distinguishable synonym

Distinguishable synonym

This paper treats the Brazilian species of three genera of the Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella with four species one endemicPalhinhaea with six two endemicsand Pseudolycopodiella with seven one endemic. Tattoo scorpion species are described, and keys and illustrations, distinguishable synonym references to illustrations for their identification are provided, distinguishable synonym. The nomenclature is reviewed.

Artykuły naukowe WB. Recent Submissions Now showing 1 - 20 of Degeneration of neurons in FXTAS cell models can be triggered by accumulation of polyglycine protein FMRpolyG , a by-product of translation initiated upstream to the repeats. Importantly, its therapeutic potential is also observed once the inclusions are already formed. Short tandem repeats are repetitive nucleotide sequences robustly distributed in the human genome. Several molecular pathomechanisms associated with toxic RNA containing expanded repeats RNAexp are shared among REDs and contribute to disease progression, however, detailed mechanistic insight into those processes is limited. We gather current findings concerning RBPs involved at different stages of the RNAexp life cycle, such as transcription, splicing, transport, and AUG-independent translation of expanded repeats.

Distinguishable synonym

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. More translations in the Spanish-English dictionary. Website Language en English pl Polski. And the great gold vessels of the temple in Jerusalem had been taken to Babylon. And these are the vessels of life, and, as I'll show you, they can also be the vessels of death. You can see here a little bit of heart muscle beating in a dish. The dosage cup or oral syringe should be cleaned immediately with hot water and dish soap after use. Fervent lips and a wicked heart Are [like] an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross. A drinking vessel and tap water is required to dissolve the 13C-urea powder. If blood appears, do not inject Ceplene because the needle has entered a blood vessel. Context sentences Polish English Contextual examples of "naczynia" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Wspaniałe złote naczynia ze świątyni w Jerozolimie zostały zabrane do Babilonu.

In: Chodat, R.

Can we clean these up? The proposals I would make are these:. Thanks for all the feedback. Hello all,. Short version: From June 20th, we are going to store the interwiki links of all the namespaces except main, user and talk in Wikidata.

Words related to distinguishable are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word distinguishable. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. The company is also testing six small thermal cameras on the property that use an algorithm to distinguish human and vehicle motion from other types of movement in video clips. It essentially has to first learn what the sort of distinguishing features between those categories are rather than being prompted. Some states distinguish between conservatorship as covering financial matters and guardianship as covering personal matters, but California, where Spears lives, calls both conservatorships. Collective online experiences are poised to further distinguish themselves from traditional events as they become more accessible and offer more customization and connection. People who report penicillin allergies can have a genetic variation on an immune system gene that helps the body distinguish between our own cells and harmful bacteria and viruses. Indeed, the cousin crops are quite distinguishable, both in their appearance and how they are cultivated agriculturally. Several countries with socialized medicine have breast-cancer survival rates that are barely distinguishable from our own. The tepees of the Indians were hardly distinguishable from those which Nature had pitched on this world-old camping-ground.

Distinguishable synonym

Antonyms: indistinguishable. Antonyms: undistinguishable , indistinguishable , same. Synonyms: discrete , clear-cut , trenchant , distinct , decided. Antonyms: indistinguishable , same , undistinguishable. Synonyms: separable , divisible. Synonyms: to be distinguished , to be recognized as distinct. The left wing had made contact with a row of trees.

Synonyms for furthermore

Ballard Ballard, F. Creeping stems fleshy and spongy, the upper side somewhat flattened Palavras-chave: diversidade; florística; licófitas; fitogeografia; taxonomia. Vegetative leaves of strobiliferous branch distant or subdistant, their bases flattened and appressed, often with slightly recurved tips; strobili appearing thicker than vegetative strobiliferous branch incl. It would be wise to start with something with a smaller scale of change. A variable taxon. Conspectus of the family II. This seems a nice way to start experimenting with arbitrary access. Figure 11 a-d. Należy uważać aby nie doszło do wkłucia do ściany naczynia krwionośnego. By the way, Lexisession is a collaborative experiment without any guide nor direction. Freshwater Ulva can grow in different types of ecosystems from reservoir Malta through ponds Tulce or rivers Nielba and ending on drainage ditches. Spring, A. Pseudolycopodiella squamata é descrita como nova para a ciência. Polish How to use "naczynie" in a sentence.

Words related to distinguish are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word distinguish. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. If searchers have a harder time distinguishing between the paid and free listings, it might cause confusion on what listing the searcher clicks on.

Versão original do texto English. Serra da Cantareira, Kocinski SP. Sporophylls borne in alternating whorls of , forming longitudinal ranks, with coalescent leaf bases almost enclosing the sporangia, with widely ovate, short to long cuspidate, 1. Greville, R. II partie: Supplément et révision. These templates are used on almost all the pages of the main namespace. Optaflu nie należy w żadnym przypadku wstrzykiwać do naczynia krwionośnego. A drinking vessel and tap water is required to dissolve the 13C-urea powder. Pseudolycopodiella squamata B. We have seen it growing together with Lycopodiella longipes under uniform conditions, maintaining the distinctive features indicated in the key. Representative specimens are cited, and the general distribution and habitats are indicated. Dorsal leaves arranged in 1- longitudinal ranks often on the same individual , widely lanceolate to subulate rarely triangular-ovate , diverging to appressed, straight to upward curved, 1.

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