amanda holden naked

Amanda holden naked

Teaming up with historian Dan Jones, the show will see Amanda explore sex and relationships throughout the past years, using archive footage and dramatic reconstruction to tell the stories.

By Laura Parkin For Mailonline. The presenter, 52, is exploring how attitudes towards sex and sexuality have evolved in the programme from Sky History, alongside historian Dan Jones. Artist Francesca Currie said 'fun and relaxed' Amanda was 'a natural' model as she posed in the nude for the artwork. A behind-the-scenes glimpse will be shown during an episode of the series, but the Britain's Got Talent judge explained the portrait is for her 'husband's eyes only. Francesca spent six weeks working on the painting which Amanda gifted her husband Chris Hughes. Racy: Artist Francesca Currie said 'fun and relaxed' Amanda was 'a natural' model as she posed in the nude for the artwork. Francesca recalled: 'Amanda was fun to work with.

Amanda holden naked

It's no secret that Amanda Holden has an incredible physique and on Friday, in aid of turning 53, she put her honed body almost on full display in a daring photo. The mother-of-two was captured posing nude on top of a rocky cliff. Despite her complete nakedness, the blonde bombshell oozed elegance and as she posed sitting gracefully with he legs poised perfectly, showing off her muscle tone. Captioning the photo, she penned: "Birthday suit… Amanda's golden sun took front and centre of the thrilling shot, and couldn't have been more flawless. As for her makeup, she opted for full glam - dark smokey eyeshadow, warm sunkissed bronzer and nude lipstick. She also slipped on a golden bangle that framed her immaculately polished white nails. Birthday messages flooded in from the star's friends and followers in the comments section, with Oti Mabuse, Myleene Klass, and Louise Redknapp being some of the first to weigh in. It has been celebrations all-round for the Holden clan during the last few weeks, as both of her daughters, Lexi, 18, and Holly, 12, celebrated their birthdays in January. For her eldest daughter, the TV star pulled out all the stops for the most epic 18th birthday bash that saw her taking over the microphone in the DJ booth as Muder on The Dancefloor came on. See a video of the brilliant moment below. The entire long version with all guests is on my TikTok account…" she captioned the clip. Amanda looked fabulous donning a glittering silver co-ord for the occasion that was comprised of a silver crop top and wide-leg trousers.

She had been recreating a 17th century painting of Charles II lover Nell Gwyn, an actress who is one of history's most famous mistresses. Link Copied.

Britain's Got Talent judge Amanda Holden has celebrated her 53rd birthday by posing in her birthday suit on the edge of a cliff. Amanda Holden has celebrated her 53rd birthday by stripping completely naked for a photoshoot on top of a cliff, as she shows that she has still got what it takes to set pulses racing. The Heart FM presenter didn't leave much to the imagination as she sat with her arms and legs strategically posed to cover her modesty, sharing the photos on her Instagram page with her 2. Amanda simply captioned the photo with "Birthday suit…53". The Britain's Got Talent judge was full of smiles despite braving the weather, though from the look of the blue skies above her, she seems to be in warmer climes than a British winter. Amanda celebrates her birthday today, February 16, and was inundated with messages celebrating her big day and these photos that accompanied it.

Amanda Holden is known for her daring fashions, and she certainly proved that on Thursday when she posted a bold look, as she resembled a classic Bond girl. The Heart Radio presenter posed entirely naked, covering herself with just a shag blanket and a diamond necklace as she revealed that she was preparing for an amazing announcement involving her radio show. In her caption, she explained: " So proud to be involved in the biggest day of the year for thisisheart with the biggest prize on UK radio. SEE: Amanda Holden poses up a storm in gorgeous mini-dress. And for any fans who may have been concerned about the material that she was wearing, Amanda then revealed: "Please join us from am. It might be radio but you can also watch live by downloading globalplayer. Faux fur bao deveesofficial.

Amanda holden naked

Amanda appears to immerse herself in history by transforming her hair and make-up in the style of Cleopatra while posing naked in a candlelit bath. Elsewhere, they reveal how the Victorian era was secretly one of the most sexually progressive in the world. Lastly, they discover that sexual attitudes in the 20th century have changed more than in any other period in history and that this rate of change only continues to accelerate. During the series, Amanda and Dan will meet experts in the history of ex, including the late executive chair of Ann Summers, Jacqueline Gold CBE, in her very last television interview.


At least three 'people-smugglers' are in French custody after seven-year-old girl drowned when crowded Back to top Home News Royals U. Captioning the photo, she penned: "Birthday suit… Not that Her Majesty seemed to mind Universal Credit. Martin Lewis. Amanda posed for the portrait during filming for Episode 2 of Sex: A Bonkers History, which delves into historical sex habits. Prince William and Princess Anne set to step up as exhausted Queen Camilla takes break from work 'to enjoy Having her say: It comes after Amanda said she thinks that Britain is going backwards instead of forwards when it comes to its perception of sex. Amanda Holden pays tribute to 'rainbow baby' Hollie on 12th birthday after backlash It's a big month in the Holden household. Story Saved. How Amanda Holden, 52, looks sexier now than she did in her 20s. Behind-the-scenes photos show the TV star wearing a lacy white dressing gown after posing topless for the talented artist at a London studio. She has also joked about how her friends tease her that she is ageing in reverse like Benjamin Button. Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later.

The BGT judge, 52, oozed glamour as she took her adoring fans through a 'day in the life' style video before the exciting new series of the ITV competition kicked off on Saturday night.

Francesca recalled: 'Amanda was fun to work with. Share or comment on this article: Amanda Holden strips naked for a racy painting for new Sky TV show as artist says 'fun and relaxed' presenter was 'a natural' e-mail. I have been called Mandy Button in the past, which is such a flattering thing! Walkers are convinced they have found evidence legendary ape man is trekking the Yahoo TV UK. I had already done a few nude paintings around that time, it was just another nude that month. Francesca, who appeared on Sky's Portrait Artist of the Year, said Amanda was "a natural" and remained "comfortable and calm" during the process. Babbs Mill Boys tribute removed by council in favour of 'more appropriate' measure. You look amazing," alongside a red heart eyes emoji and a fire flame emoji. Major Universal Credit changes coming in March - what you must do to keep benefits. Celebs TV Films. Happy Birthday! It has been celebrations all-round for the Holden clan during the last few weeks, as both of her daughters, Lexi, 18, and Holly, 12, celebrated their birthdays in January.

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