140mm lüfter test
Also the be quiet! Silent Wings 4 Pro mm were already advertised by marketing weeks ago, but today there is finally the test as part 2 in direct comparison with the models with mm 140mm lüfter test. Of course, there have already been various reviews on the web since the launch, but we deliberately took more time this time. If you want to learn more about the new mm fans, I would like to refer you to the already published review, 140mm lüfter test.
And since there is currently no source that offers realistic and usable data, even in comparison, we invested a lot of time and money and simply developed our own fan measuring station with the advice of a cooling unit manufacturer and then calibrated it. The heavy and solid body made of thick MDF boards is screwed, glued and soundproofed. How it all works and what we can and cannot measure in the end, you will learn in this article. In the meantime, most of it has materialized really nicely, also with a lot of good feedback from the community and technical assistance from some industry partners. Of course, what we can measure from now on only meets semi-professional requirements, even though all measuring instruments have been calibrated in an elaborate and cost-intensive way. A greatly simplified version with a long tube instead of the chamber would have been much cheaper, but it is so inaccurate due to its design that the values can only be considered a rough estimate with many errors. The pressure drop is immense and a serious sound level measurement is simply impossible due to the resonant body thus created.
140mm lüfter test
Den Anfang machen die be quiet! Die be quiet! Die typischen " be quiet! Rillen" am Rotor sind aber auch hier vorzufinden. Der Unterschied liegt hier schlicht in der Art der Ansteuerung. Bevor es an Vergleich mit den anderen Modellen des Herstellers geht, soll der Pure Wings 2 erst einmal im Detail betrachtet werden. Rahmen und Rotor fallen identisch aus. Ist man eh schon bei den technischen Infos, sollen auch weitere Werte nicht verschwiegen werden. Die normale Variante dreht bis 1. Der maximale statische Druck soll damit mit 2,23 mm H2O vs. Die Rahmen unterscheiden sich, wobei der Shadow Wings 2 ebenfalls einen einfach runden Rahmen verwendet.
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Temperaturdifferenzen werden in Kelvin gezeigt. Dennoch gibt es im Detail interessante Differenzen. Arctic stellt sich sehr stark im Testfeld auf. Nichtsdestoweniger ist es ein unerwartetes Ergebnis, dass die mm-Ventilatoren so gut abschneiden. Auch der be quiet! Silent Wings 3 ist bei einem Vergleich bei gleichen Drehzahlen etwas hinter dem Mittelfeld. Deutlich sparsamer sind die Modelle von Arctic, be quiet!
Dass wir zumindest in diesem Test noch am Modell von Noctua festhalten, hat allerdings auch einen triftigen Grund. Das kann durchaus einmal passieren, aber eben nicht mehrmals. Das kann man in dieser Summe leider nicht tolerieren und muss es auch offen kommunizieren. In diesem Fall stimmt zumindest alles schon einmal, immerhin ein guter Anfang. Doch die haben meist so ihren Preis. Wer ganz konkret z.
140mm lüfter test
Lian Li is a Taiwanese company for computer parts, which is especially known for its cases. However, since a few years, the Uni Fans are also very popular fans with daisy chaining. There are different models here, such as the AL series tested here. With this, we can not only compare the performance, but also take a look at the differences in the equipment. In addition, we can look at the design differences. The individual packages of the Lian Li Uni Fan AL V2 are much more compact than the set of three, which is not only due to the fact that only one fan is included, but it also omits the controller.
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There is a certain optimum in every situation and, of course, good all-rounders. The measurements are taken in the evening and night hours in rural areas, so that one can already be quite satisfied with a basic level of below 26 dB A. For quick and plausibility tests, we use a Voltcraft SL , which we have calibrated according to ISO and whose microphone we have placed decoupled from the body. Even if the deviations are small, we will still measure all previous fans again and prepare them for the database. Since everything will be above this anyway during the measurement setup with a distance of 50 cm, this should therefore not be a problem. Der Unterschied liegt hier schlicht in der Art der Ansteuerung. Das kann ja doch ziemlich nerven. We chose dBA or dBC because values below one sone can hardly be reliably measured with still affordable and calibrated equipment and the software conversions of various software programs tend to confuse and become inaccurate in this low range. In the picture we can see the middle partition between the two chambers, which supports the fan and also the radiator. Call to the community: Radiator battle festival incoming — test samples wanted. This means that all coolers are equally well integrated, because each has a different exit angle and this is exactly what can be compensated for. Daher auch mal ein Dickes Danke an alle die Ihre Ideen eingebracht haben das wir heute da stehen wo wir jetzt angekommen sind. The black frame is functional and simple, has a useful decoupling and for operation on the radiators even a quite passably functioning partitioning of the air flow, so that no pressure is lost. Doch wenn die realen Unterschiede nur im Labor auffallen, spielen sie im Alltag ohnehin eine untergeordnete Rolle.
From a single adapater review to top pc parts and pre-builds, our blog has it all. This article is for you if you are searching for the best mm case fan.
On the next page you will first see how and what we test and why. For the detailed description and explanation, please read the article linked here. Dazu gilt, dass in diesem Test keine stabilen Laborbedingungen vorliegen. Thy Urgestein 1, Kommentare Likes. Rahmen und Rotor fallen identisch aus. If you know the Pro version, then it is easy to conclude the other offered variants, which only differ in the available speed range. In der realen Welt kommen leider andere Faktoren dazu. Arctic, be quiet! P Pokerclock Veteran Kommentare Likes. Antwort 1 Like. However, especially in printing, errors are quickly possible, which above all are not immediately recognizable. Cookies akzeptieren Ablehnen Einstellungen anzeigen Einstellungen speichern Einstellungen anzeigen. Besuche ComputerBase wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking. But they usually have their price.
Excuse, that I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.