سورة الانبياء

سورة الانبياء

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In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. No fresh reminder comes to them from their Lord, but they listen to it playfully. Will you yield to sorcery, while you see? And He is the Hearer, the Knower. None of the towns We destroyed before them had believed. Will they then believe?

سورة الانبياء


We did not make them سورة الانبياء that ate no food, nor were they immortal. We breathed into her from Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. They were of the righteous.


Iqtaraba li l nn a si h is a buhum wahum fee ghaflatin muAAri d oon a. M a yateehim min th ikrin min rabbihim mu h dathin ill a istamaAAoohu wahum yalAAaboon a. L a hiyatan quloobuhum waasarroo a l nnajw a alla th eena th alamoo hal h atha ill a basharun mithlukum afatatoona a l ssi h ra waantum tub s iroon a. Bal q a loo a d gh a thu a h l a min bali iftar a hu bal huwa sh a AAirun falyatin a bi a yatin kam a orsila alawwaloon a. M a a manat qablahum min qaryatin ahlakn a h a afahum yuminoon a. Wam a arsaln a qablaka ill a rij a lan noo h ee ilayhim fa i saloo ahla a l thth ikri in kuntum l a taAAlamoon a.

سورة الانبياء

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. No fresh reminder comes to them from their Lord, but they listen to it playfully. Will you yield to sorcery, while you see? And He is the Hearer, the Knower. None of the towns We destroyed before them had believed. Will they then believe? We did not send before you except men, whom We inspired. Ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know. We did not make them bodies that ate no food, nor were they immortal.

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Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. And when they sensed Our Might, they started running away from it. As for those who deserved good from Us—these will be kept away from it. They were bad, perverted people. And We inspired them to do good works, and to observe the prayer, and to give out charity. In fact, we were wrongdoers. Do you not understand? Are you going to submit? Then We fulfilled the promise to them, and We rescued them together with whomever We willed, and We destroyed the extravagant. And they tremble in awe of Him.


And they intended to harm him, but We made them the worst losers. We burden you with bad and good—a test. Will they then believe? And Jonah, when he stormed out in a fury, thinking that We had no power over him. Yet to Us, they will all return. Fie on you, and on whatever you worship below Allah. Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana. They used to vie in righteous deeds. Do you not reason? And We placed on it signposts and passages, so that they may be guided. They cannot help themselves, nor are they accompanied by Us. You and what you worship besides Allah are firewood for Hell.

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