discotecas barcelona gay

Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Para facilitar tu estancia en Barcelona : estos son algunos servicios o ideas de cosas para ver, hacer, descubrir Tenga discotecas barcelona gay buena estancia!

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Discotecas barcelona gay

Toggle navigation. What's up gorgeous people! I am back with another blog for our amazing Gay Barcelona - Series! These series is all about giving you the ins and outs of the not-so-hidden gay scene in Barcelona. And this blog will be about where are the best gay clubs in Barcelona, but the places will be less.. Well let's just be gay-forward about this one; less sexual, as my previous blog. You had a rough week, right? Well yeah, I know that feeling. You just want to dance. Dance all freaking night and just have fun with your friends. You just don't feel like having that 30 year old bear staring at your ass all the time. Well I have found the solution just for you. Gay clubs where the old men barely come.

No thanks Awesome, you're subscribed! Yeah, well, you get my point. Okay the first one on the Gay Barcelona - list is actually one big club.

Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Note for budget travellers: Entrance fees often include 1 drink of your choice. To save money you could use the voucher for the more expensive drink you plan to have during the night. Gay Barcelona. Other cities. Gay Clubs, Parties and Events in Barcelona Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Friday, 1 March , —

La zona cerca de la Catedral de Barcelona, en particular, cuenta con algunos locales populares. A post shared by EL Cangrejo Raval elcangrejoraval. El Cangrejo , ubicado en Carrer de Montserrat, 9, en El Raval, es un bar gay especial conocido por sus shows de drag queens. Horario: De Domingo a Jueves de Este bar es un lugar popular para los locales y los turistas por igual, y es conocido por su ambiente amigable y acogedor.

Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta.

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You just want to dance. About us. More gay than straight at least. La Federica. Time Out Worldwide. Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Punto BCN is a Gaixample staple and the first gay bar in town. Take the metro to Universitat, take the exit to the plaza. What more could you ask for? Get us in your inbox Sign up to our newsletter for the latest and greatest from your city and beyond. Self-dubbed as The Genderfuck House, Madame Jasmine embraces mamarracheo and monstrosity as an act of freedom, while hosting some of the wildest parties in the city. Dance all freaking night and just have fun with your friends.


So long, gay boys! Contact us. The people are neat, the service at the bars is pretty quick, so it's really worth it to visit this club sometime if you're into a dancy mood. Tables on the mezzanine give a good view of the crowd, so you can take your pick before the object of your affections heads off into the night. You just don't feel like having that 30 year old bear staring at your ass all the time. So it's pretty much the same as Arena Madre. There's plenty of variety too, from exclusively lesbian bars to more stripped back spots offering food and conversation in equal measure. Well I have found the solution just for you. Maybe we'll see each other this weekend! Discover Time Out original video. The age group is about the same as well. And they all stay open 'till 6! Popular monthly gay party. Takes place about twice a month, usually from Sunday afternoon to Monday morning.

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