american dingo breeder

American dingo breeder

I am Susan B. Anthony, breeder of the finest Carolina Dogs available.

The Carolina Dog is easily recognized by his pointed ears, foxlike face and curved fishhook tail. Ready to see what dogs fit you best? Take our short quiz to find out! Playfulness level 3 in 5. Activity Level level 0 in 5. Friendliness to Other Pets level 3 in 5.

American dingo breeder

You can tell this is one of my favorite subjects!! We ship all over the World. Although they can do anything, I do not want ours to be subjected to this environment after all the time and love I have given them! I am sure you understand!! So tell us more about yourselves and your interests, family members, space, experience with dogs in the past etc. We will look forward to working with you. Billy Benton is seen here setting out to exercise a pack of Carolina Dogs. Neighbors enjoy seeing them pass over farm land or along the side of the road. They are excellent herding and hunting animals and are greeted warmly whenever they are out in the countryside. Carolina Dogs tend to get along well with other pets. They have been brought into homes with established pets and have adjusted quickly.

Which brings us to about 14, years ago when Carolina Dog-types followed camps of humans across the Bering land bridge and settled in North America. Most people at the Tail-Gate are fairly new to the breed, having found out about it only in the last few years, american dingo breeder.

Maybe it's because in the South, we're a bit more country than our cousins to the north. Perhaps we are a generation or two fewer removed from the time when having a dog was essential to surviving and living off the land. Our four-legged brethren are a bridge between that wild past and a civilized present. We take them into the woods with us and let them sniff out our game and then retrieve it for us. We train them to protect our property.

The Carolina Dog is one of the very few breeds existing today that is truly a primitive dog; a result of natural selection for survival in nature, and not of selective breeding. They were the first domesticated dog of the Americas, having been companions to Native American Indians for thousands of years. The Carolina Dog comes out of the American Deep South and is thought to be a direct descendant of the ancient pariah dogs that accompanied Asians across the Bering Straits land bridge 8, years ago. They have survived as free living animals in the swamps, savannahs, and forests of South Carolina and Georgia for thousands of years. The Carolina Dog is very similar in appearance to a Dingo. The distinctive features of this breed are those which have been valuable to its survival in the swamps and forests of the South, i.

American dingo breeder

The Carolina dog is a medium-size breed known for its tall and pointed ears, long snout, and lithe frame. But rather than being from the land down under, this breed is actually descended from wild dogs found in the United States, but with a gentle nature that makes it an ideal family pet. A relatively new breed to domestication, Carolina dogs are known for being extremely devoted companions to the humans they bond with. They have a strong pack mentality, so being close to their family unit is a must for these athletic, energetic pets. The Carolina dog is thought to have come to the U. Through the years, individual dogs escaped, becoming feral and gradually migrating towards the southeastern U.

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Email Address. As an old-timer in the community, Eden has seen the role the internet has played in helping people learn about and understand Carolinas. Penny takes a rare break from exploring to pose for a few photos. Don Anderson saw a mother dog and three puppies approach a spring near a pond on his family's acre spread. Although they can do anything, I do not want ours to be subjected to this environment after all the time and love I have given them! They scratched and survived and were molded by the land, made by natural selection into the perfect vessel for survival in the wild South. Lots of time. All of their forbearers are said to have come across the Bering land bridge with the first humans to inhabit North America. Rural areas with large expanses of natural habitat is where this dog survives unhybridized. They exist only because Mother Nature decided they earned that right.

Also known as the Carolina dog, this breed has a fascinating history. When you think "wild dog" you may picture the dingos of Australia, or the wild painted dogs of Africa. But it may come as a surprise that North America has its very own wild dog.

And I love what she represents: the beginnings of a family for Kristen and me. Every morning, before I do anything else, I mosey out of bed, groggy-eyed, amble to the door and open it. My father never worries when he is lost. Take our short quiz to find out! But she expresses herself most through her ears. She just learned not to go the bathroom inside within the first two weeks I had her. Vaccinations are current. The alpha of the pack at the Tail-Gate was Bishop, named for the very land on which he stood. Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. I got a call a few minutes later. But as much as I love Carolinas, I love Penny more.

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