ay amigo vicente fernandez video oficial

Ay amigo vicente fernandez video oficial

Los temas musicales se tuvieron que grabar en su totalidad. El vestuario de la serie, en especial los de Chente, fueron creados con toda la responsabilidad del caso. Ese fue un golpe muy duro para Vicente.

A different presentation the CD case is 6 inches tall , an unusual cover for flamenco and, most of all, an original musical concept. The cover, the music…everything is reminiscent of earth. Moist earth to be exact. When I finally saw it clearly, I decided to take on this project and work with them. We got involved as much as we could. Yes, the design created by Carlos Ruiz is very related to the musical content. We wanted everything to have coherence.

Ay amigo vicente fernandez video oficial


Yo creo que eso es su punto de vista. Next Post.


The song begins with the man lamenting that his love has gone and he has found a note and a photo on the bed. The photo shows the woman with another man, and the note explains that she has been cheating on him. The man is devastated by this betrayal, and his tears cover his eyes so that he cannot read the entire note. Throughout the song, the man struggles with his emotions, alternating between anger and sadness. He cannot understand why life has treated him so cruelly and wonders why he deserves such pain. The woman claims that she left the photo there for him to see, so that he could see the man she has been with and understand that he is rich and gives her money.

Ay amigo vicente fernandez video oficial

Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Connect to Spotify. Replace video. Ella dice que dejo la foto.

New rune lol

That country has an incredible musical tradition, they breathe music. Login to your account below. We got involved as much as we could. All guitarists, all musicians are worried about technique. We all come from there, and every place in the world has a lot of Rome. Para Pablo, interpretar a Chente, no solamente tiene un significado profesional, sino uno muy personal que le cala muy dentro. That family has a great deal of prestige in the world of cinema. Times in English. Does that benefit your work? And they really gave it a different feel compared to what had been done before and what is usually done, showing the guitarist playing the guitar. Next Post.


Para Pablo, interpretar a Chente, no solamente tiene un significado profesional, sino uno muy personal que le cala muy dentro. Welcome Back! And when I unexpectedly heard Knopfler I thought, this musician, this sound is something I can work with, for sure, it was clear to me from the first moment. I had a kind of debt in that regard which I felt when I walked through the streets. Para Pablo, interpretar a Chente, no solamente tiene un significado profesional, sino uno muy personal que le cala muy dentro. Nearly all the guitarists I know are quite obsessive. Vicente Amigo, el eterno adolescente. Times in English. Do you ever stop being a guitarist? No vamos a descubrir ahora que Jerez de la Frontera es un manantial del que han salido cantes y cantaores I try to leave that place and not think of where I am.

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