Dragona joestar

Dragona is Jodio Joestar 's older brother [b] and works alongside him as a gangster in Honolulu, Hawaii, dragona joestar. He is a Stand user who wields Smooth Operatorsa colony-type Stand that can displace anything. Dragona is a slim dragona joestar year-old with an effeminate figure, dark skin, and long locked hair. He wears a crown of flowers, some having elongated petals that are reminiscent of hands, with a few locs swept over the crown as bangs.

I drew them from memory so hopefully nothing is off, but I'm rly proud of it!! A possible one-shot, maybe more coming. Jax wakes up in a weird looking place. E99 shook his head. Don't touch my water! Rhino denied, and Jax and E99 left.

Dragona joestar

They works at a fashion boutique in Kalihi called Iko Iko. At some point, they joined a gang in the neighborhood. One day, Dragona and their younger brother Jodio go on a job to smuggle drugs in surfboards. They steal a pickup truck and Dragona creates a fake driver's license using their Stand, replacing the original photo on the license with their own. Dragona is a slender eighteen-year-old DMAB person with tanned skin and long dreaded hair that parts into long straight bangs. Upon their head, they wear a wreath of flowers with some having elongated petals that are reminiscent of hands. Their appearance is heavily themed after dragons, as he has several stylized dragon tattoos on his shoulders and left thigh. They also has triple claw-like tattoos on their chest, arms, and left thigh. Moreover, they wears a necklace bearing a plate engraved with a stylized "D" which is made to look like a dragon. During his first appearance, they wears a plain dark bikini with a belt and arm rings, however in later appearances they wear a crop top and shorts, with another outfit including a sleeveless collared romper. To appear even more feminine, their chest has been given filler injections to make them resemble breasts.

Usagi and Dragona show the clerk all of their possessions. TJL Chapter 1. He uses the cameras to create two distinct videos, making the recorded evidence useless, dragona joestar.


It is a colony of small Stands which can grab and displace anything. Dragona refers to the Stand as his children. Smooth Operators is a group of at least four small robot-like Stands. Each "operator" has the appearance of a small robot with a humanoid top and tank treads instead of legs. Their heads have an oblong shape with curved corners, and the front part elongated like a nose. They also have two mechanical eyes protruding from the top of their heads. Their shoulders are cylinders and their arms have artificial articulations. Finally, each operator has a stylized "SO" engraved on the top of the head. Smooth Operators is able to move objects by grabbing them and then pushing or pulling in any direction, regardless of whether said object was fixed in place beforehand.

Dragona joestar

The ninth part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has begun, and with it has come the introduction of two new Joestars. One of them has been especially catching eyes, however, as it appears this might be the first transgender Jojo. Dragona is apparently into women's fashion, and Jodio says he receives chest injections designed to make him appear more feminine. Since it's still very early in the story, it's hard to say exactly what Dragona's gender identity is. Dragona may or may not be fully transgender at this point; the continued use of male pronouns and gendered terms like "brother" suggest that Dragona might actually be genderfluid, rather than a trans woman. Individuals who identify as genderfluid may feel more masculine or feminine at different times and would like to be treated according to how they're feeling at that particular moment. It's also possible that Dragona is still in the process of "coming out" as trans and hasn't made those desires clear to others. On the other hand, in the Japanese text, Dragona always uses the feminine first-person pronoun Atashi rather than the more masculine Boku or Ore , or the formal Watashi. Since the JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Part 9's main Jojo Jodio functions as the narrator for the chapter, it may be that Jodio doesn't fully understand Dragona's gender situation, either, and continues to use male terms to refer to his sibling because that's what he's used to doing. No one in the chapter addresses Dragona with third-person pronouns aside from Jodio, after all, so readers only have his words to go by.


Dragona works at a fashion boutique in Kalihi called Iko Iko. They works at a fashion boutique in Kalihi called Iko Iko. TJL Chapter 1. After she puts the diamond in a safe, Meryl asks them what happened at the big island because she knows that somehow, no one reported any burglary and yet they spent more than six hours on the island. Paco attempts to steal from one of the customers but Dragona stops him by grabbing his ear. Gunshots were then heard, and everyone Turned to see. Current Wiki. Rhino denied, and Jax and E99 left. She announced that there was a new gang. Thus, the fight ends and the crew starts an uneasy truce with their former enemy, whose name is " Charmingman ". Hugging Jodio. Inside the train-cart, Nate noticed a Weapons stand made of copper and glass. Go [to the gym] yourself if you want to! This post is locked. Zeppeli Robert E.

Dragona is Jodio Joestar 's older brother [b] and works alongside him as a gangster in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is a Stand user who wields Smooth Operators , a colony-type Stand that can displace anything.

She also informs them that they will be going as a team of four. After Nate tripped and fell onto the case, the arrow stabbed his chest, causing Nate to fall unconscious. Paco and Dragona assume that Rohan Kishibe, the manga artist, purifies drugs with the flasks and smuggles them illegally. He advances towards the paralyzed Dragona, almost succeeding in restraining him. Hugging Jodio. However, the lock is heavier than what Smooth Operators can manage. After the group arrives at the Kona Airport in Hawaii, Dragona scolds Usagi for being late and not providing a car, reminding him that they need to get back before the last plane of the day departs. Current Wiki. Ultra Jump September Cover. Go [to the gym] yourself if you want to! Their appearance is heavily themed after dragons, as he has several stylized dragon tattoos on his shoulders and left thigh. Jodio forces Rohan to deceive the police about the burglary to secure a safe passage back to O'ahu for the gang. They walk until they get to a major road and then call an Uber to go home. Dragona's gender is currently unknown.

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