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Can I be honest with you?

However tempting that may be. In October , Rackham and his crew were attacked by pirate-hunter Captain Jonathan Barnet, working for the governor of Jamaica. The duo of Anne and Mary were known for their fierce and violent tempers, and often referred to as "the fierce hell-cats". No one onboard ship was as bloodthirsty as these two women. During the siege the drunken and lazy crew hid below decks while Anne and Mary fought violently, yelling, "Come up, you cowards, and fight like men! After their capture, Calico Jack and his crew were sentenced by the Governor of Jamaica to be hanged.

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Sure enough, the hype was warranted, because this show about a small seaside town with an unusually high lesbian population combines my three favorite things in a TV show: queer women, murder mysteries, and humor. Bonus points for the fun accents. See, the thing about Deadloch population just over people is that, all of a sudden, the men of the town start turning up dead. Senior Sergeant Dulcie Collins has a team that consists of a nervous newbie and a useless boy, so her boss sends her help in the form of Detective Eddie Redcliffe. Dulcie and Eddie are two very different women, and watching them try to work together or, more often, in spite of each other is consistently delightful. The show laughs with us, never at us. And this makes sense considering how many queer people are working behind the scenes on this show. Created by comedy duo Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan as far as I can suss from Google, at least one of The Kates is queer, but maybe Australians can provide better insight on that one , the cast is full of queer women, including some queer women who play straight women on the show. Dulcie is played by queer Wentworth actress Kate Box, who is married to a non-binary actor Jada Alberts, who was also on Wentworth. Abby, their plucky junior detective who is smarter than she gives herself credit for is played by queer actress Nina Oyama. Either way I was amused at how many times Wentworth came up. All this talk about Wentworth is making me miss Wentworth. All these press stills are so much more serious than the show actually is.

How could you do that to Blue, Darla? Kind-of like an eighteenth century Mara Jade Skywalker.


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Bonny's visited Calico Jack in prison. Without giving too much away, how could their last meeting go the way it did and then the follow-up was a-okay. Newer Post Older Post Home. Either way I was amused at how many times Wentworth came up. Contribute to the conversation I was preparing myself to be horrified at the end but I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I am so used to women of color characters getting killed, that I never expected the final list to be all men. Madeline Sami is excellent, too. I really ended up enjoying this show. How could you do that to Blue, Darla? For one thing, Bridget is recurring on like two or three shows as it is. She opted for the lashes. Queer actors on the job! James Bonny dragged his errant wife before the Governor and demanded that she be flogged for adultery. After their capture, Calico Jack and his crew were sentenced by the Governor of Jamaica to be hanged.

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Get on it fanfiction writers. That works and the judge lets Freda out on bail to await trial. As I wrote As much as I liked it, it felt incomplete or missing some pieces I would have liked to see. Can I be honest with you? Okay, found this series by mistake. And why I love reading your teevee thoughts! LOVE a queer power couple. I doubt she is going to become a regular and even if she does they will probably just stick her with one of the men. So now I feel completely turned around! I felt like a big chunk was missing from where they left off to where it ended. But I imagine Louisa will try to resist Rose. Enjoying it a lot so far. Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets.

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