
Basically, I would speed run my way chikage every weapon, chikage, beating the minimum number of bosses, and finish the game. I did that for every weapon.

Newer Post Older Post Home. Your hunt through the streets of Yharnam will be your most exciting and rewarding journey yet, and the road will be hard. But fear not! These guides are your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city. Bloodborne Discord Tomb Prospectors Discord.


This old abandoned elven blade was once used by the knights of a long forgotten kingdom, who practiced the art of blood rites. Through ritualistic enchantments, they granted these blades a vampiric essence. When the intricate, rippled engraving that spans the Chikage's blade is imbued with blood, the sword sings in scarlet hues. However, the rite eats away at the wielder's very essence. Scarlet Song. As a bonus action, you can expend up to 3 hit dice and sheathe your blade. The scabbard plunges scarlet fangs into your palm, draining you of your life essence, but coating the blade with a darkened ichor. For 1 minute, or until you shake off the blood as a bonus action, the Chikage deals an extra d6 of necrotic damage for every hit die you expended. However, at the start of each of your turns, you take necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus. This damage cannot be reduced in any way. Corrupted Blood. When Scarlet Song is active and you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force them to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, a creature takes 1d10 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Blood shadow is a fitting name after all. Chikage Martial Weapon Longswordchikage, Very Rare Requires Attunement This old abandoned elven blade was once used by the knights of a long forgotten chikage, who practiced the art of blood rites.

The Chikage is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. In-Game Description. The Chikage is a katana that drains the player's health when transformed in exchange for pure Bloodtinge damage and to have a Rapid Poison effect on it. The health drain is rather slow and is based on percentages. The Blood Mode deals pure Bloodtinge damage. Bloodtinge damage is extremely powerful because it is a damage type that is neither physical nor elemental.

Bloodborne Chikage Build will help you battle better once you get the hang of it! But that is not all that Chikage does. Read on to find more about Chikage and Bloodborne Chikage build! Rated 9. Developed by FromSoftware and published by Sony Entertainment , Bloodborne makes your worst nightmares come true. Chikage is a three-versioned katana in Bloodborne. The three versions are: Normal , Uncanny, and Lost. The only differences known to us are the Gem Imprints and the locations in which they are found. Run a skill build using a cleaver or spear until you can get chikage. Only rush in if you are sure of your abilities.


The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is an enemy hunter in Bloodborne, and is the last enemy to be faced as part of Eileen the Crow's questline. The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is a hunter who has presumably gone mad with bloodlust, and as a result became a target of Eileen the Crow. However, in her old age, she proved to be no match for him in combat, as the player finds her in a pool of her own blood, barely alive on the steps leading up to the entrance of the Grand Cathedral. He is outfitted with the Cainhurst Set with the exception of his chest piece, which is the Crowfeather Garb. His weapons are the Chikage and the Repeating Pistol. Once the player has defeated Rom , this character can be found at the Grand Cathedral if you helped Eileen defeat Henryk earlier at the Tomb of Oedon , and she survived.

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For example 30 strength, 40 skill and 50 bloodtinge. The blade is raised overhead as the hunter hops back. However, this allows it to be quite effective on any bloodtinge build as long as you're willing to stray off a bit to acquire some strength. But for late game bosses and enemies where everything goes a little bit faster, Stake Driver is gonna miss when other weapons can close space quite well. Stake Driver: Take everything I said about Reiterpallasch's range and make it worse. Whatever can be stunned by 1 quicksilver bullet will be stunlocked by this weapon's transformed state for as long as your stamina bar lasts. Optional Bosses. You only need Pthumeru root chalice for this. Hitting undestructible objects and environment does not deplete your durability. Vote 74 Votes in Poll. Does the hunter cut their own hand to provide the blood?

The Chikage is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. According to the game's description, it appears to be a foreign sword making use of strange blood magic. There are 3 versions of this weapon: Normal, Uncanny and Lost, with only subtle differences of Gem Imprints and location.

Remember to disguise your dash so that your opponent doesn't guess what you're up to! Its greatest weaknesses have to be high stamina consumption in bow form, bad sword charged R2 that doesn't allow for backstabs, and split bloodtinge scaling between transformed states. The whip is great for crowd control, but with the lack of a charged R2 and a slower speed, it becomes less useful not to long into the game. If you can get an enemy caught in this series, this is a great combo to just not let up on. Can we talk about the absolute cheese this weapon is against certain enemies? Not every weapon can be bounced off, Chikage belongs into the category which cannot. Combo that with a high dps, skill-based sword with great range and you've got another weapon to tear through bosses. Combine with Bone Marrow Ash for more fun. Outside of the poison effect, the transformed Chikage has another interesting trick — the charged R2 of transformed mode drains your health as you charge it. Cainhurst Badge. It isn't able to be buffed and it has split scaling between transformed states but with smart stat allocation, Chikage remains within the high caliber weaponry of Bloodborne.

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