Abdl daddy stories

A good story is like playing with Legos abdl daddy stories sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with — well, with a bunch of blocks! But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest. And will Josh ever accept his true … Read the rest, abdl daddy stories.

By Elfy , April 29, in Completed Stories. Well this is a commission from the same person about a prequel to that story. It hopefully answers some of the questions that were left open by the first story and tell an interesting tale of it's own. Although this part may appear to be a self-contained story in itself, I promise this is just the first part to a three part prequel. I will upload the rest here in intervals of a few days. Stephen Matthews sat down to dinner with his parents like any other year-old would do. A regular guy, Stephen, happily chatted with his Father as his Mother dished out another delicious dinner.

Abdl daddy stories

Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our FAQ? Ask it below. It sounds weird to admit, but I got used to wearing a diaper. I really did. After weeks it became second nature. A lot of trouble had been placed on making the nursery and everything involving me, authentically babyish. The nursery itself was quite a large room, it had to be — everything within it was built to scale. It was disorienting when I first arrived. The crib, the change table, rocking horse — even the toys and books were oversized. Everything I looked at — everything I touched or used — was built purposely to make me feel small like a baby.

This is a story written by one abdl daddy stories the characters in one of my other stories. After some more gas passed, even more poop pushed out and forced the diaper out in its search for more space. The bars boxing Connor in made him feel very claustrophobic.

This story involves a sweet little girl and her relationship with her daddy. I slowly opened my eyes to see a toy mobile above my head swinging back and forth. I was cuddling my favorite teddy bear named Yogi. I could feel a lump in the back of my diaper and a cold wet feeling in the front. I whimpered lightly because of the discomfort the mess was giving me.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: austen words sort:title. Accidents 2. Beginnings 3. Beginnings Part 2 4. Sweet Dreams 5. Your brain was too busy playing with toys to think about using the bathroom.

Abdl daddy stories

A good story is like playing with Legos — sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with — well, with a bunch of blocks! But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest. And will Josh ever accept his true … Read the rest. The bond between Cody and his neighbour Josh has deepened as the daily rituals of diapering the boy have brought out feelings in both of them. Ever see a movie and know what the ending will be before the opening credits finish? As I stood waiting for Cody to think through what I had asked him I felt like it could go one of two ways: it … Read the rest. Previous chapters: one , two , and three. Now, throw a question like that out to the general population and you can be reasonably sure what the answer is. Throw it out to a year old boy, and he might throw it right back at you with a punch to … Read the rest.

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It turned that Connor had a lot of time to digest the food and take stock of his situation. What I received was a spanking to my bum and a scolding for my attempts. It provided the opportunity that Connor needed. At best they made excuses and walked away, one person just sprinted away as soon as Connor started to talk. I am a bit disappointed in the lack of comments, it was a fun story to write! He tickled my stomach and blew raspberries on my tummy. Diaper or no diaper? They will check him over and make sure he is to their standard and then he will be shipped off. The bars boxing Connor in made him feel very claustrophobic. The captive man was naked except for the diaper that was pinned around his waist. Every movement reminded Connor of this fact as he could do nothing but lay completely still in his heavily soiled diaper. Connor stared back with an emotionless face. As I stood waiting for Cody to think through what I had asked him I felt like it could go one of two ways: it … Read the rest.

Market Research 1 2 By Les Lea , February 9 old age future possibilities and 1 more Tagged with: old age future possibilities nappies. By diapersalways , December 8, messy nonsexual and 1 more Tagged with: messy nonsexual slow burn. Twister 1 2 3 By tammie2 , November 29,

February 11, at pm. The diaper was covered in a pair of clear plastic pants. Halfway back to his car, Connor darted off of the main trail and headed towards the place he knew the cabin was in. Very quickly the pressure was starting to build. Lucy was 24 and although she was 5ft8 with long brown hair, green eyes and a figure to die for I was told that she had always struggled to keep hold of a man for more th Just as Connor considered heading back to his car and driving home, a car pulled up next to him in the road. You literally hit the nail on the head with this and the fantasy-type AB play that my Daddy and I do, and that was SUPER accurate on literally everything that we have going for us. All Connor could do was head home and wait to be contacted for when he was next needed, he was essentially a servant of Daddy and would have to rush here whenever Daddy commanded. The previously lively party had ground to a halt as everyone, shocked at what they had just witnessed, started whispering to each other. He parked his car up and walked into the shop, picking up a shopping cart he began loading it full of alcohol and snacks. The window nearest Connor rolled down rather ominously. At least not without Daddy watching you.

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