Call santa claus video

Message from Santa!

Is that you? Believe it or not Santa has gotten pretty tech-savvy over the years. He does it all and now he can video chat. Video Call Santa lets your kids chat with Santa on your iPhone, and you can save a video of the conversation. Nick with the Video Call Santa app. You can set it up for the kids! Thanks, Santa!

Call santa claus video

A video call with Santa is the perfect way to see Santa this year. Your call from Santa is a fully personalised and private family video call, live from the North Pole. Santa is very much looking forward to hearing what all the children would like for Christmas this year and check to see who is on the nice list. Talk with Santa Claus this Christmas in the comfort of your own home with a virtual visit. A unique opportunity to speak with Santa in this fun for all the family experience! Booking a video call with Santa Claus is really easy! Simply choose the date and time you would like a call from Santa, fill in the details you would like him to know prior to your call and then get yourself ready in your festive outfits and await your call! A visit with Santa Claus should be a personal experience and this is where Santa's Calling You is able to provide you with that personal touch that you cannot experience at a Grotto. We allow you to carefully select the Santa that you feel would be the best match for your video call creating magical moments that are personal to you and your family. Enjoy a personal live video call with Santa Claus , from the North Pole. The perfect family experience in your own home this Christmas. Santa will be checking to find out if you are on the nice list and will take your present requests as well as amaze your child knowing all the facts about them! Hear the truth on how the Reindeer fly and be reminded that it is not always about what is under the tree but what is around the tree that counts!

Video Call Santa.

Create and share personalized calls and video messages from Santa with your loved ones. Absolutely love this app, it not only lets you create a Christmas message but also one for your child's birthday. We've used this app for years. We love it! Our son gets excited every year to hear from Santa.

Create and share personalized calls and video messages from Santa with your loved ones. Absolutely love this app, it not only lets you create a Christmas message but also one for your child's birthday. We've used this app for years. We love it! Our son gets excited every year to hear from Santa.

Call santa claus video

Some of our latest winners are: Jordanne R. That ends the contest for this year. Thank you to the hundreds of people who entered!


It gets better and better, year after year. This one is well worth the premium price for what is it. Prices are in USD. The latest version contains minor bug fixes. You cant beat this. Information Seller Dualverse, Inc. The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:. A video call with Santa is the perfect way to see Santa this year. Update: after going back and forth thru email because the support button in app wasn't working , they corrected the problem! Cheer up Episode. Download it watch the children you love as they talk to Santa.

Is that you? Believe it or not Santa has gotten pretty tech-savvy over the years.

Laura, USA. Santa Tracker - Check where is. Santa's Grottos are not the only place you can visit Santa! Wish there were a few other options like is helpful, is trying hard. Air Printer App. Join your zoom meeting and Santa appears on the screen to talk to your child and of course will ask them if they've been good this year and what they would like for Christmas. The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:. Your personalised letter from Santa will also include Magic Reindeer Food eco friendly which your child can sprinkle on Christmas Eve either in your garden or outside your front door making sure Santa and his Reindeer can find your home on Christmas Eve. You Might Also Like. We have put together a full list of FAQ's which you may find useful to read if you are thinking of booking a call from Santa or have already made your booking. Pricing in other countries may vary. It looks like Father Christmas has joined the thousands of us with embracing video calling.

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