Desiring god articles
Article by Greg Morse Staff writer, desiringGod, desiring god articles. Of all those who finally travel the broad way to destruction, are any so wretched desiring god articles those who sang Christian songs, prayed Christian prayers, and sat under countless Christian sermons along the way? The man sipping sand in the desert, because he thinks he holds a cup of water, is the most tragic and pitiable of sights.
June 20, Having decided to no longer be a Jonah or Moses when they were first called by God, I was hungry for the truth as I was coming to terms with the spiritual gifts God has given me Faith, Exhortation, and Teaching. With this hunger and resolve to have a heart more like Abraham and Isaiah, I wanted to obey God immediately —with joy, and use the gifts He so graciously bestowed upon me, for the purpose in which He gave them: For the encouragement and edification of those within the Body of Christ Eph without usurping God's authority of male headship within the church, and to go out to all the world preaching the Gospel, discipling young girls and women of all ages. But in , there was an uproar within the Christian community after John Piper extended an invitation to a young, filthy mouthed, unabashed preacher from Washington state, Mark Driscoll, to be one of the speakers at his Desiring God National Conference. And it didn't stop there. Unfortunately, Piper's lack of obedience to God's word in 1 Corinthians "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals. Then at Passion , Pastor John Piper condoned and participated in Louie Giglio's practice of a meditative, mystical type exercise that closely mirrors the heretical "Lectio Divina" where Catholic priests believe that God directly speaks extra-biblical messages to those who engage in this mind-emptying practice click link to listen to Todd Friel's "Wretched" radio program on this topic.
Desiring god articles
We encourage you to order through them as you consider supporting faithful, independent Christian booksellers. Jon Bloom Why do earnest Christians long for revival? Greg Morse Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense. Marshall Segal If you want to assess the health of a soul, try asking these four questions from Tim Keller: Are you sailing? Are you rowing? Are you drifting? Or are you sinking? Scott Hubbard When Paul mentioned hell, he warned not only the lost, but believers. Why might that be, and should we be warning one another in the church today? Every article is powerful in Word, articulate, and wise. Such a powerful word exposing the vulnerable heart of man, and the redeeming heart of Jesus—how humility turns envy upside down, and reminds us that our gifts are for His glory, not ours. Thank you!
I'd rather sit down to a meal where there desiring god articles either no bones or just a few bones, so I can truly enjoy my meal and keep from serious injury. Pray for his ministry. Solid Joys Daily Devotional.
Send feedback. Articles by Desiring God. Available episodes. We encourage you to order through them as you consider supporting faithful, independent Christian booksellers. Jon Bloom Why do earnest Christians long for revival? Feb 24, Greg Morse Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense. Feb 21,
Desiring god articles
We encourage you to order through them as you consider supporting faithful, independent Christian booksellers. Jon Bloom Why do earnest Christians long for revival? Greg Morse Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense.
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Carousel Previous. I know I can be easily deceived just like Eve, and desire all that feeds my flesh and makes it feel good through emotional and sentimental hogwash. Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus? Ligonier Ministries Positions Prayer R. Are you rowing? Scripture contains no impersonal instructions for everyday life, but living words to children from their Father, strategic commands from the General to his soldiers, necessary instruction from the Shepherd to his sheep, life-giving vows from a Groom to his bride. Was brought to tears of joy listening to the latest episode. Subscribe Get new posts by email:. And so they In order for the church to stand mature before God, each child of God gladly lead their sheep to him. Unfortunately, Piper's lack of obedience to God's word in 1 Corinthians "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals. Swinburne Resurrection Swinburne Resurrection. I'd rather sit down to a meal where there are either no bones or just a few bones, so I can truly enjoy my meal and keep from serious injury.
John Piper: God wakened me from spiritual death when I was a child under the faith-filled instruction and example of my happy, Spirit-filled, mentally healthy, fundamentalist parents.
These were those who, as Jesus teaches in the next breath, built their lives on sand because they heard his words but did not do them: Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. Then she makes a breathtaking discovery. Matthew —27 They thought and felt and acted, at times, like saints, but their lives were marked by self and sin. Girls Gone Bible. It reaches into our homes, our work, our world, doing business in every crevice of our hearts, and having implications for all of our lives. Calling him Lord proved their orthodoxy, they may have thought. Why might that be, and should we be warning one another in the church today? Powered by Blogger. The Bible is a Book to be obeyed, for it is the Book through which our God speaks. It produces men, women, and children who, in union with Jesus and given new hearts, happily do the will of God with a new, childlike aim: to please him 2 Corinthians
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