other players deny the relevance of killboards statistics and claim that the circumstances such as environment, fleet composition, fleet tactics, hostile fleet composition, battle objectives, etc. Another claim is that the deep gameplay with long term goals such as amassing wealth, conquering and holding space, destroying enemy empires, becoming an industrial tycoon, being a master spy and most important having long lasting fun simply cannot be captured by a single value on any killboard. Regardless of the above mentioned varying opinions, killboards document events in the EVE Online universe — if you want to check about the latest shuttle with PLEX in the cargo hold when undocking from the main trade hub in the Jita solar system or a massive ship battle several years ago : killboards give access to all this information. Originally the EVSCO developers joked that the project would be dead by the end of the first year - then the end of the 2nd year - then the 3rd and so forth.


But when I looked at myself on z-kill, I realized I actually used to be good at the game and that gave me the confidence to post more. Based on the shiptype destroyed, and the number and types of ships involved in the kill, the number of points indicates the difficulty of the kill I am not demanding anything. Paul Rem 1 Brothers of Tangra. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. This article is a stub. Namespaces Page Discussion. How it at this moment. Level 1. User Menu Username: Password: remember me?

Please support zKillboard by disabling your adblocker. Or block them with ISK and get a golden wreck too. CCP does not make killmails public.

Decres Estidal 19 Tactical Farmers. Will generate killmail but without the victim fit and cargo. You can help the UniWiki by expanding it. A palyer 1 Dracarys. In my experience people like sharing the bling kill they made to their friends, fleet, corp or alliance, so I give it very little chance of success. If you can, include a link to the AAR. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. Once we agreed to work for you, one of our agents will join your corporation and start putting up kills for you. Your Comment should include a description of the situation which lead to the kill or loss, if possible include what you learned from it. That is a problem for me. Thank you very much!

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