atreus gay

Atreus gay

In the game, Mimir explains the pair Jari and Somr, which honors the real relationship between Sam Handrick, a senior gameplay programmer and Ragnarok dev Atreus gay Snipes, who passed away in due to epilepsy complications. The campfire burns with a rainbow-colored flame to honor the pair. And sometimes that place is simply a person, atreus gay.

The world has seen a steady rise in gay characters in video games over the last several years, though critics of the industry believe it still has far to go in terms of inclusion. A gay romance was removed from Mass Effect 2 for fear of backlash, and the games that do go ahead with gay characters unfortunately often face some amount of criticism on social media. Recently, there has been some discussion on Twitter about having gay representation in the God of War franchise, and one of the series' creators, David Jaffe, has taken to YouTube to share his thoughts on the matter. For the uninitiated, the God of War games see players taking control of Kratos, a Spartan warrior who fights armies and mythical creatures in Ancient Greece. The series never gets too deep into the sexuality of the characters that occupy its world, but that didn't stop one Twitter user from tweeting at Cory Barlog, a writer and designer for the God of War games, asking him not to make Kratos gay. Barlog responding by joking, "What about bi?

Atreus gay

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 of 6 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. MinorTatu 2 years ago 1. How likely is it for Atreus to come out the closet? MinorTatu Topic Creator 2 years ago 3. Yusane posted Is it the haircut? If he was a girl in would've said yes but he's not. I say it just cause we're in our era. Atreus either mates with a boy or a non white girl. Asmodaios 2 years ago 4.

SS4Gogeta 2 years ago This atreus gay a mixture of supportive and homophobic comments, and at one point Atreus was brought into the mix, David Jaffe was tagged in the conversation around this point and it prompted him to make a video explaining his stance.

The upcoming sequel to the game God of War has many fans excited about the new iteration of the franchise and has many wondering what we can expect. Earlier this month, a Twitter user asked creative director Cory Barlog, not to make Kratos gay. Cory responded , "what about bi? This sparked a mixture of supportive and homophobic comments, and at one point Atreus was brought into the mix, David Jaffe was tagged in the conversation around this point and it prompted him to make a video explaining his stance. He's never been gay. As for Atreus, David tweeted that more games need LGBT characters represented, and "it'd be very cool of [sic] Atreus grew up to be gay.

With calls for Sony Santa Monica studios to fly the rainbow flag in God of War: Ragnarok , the original franchise director says he's on board with making Atreus gay. While the God of War name stretches all the way back to , most now think of the modern era thanks to 's critically acclaimed reboot. God of War games have always made the muscular Kratos their central figure, however, 's title saw the bald brute mellow into his advancing years with his son by his side. Atreus was introduced with God of War , but quickly became a fan-favourite who will have a crucial part to play in Ragnorok. Returning to The Last of Us , the decision to make Ellie gay was one that caused plenty of backlash, but one the writers decided to champion throughout Part II. The conversation about Atreus' sexuality boiled over after one franchise fan Tweeted Game Director Cory Barlog and told him not to make Kratos gay.

Atreus gay

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March 10, thepridela. GreenKnight 2 years ago 9 We just need a Goddess or War already. More Topics from this Board. March 8, Dolores Quintana. DoBetter posted Side Quest. While franchises like Mortal Kombat have introduced gay characters , many other games are still woefully lacking in representation. FireAsset 2 years ago 7. MinorTatu Topic Creator 2 years ago 3. Photo One : Photo Credit A

Swapping his bow and arrow for the rainbow flag, could God of War Ragnarok really be about to make Atreus gay?

Though, as he points out, on the verge of God of War: Ragnarok 's release , he no longer controls the God of War series, so it might already be too late. March 8, thepridela. And something as simple as a recipe can be a link back to that home. Photo: Dolores Quintana. Photo: Shake Shack. Jaffe goes on to call out those who had homophobic responses to the idea of having Atreus be a gay character, and suggests that such people should look within themselves and confront their views on the matter. Kratos should disown his son if this were to happen. Earlier this month, a Twitter user asked creative director Cory Barlog, not to make Kratos gay. Still the best game trailer ever made, IMHO. March 12, thepridela Read more. The campfire burns with a rainbow-colored flame to honor the pair. March 8, Tech Support.

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