Charlie chan you tube

There are a few movie detective series that are a lot of fun to watch over the years. The Falcon, The Saint, Mr. Moto, Mr.

I know this because that's when I first saw it - and recorded it on the family's Zenith VHS tape deck, first one on the block. I'd heard that NBC bailed on series use because they'd gotten some flak over the casting of Polish-born Ross Martin as Charlie Chan; this was the onset of such "protests". In any event, the passage of eight-plus years had pretty much put paid to the whole deal; even if the Chan pilot had gotten any kind of reaction in a post-midnight throwaway airing against Johnny Carson at his peak of popularity , even a positive audience response would have been to little avail. I am feeling just a bit nostalgic about that old Zenith VHS - two speeds, remote hooked up with a long cord, pop-up hatch for the cassette, keyboard that went ka-CHUNK … those were the days? All the sources I checked, Mike, said this came out in '73, two years after it'd been made, so maybe it'd been burned off before '79, when ABC acquired it. Seeing as how this was made in '71, do you think they could've gone with Keye Luke after all as Chan?

Charlie chan you tube

Sign In. Charlie Chan Carries On Hide Spoilers. A movie that no one has possibly seen or can recall has a score of 7. I love IMDb--perhaps that is why I have written so many reviews. However, it annoys the heck out of me when I am searching on films and find reviews and lots and lots of scores for films that have disappeared over the years and cannot possibly have been seen. Unless you are about years-old and have PERFECT recall, you have no business scoring this film as it does not exist--the film having been destroyed in a fire in So stop scoring films that don't exist--it screws it up for people who really want to find out about a film--not see the votes of some cult-like followers of a particular series. The same is true of the Marx Brothers first film--a short that Grouch described as a terrible film. Yet, despite not having been seen since the s, it has tons of scores on IMDb! Do yourself a favor. Get the Charlie Chan box set and see "Eran Trece"--this is the Spanish language version the studio made at the same time they were making "Charlie Chan Carries On"--a common practice during the early days of sound films.

Charlie Chan at the Opera. Charlie Chan at the Circus George Reeves, who played Superman on TV was also in this film.

Charlie Chan is a fictional Honolulu police detective created by author Earl Derr Biggers for a series of mystery novels. Biggers loosely based Chan on Hawaiian detective Chang Apana. The benevolent and heroic Chan was conceived as an alternative to Yellow Peril stereotypes and villains like Fu Manchu. Many stories feature Chan traveling the world beyond Hawaii as he investigates mysteries and solves crimes. Chan first appeared in Biggers' novels and then was featured in a number of media.

Who Is Charlie Chan? About Credits Jill Lepore looks at the Charlie Chan movies and the real detective who inspired the character. Inspector Tan, Honolulu police. There's a new book out that tries to trace the life of the real Charlie Chan and tells the story of the man behind the fictional detective. Charlie Chan started out as a very minor character in a book serially published in called The House Without a Key by a pretty unknown novelist at the time, Earl Biggers. There's the guy, come on! Fox just cranked them out and made a pile of money off of them. Biggers had been to Hawaii once.

Charlie chan you tube

When a good-for-nothing man named Dan is stabbed to death and his arm broken, Charlie Chan is on the case. His first clue comes from the victim's sister, who noticed a prowler wearing a glow Read all When a good-for-nothing man named Dan is stabbed to death and his arm broken, Charlie Chan is on the case. His first clue comes from the victim's sister, who noticed a prowler wearing a glow-in-the-dark wristwatch. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Charlie Chan's Greatest Case 1h 10m. Director Hamilton MacFadden. See production info at IMDbPro.

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The House Without a Key. David Howard uncredited. Lost Movies From Am I an American? Spencer G. Sommer, Doris Toler's last film. Jim Tritten 22 December Public domain due to the omission of a valid copyright notice on original prints. Chinese audiences also saw the original American Charlie Chan films. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Over four dozen films featuring Charlie Chan were made, beginning in New York University Press. All of these are excellent films in their own right.


The Red Dragon. Queen, Ellery It is a complex plot with continuity problems and intentional miscues. Warman's Americana and Collectibles. If that's true, there's at least one copy in someone's private collection, out there somewhere. It overwhelms me with sadness to admit it … for he is of my own origin, my own race, as you know. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Charlie Chan. New York: Oxford University Press. Ricardo Cortez is of note as well. Earl Derr Biggers. Archived from the original on 9 January The group scene happened and the villain was caught but, by the end, you won't care much who it was She is most immediately known for being Dale Arden in two of the better Flash Gordon serials and had a nice role in Ace Drummond.

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