Barbara ann minerva

Barbara Minervaalso known as the Cheetahis a British archaeologist who was empowered barbara ann minerva the plant god Urzkartagagiving her the ability to turn into a ravenous, cannibalistic cheetah woman. She is a frequent villain of Wonder Woman.

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Only six issues in, the second volume of the Wonder Woman comic already had a wealth of supporting female characters, but Barbara was different. She was all sharp edges and classic villainous hallmarks; a long nose and a cutting jaw, angry eyes and clutching fingers. In short, she is the kind of character readers love to hate. In fact, there have been a total of four Cheetah incarnations dating back to , each one representing a different kind of archenemy. Today, we understand the shared universes in which superheroes operate; Superman and Batman are old friends, Daredevil and She-Hulk have faced each other in the courtroom as their lawyer alter-egos.

Barbara ann minerva

Prior to her transformation, Barbara was a gifted archeologist and close friend of Wonder Woman, until she was captured by the plant god Urzkartaga and imbued with the powers of the Cheetah. The group home, Amazonia, was run along the lines of a cult, where the occupants were trained to view life as a hunt, and all other people as either competitors or prey. On her last day there, she killed her brother in a fight to the death, proving her worth to their sacred cause: retrieving the God-Killer Knife. Building a series of false identities, Barbara Minerva got a job in Washington, D. Her life was immensely enriched by meeting Wonder Woman, a member of the Amazon culture she had been raised to admire, but when Wonder Woman laughed at her beliefs, Barbara decided to bring her down. This act empowered her, turning her into a cheetah woman, with the cheetah's characteristic hunting prowess and speed. She would spend the next six years committing criminal acts, though Wonder Woman was frequently on hand to stop her, always believing that the knife had somehow corrupted her and that she could be saved. Following the cosmic upheavals of the Rebirth period, this character's history was revised. After the death of her mother, she became more and more introverted. Under the guidance of her tutor, Ms. McLeod, she became interested in Greek mythology, especially the Amazons. Her father considered it escapism, and would rather teach her the world was cruel and unfair. She wasn't deterred, and at 26, she had received two PhDs and was working as an archeologist in Ukraine. Though she was mocked by her colleagues, she found her first solid evidence of Amazons: the tomb of Lysippe, 12th Queen of the Amazons.

Full-Frontal Assault : She fights completely naked barbara ann minerva in her Cheetah form, save for some tribal jewelry. Behind The Voice Actors. After Wonder Woman's realization that she was unable to go to Themyscira or Mount Olympusshe travelled to Africa in search of Cheetah.

Art by Aaron Lopresti. There have been four people who have taken up the mantle of Cheetah. The first version, Priscilla Rich, a wealthy but troubled socialite with a Split Personality who donned a cheetah costume and fought the Golden Age Wonder Woman who was Hippolyta in some continuities , was created by Wonder Woman's creator William Moulton Marston , and first appeared in Wonder Woman 6 Volume 1 in Since then, Cheetah, in all her various identities, has been a long time nemesis for Wonder Woman, with the Barbara Ann Minerva version of the character being the most well known to the mainstream, and has appeared across various media relating to Wonder Woman, including the DC Animated Universe and the direct-to-DVD original movies Wonder Woman , in which she has a brief cameo at the end , and Justice League: Doom , in which the Barbara Ann Minerva incarnation has a major role. Due to the fact that Cheetah is a Legacy Character , and there have been at least four versions of the character, each version will have their tropes in a separate folder.

Did You Know? Barbara Ann Minerva is the third character to become Cheetah. The two before her were Priscilla Rich and Deborah Domaine. Each version of Cheetah has been given roughly the same power set. Each possesses superhuman strength and superhuman speed. They also have an extremely heightened sense of smell and sight. Each also has reflexes and agility that succeed that of a cat.

Barbara ann minerva

Barbara Minerva , also known as the Cheetah , is a British archaeologist who was empowered by the plant god Urzkartaga , giving her the ability to turn into a ravenous, cannibalistic cheetah woman. She is a frequent villain of Wonder Woman. Born as the heiress of a vast fortune in Nottinghamshire, Barbara Minerva's life would change dramatically following an expedition she led into a dense African jungle. She was searching for the legendary lost city of the Urzkartagan tribe, but, on her adventure, her team was betrayed by their guides. The native Urzkartagans ambushed them, with only Minerva and one other, Dr. Tom Leavens, escaping alive into a nearby river. Minerva and Leavens washed ashore to find themselves at the foot of the lost city, its people in the midst of a ritual. One of the other members of their research team was captured and offered as a human sacrifice to their god Urzkartaga by the high priest Chuma.

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Administrators Manual of Style Recommended Reading. During her stint in Suicide Squad , she disabled a minefield by just running around it, as she ran faster than mines exploded. Priscilla's niece Deborah Domaine had come at her bidding, and the operative stays to observe. Comics character. Click here to see Minerva's Cheetah form in her earlier years. The captive woman's body would be used to provide a body for Drax's alternate dimension bride Barremargux to inhabit. No-Sell : Due to her powers actually being divine in nature, science-based ways to De-power her fail completely, such as during Final Crisis , when she was completely immune to the anti-metagen virus. Sadly, this didn't last, and somewhere along the way, Barbara became consumed by jealousy of Diana's powers, seeking out a god of her own to worship. Secret Society of Super-Villains member This character is or was a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains , a cadre of super-villains who band together to accomplish feats no one super-villain can do alone, in any of its various incarnations. Since then, she and Wonder Woman have fought, the demi-goddess reluctant to kill her former friend, no matter how much Minerva insists she's a monster. Missed Him by That Much : She actually came within a hair's breadth of Themyscira, setting foot on the island itself.

Prior to her transformation, Barbara was a gifted archeologist and close friend of Wonder Woman, until she was captured by the plant god Urzkartaga and imbued with the powers of the Cheetah. The group home, Amazonia, was run along the lines of a cult, where the occupants were trained to view life as a hunt, and all other people as either competitors or prey. On her last day there, she killed her brother in a fight to the death, proving her worth to their sacred cause: retrieving the God-Killer Knife.

Arch-Enemy : Veronica Cale becomes this after not only manipulating Dr. Even after he's destroyed and her transformation is empowered by a serum made out of his remains, the hunger still persisted. She then became human once again and agreed to help Wonder Woman find her way back to Paradise Island. He was actually so unhappy with her, that he later betrayed her and chose a man to be his next champion and Cheetah host Minerva eventually took back the Cheetah mantle by force. She actually seemed seriously fond of him, finding his heroics " endearing ", though she also half-heartedly tried to convince him to become a villain like her. During her stint in Suicide Squad , she disabled a minefield by just running around it, as she ran faster than mines exploded. Mooks : Earth-One Cheetah commanded men dressed as gorillas. ISBN After helping Diana settle into her role as Wonder Woman, Barbara was contacted by Veronica Cale , who offered to fund an expedition to Africa to investigate the plant god Urzkartaga. Cat Girl : This version is the most cat-like of all Cheetah, with her human traits beyond being bipedal almost entirely gone. If that means jumping Steve Trevor because he's in the general area, then so be it. Every generation, one of their members is chosen to become the host of the Goddess of the Hunt, until one day a hunter killed the current host; the knife used to kill her was cursed until it fell into the hands of Minerva. Super-Strength : Like the previous Minerva, her Cheetah powers let her go toe on toe with big hitters like Diana and Superman.

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