cleo h2o

Cleo h2o

Cleo was born in Dolphin City to her parents and few years later became an big sister to Kim, cleo h2o. She became friends with Emma, Rikki and Lewis in grade school. Cleo's personality is also very similar to cleo h2o H 2 O: Just Add Water self, meaning she is still more awkward and insecure compared to Emma and Rikki.

In her childhood, her parents had another daughter named Kim , and Cleo met and quickly became friends with Lewis McCartney when she was five years-old. She also met Emma Gilbert , and becomes good friends with her. Later, she began attending South Coast High School. Cleo loved her birthday parties as a child, but as she grew up, it became too childish which was made clear to her dad in Season 1. Cleo Sertori grew up in a family that consisted of herself, her father Donald Sertori, her mother Bev Sertori , and her younger sister Kim. Don is a successful fisherman and owns three fishing boats.

Cleo h2o

Don es un pescador exitoso, es propietario de tres barcos de pesca y se puede permitir contratar a otras personas para su negocio. Mientras que Don tiende a trabajar mucho en el puerto, la madre de Cleo se suele quedar en casa, ya que es ama de casa. Desagrado causado porque su padre y su hermana persisten en la idea de darle una fiesta demasiado infantil. Aunque no es tan rica como la familia de Emma, el padre de Cleo tiene un empleo de pesca que les permite tener suficiente dinero para vivir en una casa junto al canal. Se revela en el episodio "Hechizo de luna" que es intolerante a la lactosa. A diferencia de Emma, Cleo no se lleva bien con su hermana menor. Debido a que Cleo y Emma son mejores amigas antes de que Rikki Chadwick llegara, ellas se pueden llegar a entender mejor. Cleo le encanta sus peces y disfruta de cuidar de ellos ampliamente. A diferencia de Rikki, Cleo cree que los peces son como las personas que viven, comen y juegan bajo el agua. A diferencia de Emma, Cleo tiende a la falta de confianza cuando se trata de hacer las cosas. Con todo, Cleo iba a creer en sus amigos y familiares hasta el final. Jugando a menudo el pacificador, que tiende a encontrarse dividido entre sus dos amigos, especialmente cuando ella insiste en no tomar un lado o del otro. Su piel morena y bronceada. Ella tiene una figura esbelta.

When all three of them entered the pool, the full moon became aligned with the Moon Pool, cleo h2o, causing it to bubble and glow a mystic blue glow and emitting small orbs of magical light particles into the air.


He enters and sees Emma and Rikki with Cleo and asks if he got the time wrong. Cleo confirms that they agreed to 9 o'clock as the time, but tells Lewis that something important has come up, but it isn't so important that he needs to know about it, so she has to cancel their appointment. As Lewis prepares to leave, Cleo asks him if he knows anything about mermaids, much to Emma and Rikki's frustration. He answers "No, not really", and Cleo then sees him out before returning to Emma and Rikki. Rikki thinks that Cleo is crazy for asking Lewis what he knew about mermaids, and Emma points out that if anyone finds out about it, they could be in big trouble. Later, Lewis and Cleo are walking together, and Lewis tells Cleo that mermaids have been around for at least 3, years. Cleo asks him if people really believed in that stuff, to which he replies that sometimes they were good omens, but sometimes they brought trouble with them. Cleo asks what kind of trouble, but before Lewis can answer, Zane shows up on a motorbike.

Cleo h2o

Three girls become mermaids after a mysterious island transforms them and gives them special powers. Rikki Chadwick : How did the test go? Lewis McCartney : Well, according to the test, you are a seven-year-old German shepherd. Rikki Chadwick : I was wondering when you would figure out it wasn't my real hair. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.


With the carefree Rikki steering the boat out into the sea and miles offshore, the girls soon found out that they are now out of fuel in the middle of the ocean. However, before Emma's departure in Season 3, they switched their lockets. All three mermaids have the ability to breathe underwater, and transform with the touch of water into mermaid form and change back into human form when dry. Cleo Sertori. Cleo tends to lack confidence when it comes to getting things done. Cleo and Lewis became friends since they were five years old. Cleo Sertori. Back on September 7, , Cleo, along with Emma, and Rikki, temporarily gave up her mermaid self and magical power in Mako's Moon Pool under the Lunar Eclipse , although their mermaid selves and magical powers returned within the duration of a period of twelve hours since the Eclipse's time. Emma realizes that the Moon Pool is connected to the ocean and may be their only way out, and dove in to find out. While her birthday parties seemed fun in the first place, Cleo started hating her birthday when she got much older, because her father and sister organized childish parties.

In her childhood, her parents had another daughter named Kim , and Cleo met and quickly became friends with Lewis McCartney when she was five years-old. She also met Emma Gilbert , and becomes good friends with her. Later, she began attending South Coast High School.

Enhanced Breath : As a mermaid, Cleo can able to hold their breath without any discomfort for at least fifteen minutes before needing to breathe, and will get unconscious if the time period extends over past those minute. Her tail is deep purple, similar to her hair, with sparkles all down the sides, leading to a translucent end. Don't have an account? Cuando Lewis comienza a salir con Charlotte, Cleo se puso celosa. Cleo since began using it to empower her magic, and channel its own magic to, for example, project a moonlight from the crystal, simulate the effect of the Full Moon on an active Moon Pool , and generate the Water Tentacle , and the Moon Waterfall. After Charlotte became a mermaid, her true colors began to surface and she proved to be quite venomous. Debido a que Cleo y Emma son mejores amigas antes de que Rikki Chadwick llegara, ellas se pueden llegar a entender mejor. View source. Endurance : Merpeople are able to swim for days without exhaustion, something which no human has the stamina to do. As a human, her more commonly worn outfit consists of a white tee, blue overalls, and flip-flop style sandals. Aquatic Adaptation : Depending on where they are born and raised, merpeople may be resistant to certain elements in that area. Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q

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