

There is desira global consensus emerging around the challenges the agricultural and food systems face climate change, loss of biodiversity, high pressure on resources, etc, desira. Even if the pathways to transform the agri-food systems are controversial sustainable intensification, desira, climate smart agriculture, agroecology or nature based solutionsall the actors agree for supporting innovation to design and implement new solutions at scale. To desira it simple innovation is introducing a desira in an economic and social environment, desira. Innovation can be characterized in different ways depending on its characteristics product vs process, technical vs organizational or social, radical vs incremental, endogenous vs exogenous, top-down vs bottom-up, etc, desira.

The DeSIRA initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries. DeSIRA aims to support research and innovation projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and strengthen research capacities and research governance involving key actors at national, regional, continental and global levels. It includes a broad range of thematics valorising agroecological principles. The institutional architecture for governance of AR4D at global level and in some regions is well established, although still fragile. DeSIRA supports the organisations in charge of governance of research at regional, continental and global level.


Established for over 50 Years, the aim of the company has always been to provide exceptional service and offer fantastic value for money to both our loyal and new customers. We are now an Electric Vehicle dealer for Nissan and have also launched easypeasy - a one-stop-shop for Used Cars and bosch servicing at our Wroxham Road easypeasy branch in norwich. At Desira we understand how important your Car is to you and whether you are buying personally or through a business we want to make your. We can find you your perfect vehicle at an amazing price and then we ensure that your vehicle is cared for inside and out by our highly trained technicians and staff. We are your local used car dealer, stocking over Desira Approved all make and model second hand cars all with a Minimum Guarantee, we also have a wide range of used vans for sale, accept part exchanges and offer competitive finance packages and warranties. As well as specialising in new and used vehicle sales. We are pleased to offer Online service booking for all makes of cars and vans and a new online Parts Shop. Simply visit the Desira Parts Shop with over one million pounds of car parts and accessories in stock you can be sure to find what ever you need plus we offer a next day delivery service second to none. Desira Group Plc takes our Customer Data and your personal information very seriously and ensures we are compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulations. We do not pass your data on to third parties that are not integral to the ownership of your vehicle and the products or information we provide you.

Honako hauek zehaztu dezakete desiren indarra: desiraren itxurazko asebetetzeak eragingo lukeen plazer edota desira kopuruak, desira, edo gauzen egoera batek ona dirudienaren graduak, edo gauzen egoera bat eragiteko arrazoiek baten arreta erakartzen duten mailak, edo desiraren itxurazko asebetetzeak eragingo lukeen sarian oinarritutako ikasketa-kopuruak, edo horien guztien batez bestekoak. Artikulua Eztabaida.

DESIRA aims to improve the capacity of society to respond to the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in rural areas. Through a network of 20 Living Labs in the European rural areas, the project will assess the past, current and future socio-economic impacts of ICT-related innovation. The EU Rural Digitalisation Forum RDF is an open EU-wide community of stakeholders with a common interest to work, learn and share knowledge about the digitalisation of agriculture, forestry and rural areas. Living Labs are networks of rural businesses, public authorities, citizen groups, digital technology operators, farmers and researchers who co-develop ideas, scenarios, and socio-technical solutions related to digitalisation in rural areas. Oosterwold NL Local markets 2. Central Ostrobothnia FI Circular economy 3.

Established for over 50 Years, the aim of the company has always been to provide exceptional service and offer fantastic value for money to both our loyal and new customers. We are now an Electric Vehicle dealer for Nissan and have also launched easypeasy - a one-stop-shop for Used Cars and bosch servicing at our Wroxham Road easypeasy branch in norwich. At Desira we understand how important your Car is to you and whether you are buying personally or through a business we want to make your. We can find you your perfect vehicle at an amazing price and then we ensure that your vehicle is cared for inside and out by our highly trained technicians and staff. We are your local used car dealer, stocking over Desira Approved all make and model second hand cars all with a Minimum Guarantee, we also have a wide range of used vans for sale, accept part exchanges and offer competitive finance packages and warranties. As well as specialising in new and used vehicle sales. We are pleased to offer Online service booking for all makes of cars and vans and a new online Parts Shop.


Desira is a family owned motor group, founded by John Desira in John Desira started in the motor trade in London, working as an Apprentice Technician. Once qualified, he was recommended a small garage in South Lopham, Norfolk; where he started his own business. Desira has expanded over the years from this first garage and is now the one of the largest privately owned Fiat Dealer groups in the country. The aim of the company has always been to provide exceptional service and offer fantastic value for money to both our loyal and new customers. At Desira we understand how important your car is to you and that's why we want to make your experience with us as easy and affordable as possible. From finding you your perfect vehicle at an amazing price, to making sure that your vehicle is cared for inside and out by our highly-trained technicians and staff. We stock a wide range of brand new vehicles and offer over Desira Approved used cars and vans all with a Minimum 12 Months Guarantee. We are also now also pleased to offer service booking online and with over one million pounds of car parts and accessories in stock, you can be sure that whatever you need we can satisfy all of your requirements with a next day delivery service second to none.

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If you ever wish to make any changes to your customer records, then please contact gdpr desiragroup. Ongian oinarritutako desiren teoriak bezalaxe, Scanlonen arretan oinarritutako desiraren teoria ez da desiraren teoria kontserbatzaileen aldekoengatik sakonki behatua izan, eta ikusteke geratzen da hauek azalera ditzaketen objekzioak. Postcode search is not available in selected country. DeSIRA supports the organisations in charge of governance of research at regional, continental and global level. Humearoek hainbat modutan babestu dute haien jarrera, baina garaiko eztabaida hein handi batean Bernard Williams-ek garatutako argumentu batean zentratu da. Rural Digitisation Forum. Filosofo hauen arabera, desiraren egiazko asebetetzea, edo honen areagotzea, desiraren kausa arrunta da, eta kausatutako plazera errepresentatzen du agian aldaketa hau desiraren asebetetzean. Up to 1, miles Up to 5, miles Up to 10, miles Up to 15, miles Up to 20, miles Up to 30, miles Up to 40, miles Up to 60, miles Up to 80, miles Up to , miles. Tearen desira ez da teari lotutako gauzen egoeren desira bat; soilik tearen nahia. Beraz, desiraren funtsatze honetan gauza zailduz doa eztabaidei bide emanez. Gaur egungo jokaeran eragina duten desira inkontzienteak ere gauzei buruz pentsatzeko modu honetan sortzen dira: tintontzi berri baten nahiak bat baldarki ibiltzea egin lezake, bere tintontzia apurtzeko bere sentimendu eta pentsamenduetan eragin gabe, eta horrela bada, baldarkeriaren unea jazoko da. Zerbait intrintsekoki desiratzea ez da bere ongizateagatik soilik desiratzea, baizik eta norberaren ongizateagatik ere, behintzat hein batean: nire aitak nire ongizatea desio du neurri batean nire hobe beharrez, baina beste batean beregatik, ezingo bailuke lo egin niri gaizki joan ezkero, eta ez du loa galdu nahi. Noiz kontsultatua: Desirarekiko ditugun ideiek esaten digute, desirek ekintza eta sentimenduekin lotura izan behar dutela.

Searching for a reliable and budget-friendly used car? We pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of pre-owned vehicles, each carefully inspected and maintained to meet our high standards. Whether you're searching for a compact city car, a spacious SUV, or an efficient hatchback, we have the perfect used car to match your preferences and budget.

Tailor Delivery Options Choose to collect your new vehicle from our dealership or have your vehicle delivered to your front door. We are your local used car dealer, stocking over Desira Approved all make and model second hand cars all with a Minimum Guarantee, we also have a wide range of used vans for sale, accept part exchanges and offer competitive finance packages and warranties. Scanlonek proposatutako da. Beste aldaera interesgarri bat T. Esaterako, desiraren indarren buruzko emaitza funtsezkoa dugu hurrengoa: minimoki arrazionala den pertsona batek lehentasunak baditu bikoitiekiko Arekiko Bren ordez, Crekiko Dren ordez , lehentasun hauek erabil daitezke lehentasunen indarra zehazteko. Pollock-ek argudiatzen duenez, gertaera horien kopurua mila milioi ingurukoa da gutxienez, nahiei buruzko oinarrizko hirurehun egitatetatik abiatuta erraz sor daitezkeen desioari eta lehentasunari buruzko gertaera berak kodetzeko baino ez. Hau da, nahiago denari buruzko oinarrizko gertaera multzo handi batetik abiatuta, gauza bakoitza besteari zenbat hobeaten zaion jakin daiteke adibidez, von Neumann eta Morgenstern Konfliktua sor daiteke, galdetzean ea zeintzuk diren funtsezkoagoak, desirak ala lehentasunak; John Pollock-ek deitu du arreta berriki eztabaida honetan Pollock DeSIRA Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture is the European Commission initiative dedicated to the adaptation of agricultural practices to climat change, the promotion of agro-ecology and the support of small farmers, which was launched at the first One Planet Summit. Read all news. Civic Jazz. Orokorrean baieztatzen da desirak indarraren araberako lerro batean koka daitezkela: desirak indartsuagoak edo ahulagoak izan daitezke. At Desira we understand how important your Car is to you and whether you are buying personally or through a business we want to make your.

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