e5 2690v4

E5 2690v4

Price and performance details for the Intel Xeon E v4 2, e5 2690v4. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.

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E5 2690v4


Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Intel Xeon E v2 3. CPU Benchmarks.


We have been spoiled. We went from four to six Xeon on June Sandy Bridge Xeon E , March increased the core count to 8. However it could not go on forever. Sooner or later Intel would need to slow down a bit on adding cores, for both power and space reasons, and today Intel has finally pumped the brakes a bit. Fifteen months after Intel's Broadwell architecture and 14nm process first reached consumers, Broadwell has finally reached the multi-socket server space with Broadwell-EP. Like past EP cores, Broadwell-EP is the bigger, badder sibling of the consumer Broadwell parts, offering more cores, more memory bandwidth, more cache, and more server-focused features. And thanks to the jump from their 22nm process to their current-generation 14nm process, Intel gets to reap the benefits of a smaller, denser process. Getting back to our discussion of core counts then, even with the jump to 14nm, Intel has played it more conservatively with their core counts. Yet even then, for the new Xeon E5 v4 "only" 22 cores are activated, so we won't get to see everything Broadwell-EP is capable of right away.

E5 2690v4

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BL - Feb 22 [Excluded]. Code Name. CPU Not Available. From submitted results to PerformanceTest V10 as of 7th of March Memory Support: Max. Highly threaded applications can get more work done in parallel, completing tasks sooner. Max of Memory Channels. The 2nd graph shows the value for money, in terms of the CPUMark per dollar. Last 5 Baselines for Intel Xeon E v4 2. Recommended Customer Price. For multiple Processors, multiply the price shown by the number of CPUs.

The processor Intel Xeon E v4 is developed on the 14 nm technology node and architecture Broadwell E. Its base clock speed is 2. Intel Xeon E v4 contains 14 processing cores.

The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site. Memory Types. Max Turbo Frequency. Thermal Monitoring Technologies. It offers improved manageability by limiting downtime and maintaining productivity by isolating computing activities into separate partitions. For multiple Processors, multiply the price shown by the number of CPUs. Intel Xeon E v3 2. BL - Mar 03 The pricing history data shows the price for a single Processor. Max Memory Bandwidth. Max of Memory Channels.

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