dota sniper build

Dota sniper build

The Dota 2 Sniper Guide will show you what makes this one of the best Dota 2 heroes in the game. The hero is known for having the longest dota sniper build in Dota 2, meaning he is really good at countering specific heroes. Sadly, Sniper is extremely squishy, so he does not work in all situations.

DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility carry who excels at dealing moderate to heavy damage from an incredible range. With no escape mechanism, poor mobility, and only a modest health pool, Sniper is exceptionally frail at all stages of the game and vulnerable to enemies who confront him head-on. However, his abilities provide him both the means to keep his distance and systematically destroy his enemies from afar. Shrapnel is a potent, high-cast range zoning ability that provides vision for Sniper while slowing and damaging enemies in its area of effect; with up to 3 charges on the ability, Sniper can completely close off any viable routes for his opponents to approach or escape. Headshot supplements Sniper's right-click damage and briefly stops enemies when it procs, which can be quite debilitating since it has a high rate of occurring.

Dota sniper build

Kardel Sharpeye was born in a remote place deep in the Knollen mountain valley. Here, since time immemorial, its inhabitants have lived by hunting bizarre creatures known as Steepstalkers, which often crawl across the cliffs above their villages. They kill them from afar, then collect the bodies where they fall. Sharpeye was one of the best snipers of that strange tribe, to him, guns were like a part of the body, and aiming was as simple as a light touch. Then, on the day of the summoning, the day Sharpeye would gain his rightful place in the village, he had to undergo an ancient test: Use a single shot from the bottom of the valley to bring him down. If it failed, it would be an insult. In the gaze of his entire clan, Sharpeye raised his gun and pulled the trigger. A Steepstalker fell, and the crowd cheered. However, when cutting the meat of that animal, the whole village began to quiet down and become silent. The Elders discovered that Sharpeye's bullet had passed through the midpoint of the Steepstalker's eyes, and dug deep into its upper jaw.

The Late Game. Requires a good early game. Take Aim Extends the attack range of Sniper's rifle.

Stutter stepping between attack animations allows Sniper to land more hits on a moving target. Shrapnel gives vision through the fog of war, allowing Sniper to lock onto distant enemies with Assassinate. Dota 2 Wiki Explore. Useful pages. Explore Wikis Community Central.

DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! This guide aims to describe the style of play I have naturally adopted by trial and error which is essentially a pure damage per second DPS build with a small touch of situational utility. This guide is current for major patch update 6. The reason why I focus on DPS with Sniper is as follows: - someone has to do damage to defeat the enemy team and destroy towers - high DPS combined with Sniper's ability to free hit from his range advantage with Take Aim is extremely useful in the team fight scenario - high DPS equals faster farming of jungles and lanes - high DPS equals powerful pushing ability against towers - high DPS with lifesteal increases your survivability - with thoughtful positioning, wards, smoke and good teamplay you often do not need much else This rampage occurred when our team was behind almost 10 kills. No ultimates from either Void or Tidehunter due to Silencer and cooldown. A bit of luck, but also only possible by focusing on pure DPS. The reason I have written this guide is the quite good results I have been able to achieve, primarily in public games but occasionally in ranked games as well. Rampages are not as common but I do have 8 on record which I have included in gameplay footage.

Dota sniper build

DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! You need to log in before commenting.

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Shadow Shaman. Can be played as a support or carry. Dota 2: Sniper Shoot! Since you're Sniper in order to avoid enemy heroes taking you out too much, keep in mind that you have the HIGHEST range in the game, so during team fights keep as much distance as possible to secure a safe fight. Blade Mail: Blade Mail restores all of Sniper's damage, and the duration is typically long enough to kill Sniper or leave him low on health. However, some players like getting Faeire Fire because it allows the hero to last hit and heal himself when tanked. Buy backs uses up money, and whenever you use a buy back, it has to recharge in order for you to be able to use it again. With Hookshot, Clockwerk can easily bridge the space between him and Sniper, trapping him with Power Cogs. This is when you deal most of the damage you've worked hard for, and if you can score the win and defeat your enemy during the clash, then it's time to destroy the ancient! Shadow Fiend. Categories : Guides. Because of Lich's various slows, foes can be easily kited. Extreme attack range.

DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!

Dragon Lance Dragon Lance: Sniper's attack range is increased to yards, allowing him to shoot down opponents before they can close the distance. It began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. Aghanim's Scepter. The thing you have to take advantage of is it's the late game. Monkey King Bar. He is able to scout ahead with his Shrapnel , and pick off targets from extreme distances with Assassinate. Recommended Item Builds. When standing sniping the enemy remembers to pay attention to the moves, Sniper is not buffalo, a little mistake will make you go to the table to count the numbers immediately. Daedalus -Crystalys builds into Daedalus This gives you massive damage and a chance to deal critical attacks. Sniper is heavily item-dependent, relying on means to increase his survivability as well as his damage output as the game progresses. Shrapnel is a potent, high-cast range zoning ability that provides vision for Sniper while slowing and damaging enemies in its area of effect; with up to 3 charges on the ability, Sniper can completely close off any viable routes for his opponents to approach or escape. Wind Lace: Wind Lace is normally picked up by supports, however it might help Sniper compensate for his lack of mobility. Phase Boots.

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