Best military movies imdb

R min Drama, Mystery, War. Army officer serving in Vietnam is tasked with assassinating a renegade Special Forces Colonel who sees himself as a god. R min Biography, Drama, History. PG min Adventure, Drama, War.

R min Biography, Drama, History. R min Drama, War. Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U. PG min Drama, War. R min Drama. An adaptation of Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved. Scottish warrior William Wallace leads his countrymen in a rebellion to free his homeland from the tyranny of King Edward I of England.

Best military movies imdb

From peacetime to frontlines, from coming home to left behind: Rotten Tomatoes presents the best-reviewed war movies of all time, ranked by Certified Fresh films first. Page 1: Movies 1- Page 2: Movies Synopsis: A teenager J. Robert Spencer is charged with the care of his younger sister Rhoda Chrosite after an Allied firebombing Synopsis: In this gritty screen adaptation of Shakespeare's play about the heroic and ruthless king, Henry V of England Kenneth Branagh Synopsis: In Vietnam in , Captain Willard Martin Sheen takes a perilous and increasingly hallucinatory journey upriver to find and terminate Synopsis: A film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button -- and it played the situation Synopsis: The film follows a group of German schoolboys, talked into enlisting at the beginning of World War I by their Synopsis: Staff Sgt. William James Jeremy Renner , Sgt.

Sam Bahadur. Near the end of best military movies imdb Vietnam War, a plant who was embedded in the South Vietnam army flees to the United States and takes up residence in a refugee community, where he continues to secretly spy and report back to the Viet Cong. Synopsis: A film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button -- and it played the situation

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Best military movies imdb

R min Drama, War. Chris Taylor, a neophyte recruit in Vietnam, finds himself caught in a battle of wills between two sergeants, one good and the other evil. A shrewd examination of the brutality of war and the duality of man in conflict. R min Action, Thriller. The secret U. R min Action, Biography, Drama. Marcus Luttrell and his team set out on a mission to capture or kill notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shah, in late June Marcus and his team are left to fight for their lives in one of the most valiant efforts of modern warfare.

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Critics Consensus: Distractingly violent and historically dodgy, Mel Gibson's Braveheart justifies its epic length by delivering enough sweeping action, drama, and romance to match its ambition. Other Lists by acm Passed min Biography, Drama, History. G min Action, Drama, History. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue. It's also a war film with an incredibly emotional ending that will stick with viewers for a long time. Critics Consensus: Pehaps Kenneth Branagh's most fully realized Shakespeare adaptation, Henry V is an energetic, passionate, and wonderfully acted film. All Quiet on the Western Front. Saving Private Ryan. Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices from both his own Union Army, and the Confederates. Saving Private Ryan. Doss , serving during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first man in American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot. Not Rated min Comedy, Drama, War. Release date.

R min Drama, War. Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.

Search primary language only. One of Stanley Kubrick's first provocative efforts into the dissection of the military system through filmmaking was the hard-hitting war movie, Paths of Glory. The Boat R min Drama, War 8. Directed By: Peter Weir. Inglourious Basterds. Come and See. PG min Adventure, Drama, History. A young German boy in the Hitler Youth whose hero and imaginary friend is the country's dictator is shocked to discover that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. Masters of the Air. Directed By: David Ayer. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue. His hopeful journey takes him out of England and onto the front lines as the war rages on. R min Action, Biography, Drama.

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