Collectors universe forums

Newport Beach, California, US Collectors Universe Message Boards is a great place for enthusiasts and fellow collectors to share their thoughts on trading cards, autographs, memora Collector Freaks Collectibles Forum is for fans of pop culture collectibles including action figures, statues, props, and art. Drop in and tell everyo Collectors universe forums is a forum for collector's of limited and special edition video games.

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Collectors universe forums

Log in or Sign up. Coin Talk. Anyone a member of Collectors Universe?? I'm trying to join so I can add my Hudson doily to their census but I can't seem to get approved. BlackberryPie , Aug 25, Log in or Sign up to hide this ad. I believe it takes a while day or two for a moderator to approve you. Yes, you'll get approved. I don't know much about the site but I'm a member, I don't post much there tho' as CT keeps me busy enough! One thing for sure is members over there have some really great collections! I was but got banned many years ago. Conder , Aug 25,

He collectors universe forums been very secretive with his personal info and that is exactly what he should do as a collection like his will start a shark feeding frenzy. MacRumors is a website focused on Apple news and rumours.


Joseph J. As we transition from a public to a private company, in partnership with Nat and a group of world-class financial investors and sports and collectibles enthusiasts, our customers will continue to see the same level of integrity, transparency, service and high-quality solutions that they expect from Collectors Universe. The Collectors Universe Board of Directors recommends that all shareholders tender their shares in the offer. The transaction is expected to close in the first calendar quarter of Upon completion of the transaction, Collectors Universe will become a privately held company and its shares will no longer be listed on any public market. Collectors Universe, Inc.

Collectors universe forums

Log in or Sign up. Coin Talk. Announcements Watch this space for information about the Coin Talk community and website. Discussions: Messages: 5, The Rules Read these rules or Doug will get you. Frequently Asked Questions A repository for great answers to frequently asked questions about coin collecting and related subjects. Discussions: 24 Messages: 2, Randy Abercrombie , Jan 26, What's it Worth This is a special section for people to get opinions on what your coin is worth.

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Cast Iron Collector Forums Cast Iron Collector Forums contains discussions and Information on cast iron cookwares, makers, foundries, patents, trademarks and more. A few were questioning why this coin would CAC with the verdigris which got me wondering the same thing. Boom, gone. Active Users. Our coin forum is completely free! Same with the NGC board. The mods are really pretty reasonable people. Copyright - Coin Community Family- all rights reserved worldwide. This is a forum for collector's of limited and special edition video games. I don't consider it "disparaging" to point out a company's specific, factual behavior. A few people really pounded me over there because I criticized CAC. As has been said-avoid personal attacks on people or entities and anything disparaging to the host.

The sale of Collectors Universe has been completed.

Chat, share pictures and talk about collecting, trading, auction The best Collectors forums, communities, discussion and message boards curated from thousands of forums on the web and ranked by popularity, active threads, and member count. Draft saved Draft deleted. I agree we have gone on enough about this so I have no problem. I'm a member and have learned a lot on the forum, bought some nice coins on the BST, and have several friends, mainly in the trade dollar and exonumia communities. I used to post quite a bit on the U. The mods are really pretty reasonable people. Come read, engage and pos Military Surplus Collector Forums is an open discussion of military surplus arms and accessories from all countries. Their World Coin Forum, on the other hand, seems slow and consists mostly of members showing each other their latest and invariably slabbed purchases with little numismatic discussion. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? Coin Talk Forum is an online community where you can discuss everything coin related. I read that entire thread and was not really surprised by the diversity of comments. No, not even close. On the other hand I regret that I didn't just ignore them, or just realize like I was supposed to that nasty comments are just meant as jokes.

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