Eucap sahel niger

The Sahel is a vast region marked by extreme poverty and low levels of human development. A rise of violent extremism and organised crime over the last years, including trafficking in drugs, arms and human beings, pose security risks to the local population and eventually to the stability in Europe. However, Niger lacks sufficient resources to cope with the various threats. EUCAP Sahel Niger mainly provides support to the Internal Security Forces, namely to the National Police, the Gendarmerie and the National Guard, transferring its eucap sahel niger and practical knowledge to the forces, and supporting their organizational and strategic planning processes, eucap sahel niger, paired with infrastructure support.

Since its inception in , the Mission has been mandated to train and advise the Nigerien internal security forces, notably the Police Nationale, the Gendarmerie and the Garde Nationale, with a focus on combatting terrorism, organised crime and irregular migration. More specifically, support to the country's internal security forces include the following:. The focus is now on the mobile forces concept, which envisages doubling the current mobile units of police, gendarmerie and national guard to twelve units in the near future. This concept, in whose realisation EUCAP Sahel Niger plays an important coordinating role for the international partners, is an example of a holistic approach involving all actors on the ground. In response to a request from the Nigerien government, the Mission was established by the Council of the EU in July , [6] initially for a two-year period. The request was prompted by growing concerns over terrorism and organised crime in the region.

Eucap sahel niger


The focus is now on the mobile forces concept, which envisages doubling the current mobile units of police, gendarmerie and national guard to twelve units in the near future, eucap sahel niger. Iraq — Georgia —


About the report Niger and Mali are fragile states in Western Africa, whose security is threatened by the presence of terrorist groups, insecure borders and irregular migration. In order to respond to these threats, the EU set up CSDP Missions, respectively in and , to strengthen the capacity of internal security forces by providing training, advice and equipment. We concluded that the Missions had some success but that progress was slow. This was due to the difficult context in which the Missions worked, but also because of operational difficulties. We make a number of recommendations for improving operational efficiency, sustainability and monitoring. Insecurity in the Sahel region in West-Africa has a negative impact on both the development of its countries, and the interests of the European Union EU. The Common Security and Defence Policy CSDP is an EU instrument intended to meet challenges stemming from armed conflict, political instability, terrorism, organised crime and illegal migration. Under the CSDP the EU runs civilian Missions in Niger and Mali that provide training, advice and equipment in order to strengthen the capacity of the national forces responsible for internal security.

Eucap sahel niger

The agreement with Morocco came just three weeks after at least 37 people died at the Spanish-Moroccan border in the enclave of Melilla, after an attempt by some 2, people to enter Spanish territory. They also regretted the injuries, including to members of the Moroccan and Spanish border forces. These events put traditional methods of combatting human smuggling under strain. Besides the human tragedy, they showed how very dangerous and violent human smuggling networks were, and the extent to which they were prepared to take any risk.

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This concept, in whose realisation EUCAP Sahel Niger plays an important coordinating role for the international partners, is an example of a holistic approach involving all actors on the ground. Since its inception in , the Mission has been mandated to train and advise the Nigerien internal security forces, notably the Police Nationale, the Gendarmerie and the Garde Nationale, with a focus on combatting terrorism, organised crime and irregular migration. Niamey , Niger. Throughout the years, EUCAP Sahel Niger has built strong partnerships with national, regional and traditional authorities, as well as with civil society, to promote a people-centred security concept. FYROM — Official Journal of the European Union. Overseas interventions of the European Union 1. Guinea-Bissau — Central African Republic — Hidden categories: CS1 French-language sources fr Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata. In turn, the Mission enhances its focus on coaching and mentoring the internal security forces. Kosovo —present. The request was prompted by growing concerns over terrorism and organised crime in the region. Since , EUCAP Sahel Niger increasingly focuses on training internal security officials to become trainers, which then can pass on their skills and knowledge to their Nigerien colleagues.

Since its inception in , the Mission has been mandated to train and advise the Nigerien internal security forces, notably the Police Nationale, the Gendarmerie and the Garde Nationale, with a focus on combatting terrorism, organised crime and irregular migration. More specifically, support to the country's internal security forces include the following:.

Article Talk. Apart from direct assistance to law enforcement actors, the Mission also supports the Nigerien Armed Forces in their interaction with internal security, and the criminal law system and judicial structures, with the overall aim of facilitating access to justice and protecting human rights. Up to Europeans from security institutions and civilian entities are permanently deployed to the Mission. Retrieved 12 February EU civilian mission in Niger. Since , EUCAP Sahel Niger increasingly focuses on training internal security officials to become trainers, which then can pass on their skills and knowledge to their Nigerien colleagues. Since its inception in , the Mission has been mandated to train and advise the Nigerien internal security forces, notably the Police Nationale, the Gendarmerie and the Garde Nationale, with a focus on combatting terrorism, organised crime and irregular migration. Guinea-Bissau — The Sahel is a vast region marked by extreme poverty and low levels of human development. RD Congo — Official Journal of the European Union. In other projects. In turn, the Mission enhances its focus on coaching and mentoring the internal security forces. In addition, EUCAP Sahel Niger has significantly stepped up its efforts to provide strategic advising to the Nigerien authorities and ministries in charge of internal security policies. Download as PDF Printable version.

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