dragon age stroud

Dragon age stroud

Sign In. Harry Hadden-Paton Male Inquisitor voice. Alix Wilton Regan Female Inquisitor voice. Jon Curry Male Inquisitor voice.

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Dragon age stroud

Is it just me, or is Alistair's character box now weirdly squished? Loleil , 5 June UTC. It is. I'm not sure what to do about it though I did some retooling that seems to have fixed the problem. The image of Alistair is a bit large now, but I kind of like it! Plus, the page reflows well enough that it really doesn't look that bad. Even at lower resolutions. That entry about him being a romance option felt good, I bet. Right, Selty?

No idea why people would want a whiny brat on the throne.

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The Dragon Age series is filled with tough decisions, and those choices often have consequences - both for the rest of the game and beyond into future installments. With Dragon Age 4 in production, it's time to think about which previous in-game decisions will have the biggest impact on DA4 's story. Realistically, more than one decision from the previous Dragon Age games will come back to haunt players come Dragon Age 4. However, there's one particular decision from Dragon Age: Inquisition that, based on what we know of Dragon Age 4 's story so far, seems most likely to have a big impact. Everyone who played Inquisition likely remembers "Here Lies the Abyss" quite well: it's the quest that took the Inquisitor, their army, Hawke, and a Grey Warden ally to Adamant fortress in the Western Approach. The Inquisition laid siege to the Grey Wardens holed up there, as they had begun to hear the Calling unbeknownst to them, at the interference of Corypheus and in desperation, they began to summon demons and bind them in a disastrous attempt to end the Blights for good.

Dragon age stroud

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Kelcat talk , August 28, UTC. Not to mention that even if you choose the Grey Warden they still differ to you and even if they're dead the Grey Warden's still leave or fight for you no matter what despite "lack of leadership". My female noble has a relation with Alistair and I've hardened him but I really don't want him to marry Anora so can he still stay with my warden so is there a way to keep him in my party and with my girl? He just takes the place of Stroud or Warden Alistair. Where can I find Red Templar Key? Hardened he doesn't say outright to execute her either. I sort of asumed Alistair thought that his mother was a servent girl, when Fiona was the actual mother. Anakerie 9 years ago 2. I'm not so sure about that. It's a step closer to finishing my complete world state though. It may be valuable for this wiki to differentiate between lore in the game and lore in the novels. Over the birth of a bastard son? Zoev , January 8, UTC.

Varric has a friend named Hawke , who fought Corypheus once before and now fears Grey Wardens are under the influence of the ancient darkspawn. Hawke has a Warden contact who may be able to say more.

If Logain alive he will became central pointman and make an appearance during one of the quest involving wardens. I thought that might be interesting. But that would mean that 1. I've been thinking about it this playthrough and it's really the only way for us to be bros. To the best of my recollection I was able to pick the ruler when I played through as an elf mage, but my memory is a bit hazy on that one so I am not positive. MHNetio 9 years ago 8. From my understanding, Alistair is born at the end of the 2nd book The Calling at which point in time Cailan is already 9 years old. He has hazel eyes and dark blond hair in his. He insisted on slaying the archdemon because as king it was his responsibilities. If Alistair's mother was a distraction while Rowan was pregnant, he would be about a year younger than Cailan, and everything ingame would fit perfectly.

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