Cpsc 312

UBC provides resources to cpsc 312 student learning and to maintain healthy lifestyles but recognizes that sometimes crises arise and so there are additional resources to access including those for survivors of sexual violence, cpsc 312. UBC values respect for the person and ideas of all members of the academic community.

In this course, we will streeeeetch our minds around two programming languages that you may find strange. Why bother doing that? Steve Wolfman wolf cs. Andy Worth jellekr0 student. Tarcisio Teixeira tsoares cs. If you face any challenges in CPSC to your well-being, please bring them up with us!

Cpsc 312


We provide various ways to make up or improve your quiz work, described in the Quizzes section, cpsc 312. Your course mark will be based on the following breakdown. Office hours: Wednesdaysor immediately cpsc 312 class or by appointment.


UBC provides resources to support student learning and to maintain healthy lifestyles but recognizes that sometimes crises arise and so there are additional resources to access including those for survivors of sexual violence. UBC values respect for the person and ideas of all members of the academic community. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated nor is suppression of academic freedom. UBC provides appropriate accommodation for students with disabilities and for religious and cultural observances. UBC values academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. This course provides an introduction to functional programming and to logic programming. This is a programming course designed to get you to think declaratively and non-procedurally.

Cpsc 312

Lecture 1 Play with the lecture code on replit! Complete the associated in-class exercises. Masks are mandated in class. For me and others at-risk or close to those who are at-risk, please wear your mask, including over your nose. However, there are medical circumstances that merit exemptions. To seek such accommodation, please contact the Centre for Accessibility at info. Haskell is a pure , lazy , statically-typed functional programming language with powerful type inference. For now, we need to know that: a Haskell program is just an expression to be evaluated , not a series of statements to execute.

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The grade can go up or down based on review. There will be approximately weekly assignments except for the times when you should be working on your project. You will also submit video presentations for your project, hosted however you like e. Each group will need to submit their code and a brief report. Home Resources Syllabus Schedule Bonus. Please see the Rules for Piazza Posts post for more details and evolution of that policy as we see how it works! You cannot do it alone, and cannot do it in larger groups if you have 4 or 5 people they should form 2 groups. The assignments are primarily for your practice and learning. You will need to do this in groups of 2 or 3. Within your project group, you may collaborate however you wish.

In this course, we will streeeeetch our minds around two programming languages that you may find strange.

For later assessments especially later project milestones and the final quiz , we may reduce the two week period for regrade requests. If you want feedback about your assignment answers, ask general questions in class after the assignment is due or ask the instructor or a TA in their office hours. Syllabus Table of Contents. The first part of the course will be on functional programming mainly using Haskell and the second part will be on logic programming mainly using Prolog, but also some semantic web languages. Each group will need to submit their code and a brief report. Our Piazza site is a bit of a special case. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated nor is suppression of academic freedom. Why bother doing that? Vaccines are required for many purposes, and you will be required to test regularly for COVID if you have not been vaccinated. Academic integrity is essential for a university to function.

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