Ekko counter mid

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Ekko jungle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Ekko jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games. Ekko wins against Qiyana After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Qiyana 7. The average opponent winrate against Qiyanais Ekko wins against Kha'Zix

Ekko counter mid

Let us take a look on how to beat Ekko. We will look at champions who are strong against Ekko and who are weak against Ekko. Use win rate, gold difference and creep score difference at minute 10 to find the best Mid champion who counters Ekko. You can already win in champion select with the right counters for Ekko. If you want to know how to counter Ekko then you need to take into account the best picks vs Ekko and the worst picks vs Ekko. This Ekko counter data is based on matches played by Pros on patch It is important to see whether Pros counter picked Ekko or whether they played as Ekko. Looking at the matches from Pros see table Pros counter picked Ekko we can see that they picked Orianna most often to counter pick Ekko. The matchup Orianna vs Ekko occured 13 times. Ekko has 5 wins and 8 losses in this matchup. Learn how to counter pick Orianna to get another perspective on the data.

Ekko can avoid all damage from your Ult and he will heal back some Health so you may be left in a ekko counter mid spot. Ekko is a dogshit laner unless he can spam e in lane without getting destroyed and vlad is too weak to punish it in this case.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Ekko Jungler, Mid. Summoner Spells.

Ekko is one of the best Mid laners in the game. He is very strong in the current meta, and can even be flexed into top and jungle. Because of his overall strength and popularity, it is beneficial for you to understand how to play against Ekko. In this Mobalytics guide , we will break down some tips and tricks to help you play against Ekko in the mid lane. Some of the champion recommendations we discuss in this guide will help you in the top lane too. You can also find his latest Runes and builds there as well as additional counter advice- so make sure to check it out! You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. We have tens of thousands of different, highly specific matchups curated by our challenger level players to help you lane against the enemy champion.

Ekko counter mid

No results found. Ekko Builds. Hide Jungle In the Jungle A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Ekko. Worst Picks Against Ekko. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Between him and lillia right now i would ban either.

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Utility Kassadin [Patch His R is the only problem as he can survive your all-ins and possibly turn the fight. So most high elo Ekko just perma farm with Q and roam and never even try to fight you. If he ignores you and pushes the wave with multiple Q's, make sure you push him all the way back if you can after he uses Q or try to regain wave control by continuously thinning his wave with Q's and AA's. After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Diana 0. He's very slippery and mobile and if you get a lucky stun on him. Watch out for his AOE from out of your vision, and be weary of his ult. Amumu jg bc im not clever by matg8 Amumu Player. Udyr Jungler. Am Ende ist es ein Melee Champ, den man mit Jungler punishen sollte. Ekko will look to set up a Parallel Convergence W stun by walking out of vision. Read more in the in-depth guide of matchups. Kayn Jungler.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -.

After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Evelynn 0. Also take note of when he Ults, if you see he has Ulted recently, then take advantage of that and engage before he has it up again. Ekko wins against Warwick After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Jarvan IV 1. Annie the Dark Child. Use ignite before he ults. Ekko wins against Mordekaiser Basically, if you are there, he cannot stand and fight so contest things against him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Stay away from his shadow following him. Low Elo Player's Ahri Guide! You can beat him early and that's it. Kindred Guide Patch

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