april 2022 horoscope

April 2022 horoscope

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April kicks off with a busy energy as the Sun and Mercury make their way through fiery Aries, inspiring a bold pursuit of goals. These vibes will have you on the move as the warm spring air motivates you to catch up on outstanding items from your to-do list, see friends, and embrace life. Just try not to put too many demands on yourself, even if you feel more energized than usual, or you could end up burning out. This planetary placement will encourage you to lean into relaxation, helping you mellow out when it comes to any overly ambitious plans you may have outlined. This energy is also extremely supportive of love and romance, so be sure to melt into your sweetie whenever possible.

April 2022 horoscope

Read your sign's horoscope predictions to see what's in store for you this year or check out each sign's personality profile to learn more about the zodiac. It's April , which means Taurus season, a powerful full moon in Libra, and the start of Pluto retrograde. But fear not, star babies. Yes, the world is a stressful mess , but astrological, it's a relatively chill month rich with philosophical insight and money. On Tuesday, April 5 , the first significant transit occurs when the romantic planet Venus enters sensitive Pisces. As a result, intimacy goes up in relationships, and you may notice that you see the glass half-full rather than half-empty. Paying attention to what you love about your partner, crush, or friends, makes for a much happier April than focusing on the negatives. When the communication planet Mercury enters grounded Taurus on Sunday, April 10 , you remember the power of silence. So, of course, please do not repress emotions or act withholding from your partners, but at the same time, you need to learn when to let things go. So, the next time you have a petty argument with a lover or friend, instead of using it against them for another two weeks, try letting them off the hook. They'll feel happier, and as a result, so will you. If you are in a casual sex situation or friends with benefits situation, it may become complicated around Thursday, April 14 , when Mars, the god of war, enters emotional Pisces. Even when we erect boundaries or make promises, such as "no falling in love," our bodies, minds, and the stars can conspire against us. However, following themes from earlier this month, you may enjoy increased intimacy in your relationships and find healthy ways to express your love through sex if you're in a long-term relationship. Saturday, April 16 , brings a full moon in flirty Libra.

Diaries of a Working Woman. The mood shifts as Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters grounded Taurus on April

Aries : You will stay motivated. Workplace obligations and pressures can grow. Senior officials will be watching you closely, so don't be careless. Business will bring profit and savings will increase. Investing in a new avenue will pay off. Employed folks may find new income streams.

The month ahead will be marked by high highs and low lows but, overall, your April horoscope is all about embracing delayed gratification. Beginning with a powerful and motivating new moon in Aries on April 1 , this month is pushing you to compete harder than ever. That said, this new moon could bring up a few touchy subjects, revealing the way your ego may be standing in the way of your success. Don't expect overnight improvements, because as Mars joins forces with Saturn in Aquarius on April 4, too much stagnancy could test your patience. Remember: great things take time. Luckily, you won't have to wait too long for something beautiful. On April 12, Jupiter will team up with Neptune in spiritual, compassionate, and artistic Pisces , steeping you in the vibrant world that exists in your imagination. This creative energy will not only sparkle at your fingertips but also radiate through your relationships. And as a full moon in Libra rises in the sky on April 16, it will help you release some of the darker emotions holding you back from experiencing true harmony.

April 2022 horoscope

Read your sign's horoscope predictions to see what's in store for you this year or check out each sign's personality profile to learn more about the zodiac. It's April , which means Taurus season, a powerful full moon in Libra, and the start of Pluto retrograde. But fear not, star babies. Yes, the world is a stressful mess , but astrological, it's a relatively chill month rich with philosophical insight and money. On Tuesday, April 5 , the first significant transit occurs when the romantic planet Venus enters sensitive Pisces. As a result, intimacy goes up in relationships, and you may notice that you see the glass half-full rather than half-empty.

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Last to mention, nautical-based content, imagery, and industries will also see a surge of growth. Scorpio Career Horoscope: April If freelance, you are likely to take on at least one important assignment. Click the name of each zodiac sign to jump to your April horoscope:. This means that as much as this month could be a bit hectic, you will feel the need to lie low and recover emotionally, physically, and spiritually in the days that surround this lunation. Also, a Full Moon in your expansion zone appears on the 16th, setting up more momentum for the months ahead, too. Aquarius : Better promotion opportunities will be available at the workplace and this will make your profile stronger. This means that in all your personal and professional goals, you must take the lead rather than waiting for things to fall into place for you. Speaking of slowing down: Communicator Mercury moves into Taurus on April 10, potentially giving us a fixed mindset and delaying projects. They'll feel happier, and as a result, so will you. Try to find new adventures that will bring back that spark in your life. Sign in. As always, heed your Ultimate Guide to Mercury Retrograde here. Pay heed to what your heart is telling you. The Solar Eclipse highlights your achievement zone and could signal a major promotion, public recognition, success, or fame.

The saying goes that April showers bring May flowers. But according to astrology, April will bring in riches of its own. Over the course of this month, the skies will see the end of Aries season and the start of Taurus season; a solar eclipse; and a once-in-a-lifetime astrological event in the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.

Benevolent Jupiter continues to soar through your sector of productivity throughout most of Everything that Capricorn rules has been going through a period of change: our governments, political structures, those in power, big business, and global economies. Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for March. Sync your forces with those you feel that creative chemistry with. So, what does April have in store for each of the signs? Our attention is being focused upon our relationships and this could be a time when people are prone to unite or break apart. Enjoy the big changes April has in store! Read your full April horoscope here, Capricorn. To read your February horoscope, click here. Saturn will force you to strengthen the relationships that are meant to be in your life—and any that come into your radar in the years ahead will be destined to stay there. However, if we resist and hold onto the past, our lives will be filled with tragedy and pain during these times.

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