Dathomir witch

Ahsoka features the first live-action appearance to the Nightsisters of Dathomir, a powerful and mysterious Force cult in Star Wars. Lady Morgan has returned in Ahsoka as the key villain, whose quest for Thrawn threatens mangareader unleash war on the dathomir witch once again, dathomir witch. The Nightsisters were first introduced in Dave Wolverton's The Courtship of Princess Leia back inbut that book isn't considered canon anymore.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. These dark side users were able to perform their arcane magicks by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of their planet. According to a commonly told story, the first of [6] the ancient [14] Nightsisters were trained in the ways of the Force by Allya , a female Jedi whom the Jedi Council had sent into exile on the mysterious planet of Dathomir. However, the Jedi Council had no records of an exile named Allya, and the Nightsisters themselves had other, contradicting tales about their origins.

Dathomir witch

The Nightsisters are a coven of witches that lived on the mysterious world of Dathomir. The sisters ruled unchallenged, gifted with the power to wield dark magicks. The men of Dathomir, the Nightbrothers, lived apart from the witches, but were subservient to their whims. Despite their power, the Nightsisters avoided the conflict of the Republic and Sith, content to pursue their own matters. The Jedi gave them a wide berth, for they remain focused on matters on Dathomir. Count Dooku has had dealings with them in the past, and turned to them when he was in need of a new apprentice. Their betrayal of Dooku earned the Nightsisters a powerful enemy, and he ordered a massive attack by his droid forces in retribution. The ancient matriarchal order of the Nightsisters ruled the lonely planet Dathomir , confronting any visitors foolish enough to come to their homeworld without invitation. The Nightsisters drew on the Force for their powers, but the witches were neither Sith nor Jedi, and spurned allegiances with both. Skip Navigation More More Search.

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Just for texture! The difference between modern Star Wars and classic Star Wars is that said witches have been explored pretty extensively in other ancillary Star Wars media, namely The Clone Wars , but also in several novels, comic books, and a bit in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. There is a simple answer to this question, and then a more complicated one. Good ear! His home planet has a bonkers backstory! Probably sexism.

Just for texture! The difference between modern Star Wars and classic Star Wars is that said witches have been explored pretty extensively in other ancillary Star Wars media, namely The Clone Wars , but also in several novels, comic books, and a bit in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. There is a simple answer to this question, and then a more complicated one. Good ear! His home planet has a bonkers backstory! Probably sexism. But also because they are Force users with a unique connection to the Force that results in powers quite different from what the Jedi and Sith do. Stuff like necromancy and illusion.

Dathomir witch

Warning: this article contains full spoilers for the first two episodes of Star Wars: Ahsoka. If you haven't already, be sure to check out IGN's review of the two episodes. Star Wars is arguably more of a fantasy saga than a strictly science fiction-based franchise. It already has sword-wielding wizards who can bend the laws of reality to their whim, so why not throw a few witches into the mix? The Nightsisters are a group of powerful sorceresses who dwell on the planet Dathomir. Like Exegol and Malachor, Dathomir is a world with an unusually strong connection to the Force. The planet is teeming with Dark Side energy, and the Nightsisters achieved incredible power by tapping into that energy. The Nightsisters draw on the magical ichor that flows through Dathomir and use it to cast spells, allowing them to conjure objects into existence or even reanimate dead bodies.

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The Nightsisters , one of the numerous Dathomiri clans. The difference between modern Star Wars and classic Star Wars is that said witches have been explored pretty extensively in other ancillary Star Wars media, namely The Clone Wars , but also in several novels, comic books, and a bit in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. After Falta declined, Yenna slowly became frustrated with her mother's teachings, and one day left to join the Nightsisters in hopes of different teaching. Email required. The answer may lie in her relationship with Grand Admiral Thrawn. This was one of the more prestigious training establishments of the Brotherhood of Darkness , ranked with the Iridonia Academy second only to the newly-founded center on the ancient capital of Korriban , and trained the Sith equivalent of Jedi Knights: but it is not known how long it lasted for, or if it left any permanent legacy on the planet. He was given a male soldier dubbed a Nightbrother , who became Darth Maul. Any initiate who gave into their fear, such as Talia's twin sister , would be dragged down into the depths and killed. Later, in The Clone Wars series, the Nightsisters were retconned into the prequel era, and existed apart from the Sith, even though they were adept at controlling the Dark Side of the Force. Animation Character Comparisons 14 Images. Why did she serve Palpatine rather than seek vengeance for her slain sisters? Start a Wiki. The Nightsisters took the stranded Imperials as slaves and plotted ways to leave the planet, although a pair of Star Destroyers prevented the arrival or departure of any spaceships.

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Where do I learn more? Even if she was not the founder of the sisters, [6] It was true that Allya wrote the Book of Law , which taught the sisters to dislike the Jedi. After Falta declined, Yenna slowly became frustrated with her mother's teachings, and one day left to join the Nightsisters in hopes of different teaching. Ultimately, however, he betrayed Talzin by taking her beloved son Maul from her to train as his Sith apprentice. More From Star Wars:. This sounds cool. The various comics and books weave in and out of canonical status, so The Clone Wars is best for those looking for some grounding going forward; everything else is gravy. Don't have an account? Years before they were wiped out, the Nightsisters practiced their magick inside the Witches Horn , a cliff high above the cave of the chirodactyl Gorgara. Some were medicine, while others were poisons. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. Their skills are rightly described as "magick" even in the context of Star Wars , because they are so different to other Force powers.

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