alice eduardo biography

Alice eduardo biography

Elena Construction and Development—that would be Woman of Steel. Making a mark for herself sinceshe led her construction firm, now an AAA and Large B company which means it has a capitalization of at least Php million and qualifies to alice eduardo biography for any billion-peso project, to what it is today.

Elena Construction and Development—that would be Woman of Steel. Making a mark for herself since , she led her construction firm, now an AAA and Large B company which means it has a capitalization of at least Php million and qualifies to bid for any billion-peso project, to what it is today. In an industry dominated by male, how one will stand out? Proving how trivial gender is as she embarked on providing quality service. She and her team met standards and even beat project deadlines, and thus earned the trust of Sta. True enough, her company lives up to its slogan, going beyond structural integrity. Alice Eduardo had always wanted to be an engineer.

Alice eduardo biography

A remarkable woman that she is, Alice Eduardo is a Woman of Steel quite literally and figuratively. She started with steel and with steel, she carved her reputation and led her construction company, Sta. Elena Construction and Development, to what it is today. A more fitting role for her would be to become a doctor or nurse. As any dutiful daughter would do, she handled the garments export, along with her sister, Small, and the rice milling and trading businesses. Seeing her driving and delivering rice, Concrete Aggregates contacted her for its steel requirement. Fulfilling her childhood dream, she founded Sta. It means the company has a capitalization of at least Php million and qualifies to bid for any billion-peso project. In the late s, the Asian financial crisis occurred. The construction industry was one the industries that were hit the hardest. However, she refused to sell her equipment at a loss but made sacrifices along the way. The economy recovered, and more opportunities came her way. Thanks to her business savvy, which she learned from managing the family businesses, she was able to win more projects. In fact, her company was one of the few construction firms which have the adequate and necessary equipment to tackle the job. With the apparent quality of Sta.

In an industry dominated by male, how one will stand out?

The almost life-size statue of the Virgin Mary is the dominant presence in the vast office of Alice Eduardo, as it must be in her life. Setting foot in the office of her Sta. Elena Construction, a firm Eduardo built from the ground up literally , is now a major player, a multi-billion-dollar firm. But then, her life itself is a play of contrasts, if not an interesting paradox. Yet not many know that from dressed-up dinners, she usually flits to any of her construction sites to check on the work in progress—even at night. Who is she really?

Alice Eduardo is a famous Entrepreneur from the Philippines. Elena Construction and Development Corp. Her expertise in the field, strong and bold personality, soft-spoken nature makes her the role model of many. She is a very creative person, and her sense of humor is very good. She had a great bonding with her listeners and audience on social media. She has a huge fan following.

Alice eduardo biography

Easily one of the most admired businesswomen and philanthropists in the country today, Alice Eduardo balances the demands of working in the construction industry with the joys of living life to the fullest, surrounded by family and friends. Hardhats look great on Alice Eduardo. So do elegant couture gowns and dazzling diamonds. Beneath the hardhat and the glamorous lifestyle is a woman whose foundations are solid, unwavering, and authentic.

David vidales

A dream that was put to a halt Alice Eduardo had always wanted to be an engineer. Another important undertaking for Alice Eduardo is the yearning to inspire other Filipina entrepreneurs to find their passion and make their dreams come true through Go Negosyo, a program spearheaded by the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship. In an industry dominated by male, how one will stand out? She managed these activities until she formed her own company in , the "Sta. Alice Eduardo had just taken out bank loans to purchase high-end, brand new heavy equipment which she refused to sell at a loss. Download as PDF Printable version. Through talks, she hopes to inspire and ignite more Filipinas to find their passion and pursue their dreams. Eduardo has taken on significant projects including the construction of public infrastructure like ports, harbours, bridges, roads and power plants that supply energy to regions across the country. Her dream of becoming an engineer was overthrown by the wish of her parents, particularly her mother, for her to become a doctor or nurse. BY Carl Martin Agustin.

Eduardo is also a philanthropist. Eduardo has always wanted to become an engineer, according to her website aliceeduardo.

As any dutiful daughter would do, she handled the garments export, along with her sister, Small, and the rice milling and trading businesses. She went into business administration instead, and graduated with that degree from the University of Santo Tomas. Asia's Most Influential. The Asian financial crisis in the late s happened, and the construction industry was undoubtedly one of the hardest-hit industries. Lifestyle Tatlergrams: How our Tatler friends spent Easter A more fitting role for her would be to become a doctor or nurse. Growing up, her family juggles rice milling and trading and garments export businesses in Nueva Ecija. I gave my word. From here, she has been exposed to and learned the ups and downs, the ins and outs of doing business. INQ Latest. February 12, pm.

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