cynthia age pokemon

Cynthia age pokemon

Cynthia jap. Cynthia pierwszy raz debiutuje w Pokémon Diamond, cynthia age pokemon, Pearli Platinumw których spotyka gracza w różnych miejscach podczas jego podróży. Na Brzegu J.

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Cynthia age pokemon


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She also the first female, non-playable character Champion introduced in the core series. She can get carried away with these topics, often talking for long periods of time or theorizing in places where she shouldn't be. Cynthia tends to enjoy relaxation and travel, visiting the villas owned by Caitlin and the player found in Unova and in Sinnoh's Battle Zone respectively. In Platinum, she expresses that part of the reason for this is that she is typically a messy person, and has research papers thrown around the house. Cynthia also enjoys the piano, claiming that she enjoys the sound, listening to it with both her body and spirit.

Cynthia age pokemon

Cynthia is one of the most powerful trainers in all of Pokemon, which has left the Pokemon community very intrigued by the strong and sassy champion. Known for her passionate pursuit of legendary Pokemon lore, her blonde hair, and her Garchomp, Cynthia has become one of the most popular characters throughout the games and anime. Cynthia is a year-old from Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh Region. Not much is known about her past but she clearly spent a lot of time with Pokemon since she is now the champion of the Sinnoh region. Her grandmother, Professor Carolina, runs the Pokemon Research Lab in Celestic Town, which further explains her vast knowledge of Pokemon and her desire to learn more about them.

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Zdolność: Niezłomny. Zdolność: Lewitacja. Trujący Punkt. Czempioni Pokémonów. Sprtie VS z Platinum. Miasteczko Undella. Twarda Skóra. Sitrus Jagoda. Dzika Energia. Zdolność: Sand Veil.

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