Car ac system diagram
If you are someone who has always been curious about how car AC works, continue reading below for a deeper look into air-conditioner theory, system components and system operation.
When it comes to car air conditioning, most people take it for granted. Without your air conditioner, driving in warmer climates like Australia will become an unbearable experience for the common driver. Have you ever wondered how car air conditioning works? Well the car air conditioner has pretty much worked the same way for its entire existence in the modern world and that is, it cools and removes humidity from the air. The compressor is connected to an evaporator which cools the air as it passes through.
Car ac system diagram
We have some excellent threads on the forum about airconditioning, notably car AC systems, obviously! All detailled in my thread of fiddling with my cars. At the end of this post I will provide links to each repair job. I thought it would be interesting to open it up and get a feel for what is inside. According to my mum I started taking things apart from when I was about 3 years old. Initially, I did have problems putting stuff back together again. Apparently I took our central heating furnace apart when my parents were not looking. They only noticed when it was getting cold in the sitting room, and they had to call in a specialist to put it back together again. These days I do manage a bit better. Usually I manage to put things back together. Would look pretty cool in my garage!! So buckle up and lets rip this compressor apart!!
The evaporator looks similar to a radiator, with its coil of tubes and fins, but its job is to absorb heat rather than dissipate it.
In the United States, the car air conditioner is a necessity for every car during the hot summer months. Many passengers do not know how their air conditioner works and take it for granted. This article will explain the basic principles of how automotive air conditioning works. By understanding how the ac works, you can appreciate the engineering that goes into making this life-saving device. Air conditioners made life easier and more comfortable for car occupants. In this powerful guide, you will learn comprehensively how car air conditioning units work, and the scientific principles which cool the refrigerant, and condensation, explained in easy words. The condensed refrigerant, when changes its state to vapor refrigerant, produce cooling by taking the heat from the surrounding. In other words, the car AC system works on the principle that liquid absorbs heat when they become vapors.
Car ac system diagram
You probably don't think of your car's air conditioning system very often. But if it broke down, you'd definitely miss the cool air. So, how does AC work in a car?
Hero Mavrick Participating employers will contact selected applicants to conduct interviews. If your car air conditioning…. Because automotive air-conditioning systems operate under pressure, they need to remain completely sealed from the surrounding environment. Once the gas is in the pump it is put under extreme pressure psipsi and is forced out to the condenser. In essence that is all, in reality it is a bit more complex, but not by much. It is actually on top of the control valve of the variable displacement mechanism as we will see. If the moisture is allowed to remain in the system this will react with the internal metal surfaces and mix with the system lubrication oil creating acids and sludge build-up causing premature failure of the air- conditioning system. Approved on November 18, The compressor, compresses Duh! North Carolina salary information: The U. Here you see the inside of the clutch pate. Find out more in our resources. That is how we determined this was the problem.
For this reason, it is very important to keep the passenger cabin cool.
Of all the AC jobs I have done over the years, bearing comes first, clutch comes second. The refrigerant is drawn into the compressor as a low-pressure gaseous form. Thinking about becoming an auto tech? Yes No required Required. The big black pulley at the front also houses the clutch, you see an electrical lead with connector protruding. So everything we took off comes from this side. Motorboat Mechanics and Service Technicians, viewed June 2, On the bottom you see another black connector mounted on top of the compressor housing. Related Articles. Trust our bad luck.
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