estudiantes sexis

Estudiantes sexis

Tolerance of intimate partner violence and sexist attitudes among health sciences students from three Spanish universities.

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Estudiantes sexis


Another possible explanation for this finding is that psychology students were also notably more sexist than the other health science students.


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Estudiantes sexis

Buscar por imagen. Busca en RF con una imagen en lugar de texto. Arrastra y suelta el archivo o Examinar. Incluir contenido generado por IA. Tipo de licencia Comercial. Dos alumnas con libros. De vuelta a la escuela. Alumnas caminando en la acera. Estudiante femenina y signo de la paz en uniforme. Dos adolescentes caminando fuera de la sala de clase.

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Table 1. Aggression in adolescent dating relationships: prevalence, justification, and health consequences. Perhaps during psychology studies, the excess of theoretical and practical exposure to information and examples of dysfunctional behaviors and situations desensitizes students, increasing their tolerance. All participants gave passive informed consent questionnaire instructions indicated implicit consent by completion and return of the form. Tolerance of intimate partner violence and sexist attitudes were very high, especially among psychology students. Authorship contributions F. Tolerance towards intimate partner violence and sexist attitudes were high among students of health sciences in Spain, especially in male students and in the degree of psychology. A cross-sectional study. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease of sexism in men, but not in women. Medical student reporting of factors affecting pre-clerkship changes in empathy: a qualitative study. Thank you for your past contribution to HuffPost. Introduction The prevalence of intimate partner violence IPV in youth dating is very high, even higher than in adulthood. Students who had a history of more than one dating relationship were asked to respond with reference to the most problematic relationship. Table 2. Medicine students represented


Table 2 shows the proportion of IPV-tolerant students and students with sexist attitudes according to sex, academic course, and degree. Previously, future research should confirm our findings and explore in greater depth the reasons we have hypothesized. Longitudinal studies are needed that follow up a group of young people from the beginning to the end of their university studies, as well as qualitative studies that examine the quantity and quality of training about violence offered by the universities and received by the students. It is time for zero tolerance for sexual harassment in academic medicine. Sexy colegialas See Gallery. Analogously, crude and adjusted proportions for total IPV-tolerance and total sexism according to the academic course included in the regression model as categorical variable were calculated separately by sex and degree. These results are shown for each IPV-tolerance forms and sexism functions. We surveyed 1, students who met selection criteria, from the University of Oviedo, from the University of Extremadura, and from the University of Seville. In any case, it should be considered that the overall high prevalence of IPV-tolerance and sexism observed among students of health sciences could be due to the very sensitive zero-tolerance criterion employed cut-off point: presence of tolerance towards a single IPV behavior and presence of a single sexist attitude , which may have increased false positives. When analyzing students' differences between consecutive academic courses, IPV-tolerance was lower in female medical students of higher courses, and sexist attitudes were lower in male medical students of higher courses, suggesting that some aspects of future doctors' training may address violence more than in other degrees. These findings suggest that changes in sexist attitudes come first, and only then does the teachable moment to produce changes in IPV-tolerance emerge.

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