

Last week we launched VC investor reviews LP clearpilled In previous posts we discussed how beliefs are not about being accurate, clearpilled, but about establishing and cementing your membership to your desired tribe.

It's funny. I often refer to Strauss to make the point that "truth" and "community" may be irreconcilable. You can't have a founding without a founding myth, and you can't have a founding myth without fudging the details a little bit. The challenge with the clearpill is that a some people are persuadable at the margins, and if you don't say anything because other people are not, then you're missing the folks who are; and b we care a lot about what other people think or what we think they think , as per the old line "the job of propaganda is not to tell you what to think, but to tell you what other people think. Good essay. Arguing serves at least a couple of purposes, even if nobody changes their mind.


The final phase of awareness of the human condition. The peace of mind you experience when you accept that no matter what crumbles and falls around you in this world due to the corruption and degeneracy of Man, you are the master of your own mind and your soul belongs to God. Deriving from the Matrix universe, clear pilled is the state of peace that comes with total awareness. It is the step after black pilled ; black pilled is the step after red pilled ; and red pilled is the step after blue pilled. Blue pilled is living in ignorance, oblivious to the fact that you are a mental slave, totally brainwashed and unaware that your thoughts are not your own. In a blue pilled state, you have strong passionate feelings about things you know nothing or very little about while blindly believing you do. You are a useful idiot, inured to the system, the product of thought control and psychological operations against you. In a red pilled state, your eyes have opened to this and you begin to see the truth of your condition and through the illusions set up to deceive you. You then embark on the journey down the rabbit hole, which ultimately leads you to the next phase of being black pilled -- the cynicism that comes with realizing that the sinister forces working against you are too great, the fall was set in motion too long ago, and there is no hope for your condition because the vast majority of the masses are far too blue pilled. But there is. Most people are blue pilled , some are red pilled , fewer are black pilled , and fewer still are clear pilled. Clear Pilled. Clear pilled is when you finally see both political parties are bs, money is bs except precious metals , and the internet is bs. Both are useful in that you can start to see what bs they are and, then like in the Matrix you can then manipulate these elements to your advantage. Handcuffs are real!

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Curtis Yarvin, also known by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, is an American blogger. One of the sharpest and most articulate critics of contemporary US democracy, Yarvin has gathered a substantial online following over the years, first with his now-defunct blog Unqualified Reservations — , and more recently with his substack Gray Mirror. Curtis Yarvin: Unqualified Reservations UR was written in a fundamentally different intellectual period, a sort of American Hundred Flowers period — a period when everyone thought the Internet had made the thought-control state a thing of the past. That was an illusion, of course; it was always and has always been a thing of the present; any regime which does not at least manage what its subjects think will shortly be replaced by one that does. Popper shows you that even oligarchies must be illiberal — then, for his other one thousand pages, argues for oligarchies, because they must be liberal. There is no paradox; the professor has only disproved himself. Periods are never numerologically perfect. There were no zeros. So UR is really a blog from the teens, also the golden age of blogging.


Now, in a new series of essays, Yarvin sets the record straight on his thinking, his critics, and his radical challenge to all political frameworks competing for dominance in American life. Partisans of every stripe would do well to prepare themselves to respond to this line of attack—one building strength and authority in tech circles. The question of whether American politics can deliver the good life today is one we continue to answer in the affirmative. But without the healthy jolt to the system Yarvin provokes, and the resulting tension and debate that is the essence of political democracy, all such affirmative answers, we strongly suspect, will be weakened, no matter how feverish they become. The turn-of-the-century Italian School of political science—whose leading figures were Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto, and which James Burnham summarized in his best book, The Machiavellians : Defenders of Freedom —taught that all states are ruled by elites who subdue their subjects with illusions. Political formulas are cousins of stage magic. Stage magic works by presenting true facts in a pattern that suggests a false story, and obscures a true story. To act politically is to act on a stage beyond our lives and senses. No one can perceive unmediated reality.

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We need to protect philosophy from the city so that you don't get another Socrates instance where you have somebody sentenced to death for corrupting the youth and not believing in the gods of the city. Most resistance to the ruling regime will simply be crushed. The simplest form of anarch in our time is simply "taxpayer". My life means my actions and decisions and writings, mostly my choices. Being retired makes me want to look for truth, no matter which tribe. The final phase of awareness of the human condition. The message is a signal to those who are open and reads like noise to those who aren't. Arguing serves at least a couple of purposes, even if nobody changes their mind. Similarly, there is a huge difference of opinion on Israel vs Palestine over generations, so the indoctrination of the young must be working. Another interesting parameter is how strong the need is for any given person to cling to a community or identity. I want to see, in writing, what I think, so these comment notes on substack are good. Loud voices signal to those in power: Here's what you need to do to keep my support. Free transitions edi Cool transitions and shades and velo.

I always get a lot of flak when I covidpost.

Meaning of numbers. Once you trigger that distinction, you are the Enemy. Clear pilled is when you finally see both political parties are bs, money is bs except precious metals , and the internet is bs. Most resistance to the ruling regime will simply be crushed. They believe they are in their own mind but may not be yet. The best stories win. Strauss wrote about the relationship between how we think about political life on one hand, and how we think about metaphysics ontology or fundamental philosophy on the other. Can you respond and adapt? Ernst Junger, lived this reality under the Nazis. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Arguing well can serve as proof to others that you possess hard-to-fake qualities that would be useful in other more serious contexts. The locals are sitting all around you going on and on in Spanish about the local political issues and the local political races etc. Yes, the crazier a bonding ideology is — the further away it is from objective reality — the more powerful it is in forming tribes. I behave in the manner expected of me.

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