20k resistor color code

20k resistor color code

Resistor Color Code Calculator is an interactive online Calculator to calculate the resistance value based on color bands or color-coded stripes on a resistor.

Resistor color code is a color code to indicate the resistance of that resistor. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. Each band has their own number to form a resistance number. The body color doesn't have any meaning. The color code of resistor with 4 bands will be with colors of the bands are Red, Black, Orange and Gold.

20k resistor color code

Resistor color code is a color code to indicate the resistance of that resistor. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. Each band has their own number to form a resistance number. The body color doesn't have any meaning. The color code of resistor with 5 bands will be with colors of the bands are Red, Black, Black, Red and Brown. The color of the first band indicates the value of the first significant digit. The first band is Red, which corresponds to the value 2. The color of the second band indicates the value of the second significant digit. This band is Black, which corresponds to the value 0. This is added to the right of the first digit from band one. Therefore the digits from band one and band two are: The color of the third band indicates the value of the third significant digit. This is added to the right of the second digit from band two. Therefore the digits from band one, band two and band three are:

In this case, the fourth band is Red which corresponds to the number 2.


With this resistor color code calculator, you'll quickly and easily find out the resistance of your resistor component. Just choose how many bands your resistor has — 4, 5, or 6, select the colors , and in the blink of an eye, you'll get the resistance with tolerance, range, and temperature coefficient value if you've chosen 6 band resistor color code. If you want to understand how to read resistor color code, scroll down, and you'll find their formulas and explanation. Also, we show a 10k resistor color code as well as many other informative examples. Color bands are an easy and cheap way of indicating the value of an electronic component. The printed alphanumeric codes would be too small to read on the tiniest resistors, so the color code was developed in the early s. The first question which usually arises is: how do I know from which end I should start reading my resistor color code?

20k resistor color code

The humble resistor is the lowest-cost component in our maker box, but it is also incredibly useful. These resistor color codes tell us exactly how many Ohms of current each unit handles. How do we read a resistor color code? Why are some resistor color codes four bands and others five bands? What resistor do I need for an LED? We answer all of these questions and give you the tools to quickly calculate the correct resistor for all of your projects. Resistors have no polarity, so they can be used in any orientation in a circuit. But to identify the correct resistor color code values we need to understand the colored bands on the resistor.


For high precision and close tolerance requirements, E24, E48, E96, or even E series values may be required on occasion: filters, oscillators, measurement applications, and so on. You could read its band color and get it with the online color code calculator. Red 2. Black 0. They're especially beneficial for resistor settings that aren't crucial in any manner. The color code of the ohm resistor with 5 band is brown - black - black - black - [Tolerance]. The following is a comprehensive list of all E24 series resistors, including shorthand notation, tolerance range, and color coding, ranging from 0. A few resistors include an extra band that indicates either the dependability or the temperature coefficient, which might be confusing for novices. It streamlines the purchasing and production procedures by reducing the number of various types of resistors used in a design. Resistor color code is a color code to indicate the resistance of that resistor. Band optional A few resistors include an extra band that indicates either the dependability or the temperature coefficient, which might be confusing for novices. Digital design, where a pull up or pull down resistor is required, is one example where values can be maintained inside the E3 series. In this case, the fourth band is Red which corresponds to the number 2. A resistor is a device that opposes the flow of electrical current.

This calculator will help you identify the value, tolerance and temperature coefficient of a color coded resistor by simply selecting the bands colors. It will also calculate the minimum and maximum values based on the tolerance ratio.

Takes the digits and multiplies them by a value given by this band. What is the purpose of resistor color codes? The following steps will guide you in reading a resistor color code. Digital design, where a pull up or pull down resistor is required, is one example where values can be maintained inside the E3 series. The color code of the ohm resistor with 5 band is brown - black - black - black - [Tolerance]. It is made with the purpose of a precise quantity of electrical resistance. Resistors are available in four, five, or more color bands, with a four-band color code being the most common. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. The fourth band indicates the tolerance values. There is a spacing between the third and fourth bands in a standard four-band resistor to show how the resistor should be read from left to right, with the lone band after the spacing being the right-most band. In this case, the fourth band is Red which corresponds to the number 2. The resistor value can be varied by this percentage.

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