bishkek time zone

Bishkek time zone

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This page will give you the current local time in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. If you are interested in other cities in Kyrgyzstan, please see our selection in the side bar of this page. Pishkek Frunze Pishpek Bishkek. Daylight Time. Night Time. Time difference: 13 hours ahead.

Bishkek time zone


Current local times in Kyrgyzstan cities. Santo Domingo. Does time difference in a city affect other factors also?


Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked Central Asian country that features unique mountainous landscapes and a very long nomadic heritage. It borders Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest and China to the southeast. Its capital city is Bishkek. It was annexed by Russia in , then it became part of the Soviet Union, from which it finally achieved independence in Kyrgyzstan has a rich history, which spans over 2, years, having been the home for many cultures and empires.

Bishkek time zone


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Stay Update Visit us on:. Fort Wayne. Thunder Bay. Flying Fish Cove. Other cities in Kyrgyzstan What time is it in Bishkek? Saint Peter Port. Time difference: 13 hours ahead. What time is it in Novopokrovka? What time is it in Balykchy? What does the city time difference tell? What time is it in Batken? Daylight Time.

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