baldurs gate 3 steel watch foundry

Baldurs gate 3 steel watch foundry

Once players arrive in Baldur's Gate 3 's third act, and learn of the Steel Watch Foundry's existence, the way forward isn't immediately obvious.

Screenshot via Upcomer Baldur's Gate 3 screenshot. If you want to go against Lord Gortash in Act 3, then you will need to completely disable his Steel Watch. This will take some time to do, as you need to learn where the Steel Watch Foundry is located, which is where all of the watchers are produced. When you get to the foundry, all of the front gates will be locked, and you need to find another way inside unless you want to attack all of the Steel Watchers on patrol. You can start a quest here and speak to some additional characters, but that requires going further into the area. At the very start of the area, you can find a walkable patch of water and sand just below the foundry. I used Misty Step and Fly to get all of my characters onto the walkable patch and up onto the dock, as seen below.

Baldurs gate 3 steel watch foundry

This is why getting rid of them sooner rather than later is a good idea. I found this quest by stumbling upon the Ironhands, and they asked me to bomb the Gondians in the Foundry. The first step to this quest is heading to the Steel Watch Foundry itself. You can find this building in the southwestern corner of the Lower City. Just be wary of the Steel Watcher making its rounds guarding the entrance. Wait until it makes its way around the corner, and then run in. Walk to the center of the room, and a cutscene begins where you see the Gondians are forced to work with purple rings around their necks. Although the Ironhands wanted me to bomb the entire place, I decided to try and save the Gondians. They were slaves, after all, so I convinced them to fight back, and the fight ensued. Certain guards hold Motivators, which are devices that help control the Gondians. He expresses his worries about their families now being in danger. Gortash had not only taken the Gondians but took their families hostage underwater. At the lab level, climb up the ladder in the northwestern corner of the room. There will be a wooden shelf with scattered parchments lying around. This will start an entirely new quest.

Unfortunately, Zanner is not sure where the family members are being held and suggests going deeper into the Foundry to find more information. If you disable the Steel Watch before saving him, he will die, but you can wait to receive the book from Counsellor Florrick if she was saved from prison.

As part of Get Gortash's Netherstone, the party must figure out how to defeat Gortash, who is surrounded by Steel Watchers. One way to weaken him is by destroying them. The party can learn more about the Steel Watch by speaking to Wulbren and embarking on Avenge the Ironhands , or simply by exploring the Lower City. There are multiple ways into the Foundry - including lockpicking DC 20 the iron gates X, Y , entering a vent in Wild Shape form X, Y , or flying onto the roof and jumping down from an open hatch X, Y There are two Steel Watchers guarding the front entrance - one which patrols the front and western side of the building, and another which stays on the western side near the loading dock. The Steel Watcher patrolling the front can easily be avoided by lockpicking the front gate and door while the Watcher is on the western side. Once the Foundry has been entered, a cutscene plays, revealing that the Gondians are being forced to work by Banite cultists, under threat of explosive collars and their families being murdered.

Screenshot via Upcomer Baldur's Gate 3 screenshot. If you want to go against Lord Gortash in Act 3, then you will need to completely disable his Steel Watch. This will take some time to do, as you need to learn where the Steel Watch Foundry is located, which is where all of the watchers are produced. When you get to the foundry, all of the front gates will be locked, and you need to find another way inside unless you want to attack all of the Steel Watchers on patrol. You can start a quest here and speak to some additional characters, but that requires going further into the area. At the very start of the area, you can find a walkable patch of water and sand just below the foundry. I used Misty Step and Fly to get all of my characters onto the walkable patch and up onto the dock, as seen below. I was able to persuade the watcher to let me look around, but this just triggered combat anyway.

Baldurs gate 3 steel watch foundry

Once players arrive in Baldur's Gate 3 's third act, and learn of the Steel Watch Foundry's existence, the way forward isn't immediately obvious. The location is highlighted on the map of the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, but because the Fog of War blocks the view of the map until it's discovered first-hand, the city quickly becomes a maze of interconnected roads. After finding the Steel Watch Foundry location, BG3 players are able to completely shut down the Steel Watch, setting the stage for a direct attack on Gortash. But in the way lies a deep Foundry rife with prisoners to save and Banites to slay — as well as Hellfire Watchers and a Steel Watch Titan boss. This guide explains where to find the Steel Watch Foundry, and how to disable the Steel Watch once inside. Updated on March 11, , by Nahda Nabiilah: After players arrive at the location, they must make a critical decision, which will later facilitate or hinder their fight against Enver Gortash. Inside the Steel Watch Foundry, players will also come across Gondian Zanner Toobin, who will aid them disable the Neurocitor if they have previously saved the Gondians alongside Duke Ravengard from the Submersible.

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Defeat the Steel Watcher or sneak past him to get inside the door of the foundry. To enter the foundry, the best method is to take a hidden side path from the Wave Queen's Temple. Read at your own risk. If he is killed at any time, you can use Speak with Dead to receive the necessary password for the control panel ahead. More by Joey Carr. I actually recommend trying to disable the regular Steel Watchers first , as they will self-detonate after a while and this can damage Titan. It's up to the player to choose which side to choose — either the Ironhands or the Gondians will join the final fight against the Absolute, as part of the "Gather Your Allies" quest, but not both. This deals an immense amount of damage in a wide range, so be sure to get everyone out of range quickly if a Hellfire Watcher is about to self-destruct. Walk to the center of the room, and a cutscene begins where you see the Gondians are forced to work with purple rings around their necks. Both him and the corpse of Lu La Forza in the antechamber will grant you the hint you need:.

The prison is hidden, and rescuing the captives is a complex endeavor, so our walkthrough will guide you through finding it and provide advice for rescuing everyone inside. To start this side quest, infiltrate the Steel Watch Foundry and speak to Zanner Toobin, who is distraught at your actions, since it spells the death of the workers and their families.

I actually recommend trying to disable the regular Steel Watchers first , as they will self-detonate after a while and this can damage Titan. After you have spoken to Wulbren, speak to Barcus if he is present ; you can find him in the same room as Wulbren if you've completed his questline. The best Lachmann Sub loadout in Modern Warfare 2. This is why getting rid of them sooner rather than later is a good idea. From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki. One is an archer with the ability to use Debilitating Shot. If you manage to defeat Titan and kept Toobin alive, he will come into the room and offer to blow up the foundry. Avenge The Drowned. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission. At the very start of the area, you can find a walkable patch of water and sand just below the foundry. Even if you have never spoken to Wulbren and the Ironhands since arriving at Baldur's Gate, they will appear outside the Foundry and congratulate you on your work. Note that your IP address will be publicly logged unless you create an account. The Steel Watch Foundry is located right behind this waypoint, allowing for easy access if the party doesn't seem quite up to the challenge yet. The nearest waypoint is Grey Harbour Docks.

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