Dominate synonym
The article presents research on the structure and content of the concept of sadness, dominate synonym, based on the statements of preschool and early school age children.
This article presents the latest lexical tendencies in the language of contemporary Polish youth. The directions of the dominance of certain meanings were analysed on the basis of the submissions for the Youth Word of the Year contest , as well as the online slang dictionary m iejski. The data obtained comes from natural users of the language and is based on their linguistic awareness and intuition. Dominant semantic fields were distinguished, namely human, interpersonal relationships, attitudes towards life, cultural preferences, etc. Coining new terms in these areas is accompanied by expressiveness, humour, and playing with language norms.
Dominate synonym
The question mark? That means that you can use it as a placeholder for a single letter or symbol. The query l? The number-sign matches any English consonant. For example, the query tra t finds the word "tract" but not "trait". The at-sign matches any English vowel including "y". For example, the query abo t finds the word "about" but not "abort". Enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern above to find synonyms, related words, and more. See Help or try one these examples: joyful sporadically small amount strong wind types of enzyme squishy, spongy, gooey. If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please re-enable it for this site. Here's how to do that on Chrome , Edge , and Safari. OneLook lets you find any kind of word for any kind of writing. Like a traditional thesaurus, you can use it to find synonyms and antonyms, but it's far more flexible.
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This article aims to examine the scope of information included in prefaces to historical bilingual or trilingual dictionaries. An analysis of prefaces to eighteen Polish-Latin and Latin-Polish dictionaries made it possible to indicate the most frequently discussed issues: references to dictionaries by earlier authors; description of the addressee and the purpose of the dictionary, praise of the work; notes on the models on which it draws; comments on the concept and macrostructure of the dictionary; comments on the microstructure of the dictionary. As established, until the nineteenth century prefaces to such dictionaries were dominated by general comments, whereas detailed notes were not an obligatory element: they largely depended on the size of the dictionary — the more extensive the dictionary, the more details about its macro- and microstructure were discussed in the preface. Celem analizy było ustalenie, jaki zakres wiadomości rejestrowały przedmowy do dawnych słowników przekładowych. Analiza przedmów do 18 słowników polsko-łacińskich i łacińsko-polskich pozwoliła wyodrębnić najczęściej pojawiające się zagadnienia: przywoływanie prac poprzedników; wskazanie adresata i celu wydania oraz pochwała słownika; uwagi dotyczące wykorzystanych pierwowzorów; uwagi na temat koncepcji i makrostruktury słownika; uwagi na temat mikrostruktury słownika. Ustalono, że do XIX wieku przeważały w słownikach uwagi ogólne, natomiast uwagi metasłownikowe nie były elementem obligatoryjnym i zależały w dużym stopniu od objętości słownika — im obszerniejszy był słownik, tym szczegółowiej omawiano w przedmowach jego makro- i mikrostrukturę.
By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. We'll see you in your inbox soon. It completely dominates the city's background, and is a well-known sailors' landmark. Ben Lomond ft. Alone, or in groups, or in long aisles, towering above the plantations or its fellow trees of the forest, its beautiful crest dominates every landscape. The citadel, which dominates the old port, has a keep of the 24th century. The Greek cathedral, built inin the Basilica style, is situated on a height which dominates the town. Sign in with Google Dictionary. Thank you! Meanings Synonyms Sentences.
Dominate synonym
English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar.
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Refleksja leksykograficzna w przedmowach do dawnych słowników przekładowych Celem analizy było ustalenie, jaki zakres wiadomości rejestrowały przedmowy do dawnych słowników przekładowych. Litwiński, J. Analiza przedmów do 18 słowników polsko-łacińskich i łacińsko-polskich pozwoliła wyodrębnić najczęściej pojawiające się zagadnienia: przywoływanie prac poprzedników; wskazanie adresata i celu wydania oraz pochwała słownika; uwagi dotyczące wykorzystanych pierwowzorów; uwagi na temat koncepcji i makrostruktury słownika; uwagi na temat mikrostruktury słownika. Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Volckmar, M. Wallbott, H. Szyrwid, K. That means that you can use it as a placeholder for any part of a word or phrase. Perillustri ac reverendissimo domino D.
Synonyms and antonyms of dominate in English. These are words and phrases related to dominate.
Szyrwid, K. Jęczeń, U. Shaver, P. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3. Lewandowski, I. O przedmowach w polskich książkach barokowych. Perillustri ac reverendissimo domino D. You can re-order the results in a variety of different ways, including alphabetically, by length, by popularity, by modernness, by formality, and by other aspects of style. Niedenthal, P. What are some examples? Kultura i tożsamość. Zaloguj się. Charakterystyka i konsekwencje potocznego rozumienia emocji.
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