Barclays non uk exit

I have had a Barclays bank account for 27 years and kept it when I moved to Greece but, after Brexit, it decided to close accounts held by non-UK residents. When I contacted Barclays, barclays non uk exit, I was told it had been closed and it advised me to make a reclaim request for my money to be transferred to my Greek bank account.

Barclays have sent out letters to all Australian account holders that have any non UK address on their accounts. They have notified account holders that the account must be closed as they will no longer service non UK account holders. Just wondering what the options are for anyone with investments still in the UK and or state pension payments. It's a big pain for us as we have rental income and costs. Looked at opening a new expat account but all of them require you to invest 50k GBP or have a salary of k GBP and have extortionate fees. Tried to change address online to a UK relatives but it won't let me change the country without calling them and providing proof of address.

Barclays non uk exit

I have had a Barclays bank account for 40 years, but in December, when I tried to transfer money to my account here in Spain, I was unable to access it. I discovered that, after Brexit, it had been closed by the bank. Barclays says it wrote to tell me this would happen, but I did not receive the letter. I am currently out of work and need this money to live on. I had considered transferring some of it to Spain, but concluded my British bank was more reliable! I filled in the form to reclaim my money and, despite being advised it would be sent within 10 to 15 working days, it did not arrive. After many calls to the Barclays helpline I discovered there was a problem with the documents I had sent, so I went through the process again in February. But it was to no avail. It is now four months later, and I still have no access to my money, or an explanation as to what the problem might be. Your money problems are now thankfully over, as a nudge from us helped it to reach Spain. This is not a decision we take lightly, and appreciate the impact this can have on our customers. We can confirm the funds have since been released to our customer.

I argued this once with Nationwide. We have evaluated a number of the expat bank accounts on the market and have provided a list of them here:.

More and more British expats are receiving letters telling them that their UK based financial accounts are shortly going to be closed. This article explains the background and various options available if you are faced with an enforced account closure. British expats and non-residents with accounts held with UK financial institutions are receiving letters telling them that their accounts are going to be closed, simply because they do not live in the UK. Understandably such threats are causing people huge amounts of stress and anxiety while leaving very little time for them to make sensible, well thought through decisions. At Experts for Expats, we regularly receive enquiries around this and while often there are options available, the complexity of living abroad means that solutions are not always as straightforward as you would hope. This article provides insight into why accounts are being closed and the options you may want to consider if you have been threatened with an account closure. The bottom line is that having customers which are not based in the UK creates expensive regulatory problems for UK based financial institutions which have been exacerbated by Brexit, however the threat of account closures pre-dates the referendum.

I have had a Barclays bank account for 40 years, but in December, when I tried to transfer money to my account here in Spain, I was unable to access it. I discovered that, after Brexit, it had been closed by the bank. Barclays says it wrote to tell me this would happen, but I did not receive the letter. I am currently out of work and need this money to live on. I had considered transferring some of it to Spain, but concluded my British bank was more reliable! I filled in the form to reclaim my money and, despite being advised it would be sent within 10 to 15 working days, it did not arrive. After many calls to the Barclays helpline I discovered there was a problem with the documents I had sent, so I went through the process again in February.

Barclays non uk exit

By clicking a retailer link you consent to third party cookies that track your onward journey. If you make a purchase, Which? An increasing number of British citizens living in EU countries are being told their UK bank accounts will be closed after the Brexit withdrawal period ends on 31 December We last covered this topic at the beginning of October , when the majority of UK banks we spoke to said they were not planning to close any accounts - however, this situation seems to have changed. Here, we reveal the experiences some British expats have had with their banks, and explore what the alternatives are if UK banking providers can no longer operate in your country of residence. Get a firmer grip on your finances with the expert tips in our Money newsletter — it's free weekly.

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Comments … Sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion. Get specialist help Request a free introduction. Already have an account? Help and advice for All Expats. Buy a man eat fish. They went to every single bank in the high street and they were told that they were no longer opening accounts for non-residents and they will soon be closing existing ones. British expats and non-residents with accounts held with UK financial institutions are receiving letters telling them that their accounts are going to be closed, simply because they do not live in the UK. They may also need savings and it also has an impact on their credit rating in the UK. Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing. Register a new account. First part sounds right - not so sure about the latter.

What options are available for British expats living in the EU who have been told that their UK bank account will be closed in the event of no trade deal being agreed between the EU and the UK before January 1st As every British citizen living in the EU and most worldwide will be aware, the Brexit transition period comes to an end on December 31 st which means that as of 1 st January , the UK will have formally left the EU. Unfortunately, with the 31 st December deadline looming and any trade agreement needing to be signed and ratified by that date, it is looking increasingly likely that there will be no trade agreement in place on 1 st January

If you have an account with a UK based financial institution which is being threatened with closure, there are investment accounts you can apply for and transfer your funds to, even as a non-resident. I have had a Barclays bank account for 27 years and kept it when I moved to Greece but, after Brexit, it decided to close accounts held by non-UK residents. Sign in to follow this Followers No idea. Most viewed. NOTE: Australia is just as bad with the non resident banking policies so this isn't just the UK making expat lives difficult. While Barclays have been attracting the headlines since , they are certainly not unique and it is not limited to banks. Believe you can and you're half way there! Best regards. I often receive letters about this requesting proof of identity and tax residency certified copies of ID documents , which I generally file under 'bin'. With money they already had and for some time.

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