emu commercial guy

Emu commercial guy

Most Liberty Mutual commercial actors and actresses are upcoming or established celebrities. The company often uses stars to promote their products but does not pick just anyone.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play demo reel David Hoffman Reel. David Hoffman was born in Philadelphia and grew up on U. Army bases.

Emu commercial guy

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He is currently located in Chicago, IL and enjoys creating digital art and taking bike rides along the lakefront during his free time!

In , Liberty Mutual launched a new advertising campaign featuring LiMu Emu and Doug, a "fictional dynamic duo are passionate about saving people from overpaying for one-size-fits-all insurance," as a press release described them. Based on the capers from classic buddy-cop TV shows , the two have now starred in a series of commercials that sometimes also feature a '70s-style vehicle and other props to evoke an earlier era. The ads are campy and fun, as you might expect, often thanks to the fact that emus will be emus, and there's a nostalgia factor that can't be denied. The latest of these ads, featuring a Zoom-based conversation to reflect the times, was released Feb. But watching these two characters together definitely brings up a few questions, including, "Who is that guy? The face behind Doug's aviator sunglasses belongs to actor David Hoffman, who is no stranger to the Super Bowl scene, as he's been in a Bud Light and a Doritos commercial that aired during previous NFL championship games.

The fictional dynamic duo are passionate about saving people from overpaying for one-size-fits-all insurance. The ads can be reviewed here. The new campaign kicks off with a series of second commercials introducing the humorous and over-the-top duo who appear on the scene to share their knowledge and help protect people from paying too much for insurance coverage. The new commercials were directed by Craig Gillespie, award-winning Australian feature film, television, and commercial director best known for his films Lars and the Real Girl and I, Tonya. Gillespie is recognized for his sharp, offbeat comedy and ability to inspire honest performances. The ads will run on a variety of national network and cable properties. The promise we make to our customers throughout the world is to provide protection for the unexpected, delivered with care. In business since , and headquartered in Boston, Mass. We are the third largest property and casualty insurer in the U.

Emu commercial guy

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Car Loans by Car. You Might Also Be Interested. It's by far the most popular video on his page, but you never know — if he keeps getting gigs like the Liberty Mutual ads, he might truly break through one of these days. The star is also popularly known for his impressive roles in There's The latest of these ads, featuring a Zoom-based conversation to reflect the times, was released Feb. San Francisco, CA. Working with children has given him enough experience to perform challenging roles like acting with wild animals. To keep himself occupied during the pandemic, Hoffman started producing a web series that currently has 40 episodes on his Breaking Through YouTube page, called George Washington Is Here to Help. Car Insurance by Model. Advert pop-ups can be annoying. Previous 1.

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Dustin plays the role of a long-haired blonde man with a dog in Resemblance ads. Honda Accord. Oil Change Cost. Volkswagen Jetta. Modern Family 8. He is among the longest-serving Liberty Mutual commercial actors. Liberty Mutual's LiMu Emu and Doug commercials live up to Hoffman's variety of comedy and help the car insurance company stand out against its competitors. The top five popular ones are:. One of the least featured yet most appreciated groups in the past were Black actors. Toyota Camry. He credits his Liberty Mutual gig as helping to provide him creative freedom by giving him an income through residual payments. He played a hand model named Tommy who lived in an apartment with "real" models. Edit page. Drive Well, Save More. Car Insurance by State.

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