admiral tarkin

Admiral tarkin

Last Name. Share this page. Admiral tarkin Ballotpedia. He was in charge of the construction of the Death Star, which was described as the "ultimate power in the universe" and by Darth Vader as a "technological terror.

The enforcing Empire was the ultimate fear factor within the original trilogy. Even though Lord Vader was the face of fear and crushed all Imperial officers who failed him, there was one in particular whom he respected, and he even took commands from him. Here are ten thing you may not have known about him:. Tarkin grew up on the planet Eriadu. As a young boy, his parents taught him survival skills in the deep and terrible jungles of that world. He became such a good survivalist and fighter, and he even had his own militia, which he used to protect his own planet, as well as bring forth an uprising. While training at the academy, Tarkin met the Naboo senator Sheev Palpatine, who took a liking to the young officer.

Admiral tarkin

An ambitious, ruthless proponent of military power, Wilhuff Tarkin became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and rose rapidly through the Imperial ranks. Shortly after the Empire's creation, he was put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line. He demonstrated the station's power by destroying Alderaan, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed. The experience taught Tarkin that life was an ongoing battle for survival, with the strong and smart staying on top by gaining and keeping control of those below them. When the Clone Wars began, Tarkin opted for renewed military service, undertaking a number of covert missions on behalf of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. It was a fateful meeting, though the two would find themselves at odds when Tarkin -- now an admiral -- led the investigation of a terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple and prosecuted Ahsoka Tano in connection with that attack. After the Clone War ends, the new Empire reappropriates Kamino training facilities to challenge the value of continuing to employ clone soldiers. In the training facility where many rookies proved their worth as cadets for the Republic, Admiral Tarkin uses devious tactics and live rounds to test the clones who remain, including assessing whether or not the unique soldiers in Clone Force 99 can learn to adhere to Imperial protocol. Tarkin was admired as one of the leaders of a ruthless order of technocrats who stood in stark contrast to the tradition-minded holdovers from the New Republic. He led pacification operations against Separatist remnants and earned a promotion to Grand Moff. Following nearly 20 years of development, Tarkin was eager to see the Death Star completed. He was often at odds with Director Orson Krennic , one of the project's overseers, and blamed him for the constant delays. Once the Death Star's superlaser became active, Tarkin ordered its first test: the destruction of Jedha , a small desert moon that was home to an ancient Jedi Temple and extremist rebel Saw Gerrera.

With no way to pursue the Carrior Spike immediately forthcoming, admiral tarkin, Tarkin was downcast, but Vader reassured his colleague that he knew admiral tarkin to procure a replacement vessel. While Skywalker's Padawan, Tano, took point, Tarkin lacked faith in the young Padawan's ability to lead the group.

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. Wilhuff Tarkin was a male human Eriaduan bureaucrat , military officer , and politician whose career spanned from the final years of the Galactic Republic into the reign of its successor state, the Galactic Empire. Tarkin, a member of the Tarkin family , one of Eriadu 's pioneers, served in the Galactic Republic 's Judicial Department before returning to his homeworld to serve as its governor.

He is the high ranking military governor of the Galactic Empire's Outer Rim territories and the commander of the planet destroying space station known as the Death Star. Hoping to ensure Emperor Palpatine's Darth Sidious' rule over the galaxy through fear of annihilation, Tarkin uses the Death Star's awesome power to destroy the planet Alderann before reading his plans to finish the Rebel Alliance to restore the Republic. Tarkin was intelligent, cunning, manipulative, ambitious, arrogant, he had a strong sense of duty and dignity, and he was well-known for his sharp memory. He never forgot a favor or a slight and was capable of recalling individuals from meetings that took place over a decade before. He was one of the few people to know Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were the same person, although this was because he used his strong perception to figure it out on his own rather than being told outright.

Admiral tarkin

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. Wilhuff Tarkin was a male human Eriaduan bureaucrat , military officer , and politician whose career spanned from the final years of the Galactic Republic into the reign of its successor state, the Galactic Empire. Tarkin, a member of the Tarkin family , one of Eriadu 's pioneers, served in the Galactic Republic 's Judicial Department before returning to his homeworld to serve as its governor.

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Article Talk. Erso stated that he was a pacifist, and would only work for the Republic in a capacity that wasn't involved in the war, such as the energy enrichment he had been completing for Zerpen. Though Tarkin didn't support retribution, he carried out the orders with brutal efficiency, believing that it was justified in the sense that a repatriation attempt by the Republic could very well allow many of Antar 4's Separatists to escape. In order to uncover the truth about Agaris, Tarkin planned to either lure the children to the planet as to rescue their parents, and extract the relevant information from the droid, or use the children to blackmail the elder Grafs into revealing information themselves. Palpatine became a mentor and helped him join the Judicial Academy; he eventually became Governor of Eriadu, a planet on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. When the Grand Moff learned that the Imperial base on Danuta had been penetrated by Rebel agents and there was a possibility that the plans for the Death Star had been stolen, he contacted Vader, who had not yet arrived on the station, and asked the Emperor's agent to determine if the plans had been stolen and, if so, recover them. Grand Moff Tarkin was one of the most feared forces within the empire. However, Lome wondered when this would be, and thought it was likely linked to the mining conglomerate's connection to the Separatists during the war. At the request of the Emperor, Tarkin accompanied the cyborg Count Denetrius Vidian to investigate a decline in the stormtrooper armor production rate on the Inner Rim planet Gilvaanen. Follow Ballotpedia.

Wilhuff Tarkin was a Human captain for the Republic Navy. He served as the bridge captain for Even Piell's cruiser. Captain Tarkin tended to think highly of himself, often degrading the decisions of others, stating that he was superior.

The Hollywood Reporter. Shortly later, Tarkin and Vader learnt that the insurgents had jettisoned Vader's meditation sphere and destroyed Galidraan's hyperspace buoy; rendering themselves untraceable as well as invisible. Tarkin warned her that despite Raddus's obvious defensive techniques, he always had an offensive strategy in mind. Yerga attempted to attack Vader but was taken by the neck and killed. The storyline, and with it the product line, was rejected by Lucasfilm authorities, and so neither it nor the Tarkin toy saw production. As the Carrion Spike prepared to land, Tarkin assured Vader that he hoped he learned what he wanted to learn from the hunt. This ultimately resulted in Palpatine orchestrating his son's "kidnapping" in actuality, defection by the natives of Atoa and later death in their hands in actuality, his death came at the hands of Darth Vader when he attempted to collapse the temple they were in in order to commit suicide in order to make him a more vicious ally of the Empire and thus a more willing servant. Jordo attempted to make excuses for his failure but Tarkin instead had him put in stormtrooper armor and sent down to Mon Cala's surface. Sobeck was about to throw Tarkin into a river of lava when Ahsoka Tano stabbed Sobeck through the back with her lightsaber. Tarkin thought it it was a brilliant strategy and told the Lieutenant that Raddus had built himself a fortress. The other hunters began running away and Vader Force choked another one to death. After departing Eriadu, Tarkin visited the Death Star's construction site above Geonosis, which was safeguarded by four Star Destroyers and twice as many frigates. Wilhuff took these history lessons to heart.

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