birchwood medical practice

Birchwood medical practice

Rapid health is our online patient triage system; Rapid Health can be used to access self-care information, submit medical and administrative requests, and even register new patients to the surgery. Get started with our online birchwood medical practice tool. If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online. Submit a new request, birchwood medical practice.

Our team — led by five doctors and encompassing nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, dispensing, administrative, secretarial, reception and managerial staff — aims to provide efficient, effective and sympathetic healthcare to over registered patients. PCNs were introduced in July with the aim of developing closer links between general practice your GP surgery , community services and secondary care hospitals. At present they are in the very early stages of their development. As the Covid pandemic continues, whilst we will be seeing patients for face to face consultations where necessary, the majority of appointments will take place by telephone or video consultation. DO NOT attend the practice but stay at home and click on the following link for Coronavirus information and advice. If you believe you might at risk, visit the NHS service to find out what to do next.

Birchwood medical practice


Get help from your GP with Klinik! Start here.


This service was registered by CQC on 18 June New services are assessed to check they are likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. These assessments can include site visits, criminal record checks, interviews with key managers and a detailed review of how the service will be run. Follow-up inspections of new services are undertaken regularly following registration. Last report published on 11 April Latest inspection: 5 Feb Report published: 11 April We often carry out focussed inspections on individual services. The following ratings are from our focussed inspections.

Birchwood medical practice

Order a repeat prescription. Request or cancel an appointment. Get help and advice online. Get test results. Register as a patient. Request a fit note sick note. You can also see all services at this surgery or NHS services.

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As we head into winter we hope you find the leaflet below helpful for when your child has a cough […]. Patient Access Login to Online Services. Repeat Prescriptions. As the Covid pandemic continues, whilst we will be seeing patients for face to face consultations where necessary, the majority of appointments will take place by telephone or video consultation. New Patients. Submit a new request. If you are NOT registered with a GP at the moment we can still accept your registration request digitally. If you believe you might at risk, visit the NHS service to find out what to do next. Welcome to Birchwood Medical Practice. Accurx: Accurx: Contact us online If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.

Back to Home. You can telephone the practice from 8am until 6. You can submit an online request form from 8am Monday to Friday.

Patient Access Login to Online Services. Start here. Non-urgent advice: GP Patient Survey If you have to attend the surgery please wear a face covering. Repeat Prescriptions. Leave this site quickly. PCNs were introduced in July with the aim of developing closer links between general practice your GP surgery , community services and secondary care hospitals. Rapid health is our online patient triage system; Rapid Health can be used to access self-care information, submit medical and administrative requests, and even register new patients to the surgery. Welcome to Birchwood Medical Practice. To submit a registration please click this link. New Patients. Further information. If you think you might have the coronavirus please do not attend the surgery in person. Get help from your GP with Klinik! NHS is available 24 hours a day, days a year.

2 thoughts on “Birchwood medical practice

  1. I am sorry, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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