Blood ink wattpad

You know exactly what that means.

You know exactly what that means. It'll be like ripping off a Band-Aid: fast, and hopefully only slightly painful. You hover outside the glass doors of the tattoo shop, peering into the gloomy depths beyond. The difference between the bright, sunlit street you're standing on now and the dark space inside is incredible. It's like a whole different world in there. The walls are dark, covered up in sketches and ideas, sample art and pictures of past clients. The floor is black tile, and the lighting is dim and hazy.

Blood ink wattpad

You know exactly what that means. The very insanely gorgeous guy named Jungkook raises a brow at you, looking you up and down slowly and obviously. There's an arrogant, superior glint in his eyes. Then he looks at Hoseok. He plays with one of his gages as he grins at Jungkook, holding out the thick sheet of paper with the sketch for his inspection. When Jungkook's eyes fall on the sketch, his eyes go large. Hoseok allows him to take the paper back, never losing the cat-like grin spread across his face. He responds, and then Jungkook says something, and then they go off. The two tussle and banter back and forth, but you can't pay any attention to what they're saying. This Jungkook guy, you've seen his face in a place where people don't want to be seen.

I guess.

You know exactly what that means. If there's one thing that you'll take away from this experience, it's that Park Jimin is a massive flirt that's way too possessive of Jeon Jungkook. Jimin stayed through the whole tattoo process, holding your hand and talking you up as a way to keep you from focusing on the pain. You have to admit that his charming personality was a great distraction. Jungkook, on the other hand, remained gruffly silent except for the moments that he snarled at Jimin referring to him as his 'boyfriend'. The first time it had happened, you couldn't help the curiosity that had blossomed across your face.

You know exactly what that means. It'll be like ripping off a Band-Aid: fast, and hopefully only slightly painful. You hover outside the glass doors of the tattoo shop, peering into the gloomy depths beyond. The difference between the bright, sunlit street you're standing on now and the dark space inside is incredible. It's like a whole different world in there. The walls are dark, covered up in sketches and ideas, sample art and pictures of past clients. The floor is black tile, and the lighting is dim and hazy. Smoke hangs in the air like a cloud.

Blood ink wattpad

You know exactly what that means. We regret to inform you that the position which you have applied for has been filled. We appreciate your application.

Star citizen gyro mode

As Jungkook fills out some paperwork on the counter, Jimin leans his hip casually against the side of your chair. You'll also like. Then he looks at Hoseok. Getting down on your knees, you do your best to hold yourself still against the van's movement and look into Jungkook's endless eyes. Of what? She's grinning like a cat at the black-headed man. Epilogue: Centerpiece. You're covering your tattoo. He plays with one of his gages as he grins at Jungkook, holding out the thick sheet of paper with the sketch for his inspection. Go ahead! Report Story. The first time it had happened, you couldn't help the curiosity that had blossomed across your face. A wicked glint slips into Jimin's eyes, and Jungkook snorts across the room. You just want to spend the entirety of your life barely out of that man's reach, a specter of failure hovering on the edge of his vision that ruins his perfectly constructed world. Epilogue: Centerpiece.


It's like the cute curve of his mouth is a poor attempt at concealing the wickedness in his eyes. You know exactly what that means. He's a knockout for sure, ten out of ten, but the place that you remember seeing him drains any drop of attractiveness from your mind. I'm not done with you. With a deep, soul-wrenching sigh, Hoseok places his hands on his hips and says, "Fine. So much information, so many events in such a short amount of time Immediately, the man smirks in amusement. When you step out of the shower, it feels like you're stepping out into a sauna. New Reading List. Epilogue: Centerpiece. Not Dead.

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