british soldier pirates of the caribbean

British soldier pirates of the caribbean

This man was an officer serving in the British Royal Navy as part of the forces stationed at the isle of Saint Martin under the fearsome Lieutenant John Scarfield. Though he was born in England, by the s he was residing in Saint Martin as part of the British Army tasked with protecting the island and the waters around it.

As their name indicates, they were trained for combat operations at both sea and land. The East India Trading Company employed many of these soldiers for the sake of protecting their goods. The Royal Marines are a part of the Royal Navy, although they're a seperate entity and not sailors as such and not members of the British Army as the uniform would suggest. Marines were attached to the crew of almost every British Royal Navy ship. Many of the garrisons of fortresses in the Caribbean also consisted of Royal Marines.

British soldier pirates of the caribbean

The title of this article is conjectural. Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. Not much is known about this man's early life. At some unspecified point of his life, this man would become a Royal Guard serving as part of the British military forces stationed in the small town of Saint Martin on the island of the same name. He was placed in charge of a small squad of guards. Around , the Bank of Saint Martin would be officially opened. However, the famed pirate Captain Jack Sparrow was found sleeping drunk inside the vault, lying atop a pile of gold and other valuables. This marine and his squad were immediately sent to dispense with the pirate, who was now drunkenly stumbling out of the vault. This guard prepared his men to open fire on the pirate as Sparrow drunkenly attempted to work out how he had ended up asleep inside the vault. However, just as the soldiers were about to open fire on Jack, a woman was sighted inside the vault who had apparently been sleeping with Sparrow. The guard ordered his men to hold fire, but Mayor Dix told them not to mind about the "trollop".

A large group of Marines were present guarding the fort when Jack Sparrow 's hanging was taking place. Edit source View history Talk 0.

This man was a soldier serving as part of the British Royal Navy crew of the Monarch under captain Toms. As the Monarch chased down the pirate vessel known as the Ruddy Rose, the soldier was standing with several others on the main deck when the young sailor Henry Turner appeared and attempted to talk the captain out of chasing the Rose into the mystical Devil's Triangle. The Triangle was a cave with the powers to bring anyone who died inside back to life, but the officers of the ship simply considered this an old sailor's myth. This soldier watched as Toms and Cole humiliated Henry in front of the rest of the crew, and as officer Maddox appeared from below deck to bring Henry back to work. But, Henry then tried to change the ship's course by force, running up onto the quarterdeck and beating up the Royal Marines. This soldier ran after him and grabbed him, pulling him backwards onto the floor.

As one of the British Empire 's most powerful warships and the renowned pride of the Royal Navy , the Dauntless was agile and fast for a ship of her size, and the estimated guns made her a heavily armed vessel and a force to be reckoned with. Paired with the HMS Interceptor , a smaller vessel but sleek and speedy, the Dauntless became the scourge of piracy in the Caribbean for years to come. One of the strongest ships in the Royal Navy, the HMS Dauntless was used to carry Governor Weatherby Swann and his daughter Elizabeth from England to the Caribbean , though they came upon the wreckage of a merchant vessel en route and rescued the sole survivor. From there, the Dauntless served as the power of those waters as the flagship of Norrington's men stationed at Port Royal. After Elizabeth Swann was kidnapped by the cursed pirate crew of the Black Pearl , Jack Sparrow and Will Turner used the Dauntless in their plan to commandeer the Interceptor so they could sail it out to sea to save Elizabeth. The cursed pirates later staged a surprise attack on the Dauntless , in which Norrington's men defeated the pirates. Norrington ordered the crew to pursue their quarry regardless, but the hurricane proved too powerful to navigate and the Dauntless was destroyed. A first-rate ship of the line, the earliest known use of the HMS Dauntless was that it carried Governor Weatherby Swann and his daughter, Elizabeth , from England to Port Royal , Jamaica eight years prior to James Norrington 's promotion to the rank of commodore.

British soldier pirates of the caribbean

PG min Action, Adventure, Fantasy. Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate "Captain" Jack Sparrow to save his love, the governor's daughter, from Jack's former pirate allies, who are now undead. Jack Sparrow races to recover the heart of Davy Jones to avoid enslaving his soul to Jones' service, as other friends and foes seek the heart for their own agenda as well. Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle. Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Captain Jack Sparrow is pursued by old rival Captain Salazar and a crew of deadly ghosts who have escaped from the Devil's Triangle. They're determined to kill every pirate at sea Sign In. Copy from this list Export Report this list.

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Scarfield ordered his men to prepare the guns, and this man shouted the same order again. Into Pirates of the Caribbean? British soldier. Royal Marines wore distinctive red coats from which they earned their nickname of "redcoats". They were making fast progress on their journey, and, soon, another officer spotted the Dying Gull through his spyglass. Cole then noticed a ship to starboard, but Wade corrected him, saying that it was a shipwreck. They seeked the trident so that the British Empire would rule the seas, and, fortunately for them, Carina had carved a map to the Trident into the wall of her prison cell. Like This soldier ran after him and grabbed him, pulling him backwards onto the floor. A large group of Marines were present guarding the fort when Jack Sparrow 's hanging was taking place. This soldier watched as Toms and Cole humiliated Henry in front of the rest of the crew, and as officer Maddox appeared from below deck to bring Henry back to work.

At some unspecified point likely in his early life, this man would become a soldier in the British Royal Navy , stationed on the isle of Saint Martin under the fearsome Lieutenant John Scarfield aboard his ship, the Essex. By , this soldier was one of the two most trusted officers to Scarfield aboard the Essex. Around the time of the Quest for the Trident of Poseidon , the astronomer Carina Smyth , who was mistaken for a witch , was incarcerated in the Saint Martin prison , but soon escaped.

The Marines serve under Royal Navy officers, but would typically be commanded by a Marine officer. The Navy captured the ship, only to discover that the pirates had marooned Jack, Carina and Henry. However, once they came to the harbor, they ran into notorious pirate Jack Sparrow. In , the astronomer Carina Smyth was mistaken for a witch and imprisoned inside the Saint Martin prison bound to hang at dawn. Related wiki HMS Interceptor. A day into the voyage, everything seemed to be looking up. Related wiki John Jacob Blake. A considerable number of Marines were stationed onboard the HMS Dauntless , where they participated in the search for Governor Swann's missing daughter, Elizabeth, who was kidnapped during the pirate raid the previous night. When Carina and Jack began to argue over who was to be executed first, the officers grew impatient, but cheered when Scarfield announced that they would both be killed simultaneously. But, Henry crushed the soldier beneath him, before punching him in the face. Cole then noticed a ship to starboard, but Wade corrected him, saying that it was a shipwreck. Inside the Devil's Triangle, the officers and sailors looked around from atop the quarterdeck. The Brethren. British soldier. Comments 0.

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