Dnd duck race

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Khanards are sentient ducks who are larger on average than wildfowl. They can fly and swim on the surface of the water, making them ideal adventurers, though most remain in khanard villages or districts in larger settlements for protection. Khanards age at an accelerated rate, reaching adulthood after three months. Adult khanards can live as long as 80 years. Some khanards are pillars of their communities; however, the majority are considered to be offensive and rude, making them chaotic neutral. Khanards frequently seek out non-khanard settlements to look for work and to establish businesses.

Dnd duck race

Edit this Page All abandoned pages. When the flavor has been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. If you do not understand the idea behind this page please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. Edit this Page All stubs. A Buff race of anthropomorphic duck people who are sailors at heart and normally carry anchors as weapons. Their big muscle's make it to wear they are even more excellent swimmers and exceptional at flying. They created their own society with straw and natural talent. The Duck Kin are natural born sailors,pirates and seamen. From a very early age they are taught how to sail and sent out to sea. The duck kin are out in the water on their vessels more than they are on land their homes being mostly made out of straw and nest-like houses.

Still others take to land-based occupations a human could do, dnd duck race, especially in areas where land-dwellers are scarce or in cosmopolitan areas where races mingle. Home of user-generated, homebrew pages! Jump to: navigationsearch.

Winged warriors of the sky, ducks have been known as the fiercest race of all recorded history Small, about the size and height of a halfling's waist with different colors of feathers being either pure white, tan or some more colorful combination. Their webbed feet help them swim and their beaks make for a effective tool for pecking. Quacking is often encouraged in duck culture. In fact, a duck that does not quack is often banished from the duck tribe.

Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. But whether it still is or not doesn't matter- You're a turtle duck! The most lovable fuzzy cutie stuffed in a shell! Protective of her poor child now pelted with bread, the turtle duck mother rises against the tyrant child prince Zuko with a bite, only persuaded by his mother Ursa to stop her rage and assault against boy. The turtle duck has a duck's head, neck, and tail, but the body, shell, and legs of a turtle. Its neck, tail, and most of its head are light brown or beige in color. A dark brown stripe runs from its bill back over its head.

Dnd duck race

Amidst cold planes, close to frozen shores, live the anaseidos, humanoid feathered creatures with the head of ducks and geese. They were once enslaved by the big lizards and now hold an innate love for freedom. Are you interested in a new playable race to avoid the stereotypical ones? Do you want to explore more non-classic antropomorphic options? Inclined to be as fierce as goose or use your goose step around? Then give a try to the Anaseidos as it can be just what you are looking for.

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Inclined to be as fierce as goose or use your goose step around? Core Rules. This page was marked as abandoned on , 2 November MDT because: Issue s unaddressed for over a year. Also harbors an immense hatred towards the Hito Pirates, as they kidnapped his sister Selena. Bug Bounty Program. Anaseidos - A new anthropomorphic duck race for 5e. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. Adventurers : More aggressive shibaten adventure to express their exuberance, while others are forced into a life of adventure because they ran out of welcome or have been kicked out of their homes by bigger or more organized creatures. So maybe any language they learn, they can understand as well as expected, but attempts at communication would require a noticeably handicapped proficiency roll. Spot in the Sun Race : You have found your spot in the sun, the perfect job for you.

Your choice of race, alongside your class, is one of the most distinguishing and important aspects of your character.

The World is a Dangerous Place. Shibaten or shibatengu are diminutive Japanese spirits, at home on lawns and in streams, kin to kappa and tengu. See all titles. Monster: Antinothic. This allows the psychic to gain these abilities at an earlier level. Some well-traveled khanards might also speak, read, and write Aquatic. Supplemental Rules. You have proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills. He can often be found going out on reconnaissance missions for Bailey. Views Read Edit View history. Bundles containing this product:. You have access to the Improved Wings and Strong Wings feats.

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